- Comment on Not All Projects Work Out 11 months ago:
Whether it works or not, this looks incredibly fun! That's a win in my book.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I'm still confused why people are so hell bent on using a single window exclusively. It's a natural way to group the tabs and it was there from day one!
- Comment on Recommend me a wireless earphones/headset with good audio...that is PINK in color 1 year ago:
If you can't take an obvious joke, I'd rather stay here and you can take reddit, thank you.
- Comment on Recommend me a wireless earphones/headset with good audio...that is PINK in color 1 year ago:
If these are hard requirements for her hardware and she's not willing to search herself with such ridiculous constraints, I'd suggest replacing gf.
- Comment on Spotify just changed TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks 1 year ago:
And so the enshittification continues. This time not for the consumers. Not yet.
- Comment on Passkeys might really kill passwords 1 year ago:
It certainly feels dangerous if forced upon users not aware of the trade-offs. For people already accustomed to using hardware keys, it's very much an improvement, as more services will support them too. The problem is in the awareness. On the other hand, people already treat regular passwords as throwaway data and expect services to just let them in, or even never log them out. In this scenario, maybe passkeys can still be an improvement: roughly just as much as enforcing using a password manager.
- Comment on Whatever Happened to SimCity? 1 year ago:
I guess this is one area that AI can actually improve in our lives:
- Comment on Windows 11 24H2 goes from “unsupported” to “unbootable” on some older PCs 1 year ago:
With all due respect, that sounds very much like something unsupported would do.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
Federation combined with keeping the historical federated data consistent is certainly a bitch. We can't have it all. It could be like email that only handles delivery at any point in time and history is purely local, but Mastodon specifically keeps the federated data public. Propagating the change on the historical data to the federated instances would be nearly impossible. I don't see how it could have been done better without sacrificing something else.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
I don't think they could do anything about it. As far as I know, Mastodon doesn't support any kind of instance renaming, so the hostname is one thing you cannot change. You can only spin up a completely new instance.
- Comment on mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban 1 year ago:
Not exactly a surprise. It was known it will happen ahead of time:
- Comment on 10 Years Passed Since Flappy Bird Left Its Fans 1 year ago:
Just because the gameplay was very simple doesn't make it crap. The details (movement speed, the gap between the obstacles) were pretty much on point and that's something that makes or breaks this kind of game.
Last but not least, it had little to none anti-user "features" that plague the modern games. I would choose Flappy Bird over most current games any time of the day. Actually there is no "would" in there as I still have it installed.
- Comment on OpenAI's GPT Trademark Request Has Been Denied 1 year ago:
So... iPhone?
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Wait, what?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Even with a literal depiction of Hitler this might be the least nazi stonetoss comic I've seen in a while.
- Comment on Veteran Videogame Analyst: Subscription growth has flattened [in video games] 1 year ago:
It is. But the industry would rather have all of us subscribing because that's a constant profit and they love constant profit. They'd rather have 100% subscribing and 0% buying than 10% subscribing and 100% buying.
- Comment on Veteran Videogame Analyst: Subscription growth has flattened [in video games] 1 year ago:
He means that the subscribers don't stop buying games elsewhere. They do both instead of migrating from one model to the other.
- Comment on USB-PD is a de-facto low-power DC voltage standard, with USB-C being the universal plug. Hurray! 1 year ago:
Do you have an source on that? I planned to get one soon and that's worrying. So far I've found this post after a quick search, which claims PD is supported.
- Comment on please no 1 year ago:
Do you mean NSFT?
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
We can simultaneously move along and criticize their decisions as exploitative double-dipping on their users. Criticizing them thankfully doesn't require a subscription, or even an account.
- Comment on Google may let you choose which of its services are linked, thanks to EU 1 year ago:
Just wait for some corporate white knight to come here and explain how EU is stopping innovation. Love these guys, I always have a bag of popcorn at the ready.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
And yet they were perfectly okay with providing the service for free while they were still busy starving off the competition. No tears for Google shall be shed here.
- Comment on Why is there no USB-C (female) to mini-B (male) adapter? 1 year ago:
The USB-C (female) adapters are hard to find due to technically being non-compliant. If you're interested about the reasons and some further context, I can recommend this article:
In your specific case, it's twice as hard to find such an adapter due to MiniUSB being so uncommon these days.
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
As a lifetime PC gamer, I wholeheartedly agree. There were many console games I had been envious about in the PS2, PS3 or PS4 era. Now? Nope, nothing. Partially because the industry got so bad I'm hardly interested in most new games, but the exclusives are pretty much non-existent in the genres I'm interested in.
- Comment on Threads will allow you to follow Mastodon users by year-end, according to Meta meeting details 1 year ago:
Now let's see whether Mastodon users will allow Threads users to follow the Mastodon users.
- Comment on European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying 1 year ago:
Sounds like the current law, except for the last point. The problem is with enforcing compliance.
- Comment on Games with graphics resembling PS1 or PS2? 1 year ago:
Ultrakill (same devs as dusk)
The same publisher, but not the devs.
- Comment on Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content 1 year ago:
Thanks for putting it into words. I couldn't quite put my finger on what specifically felt wrong about this reasoning but you're on point.
- Comment on ActivityPub and the End of Walled Gardens, with Evan Prodromou 1 year ago:
Wow, that's some amazing blind zeal, especially in the second link. It's so disturbing to read.
- Comment on ActivityPub and the End of Walled Gardens, with Evan Prodromou 1 year ago:
Do you have any links to articles on such cases? I'm interested in reading more about it.