- Comment on Elements of Renewable Energy 5 months ago:
Well, Wikipedia claims
The Earth has an internal heat content of 10^31^ joules (3×10^15^ TWh), About 20% of this is residual heat from planetary accretion; the remainder is attributed to past and current radioactive decay of naturally occurring isotopes.
In that sense, it’s the only renewable energy source we have that’s not indirectly powered by the sun. It’s most similar to (proper) nuclear power, but the latter isn’t “renewable” because it requires digging up fuel from the crust.
- Comment on Elements of Renewable Energy 5 months ago:
Isn’t geothermal mostly nuclear power?
- Comment on Microsoft Edge could use a win 1 year ago:
When I see the current version of Edge I’m reminded of those bloatware-packed OEM Windows preinstalls adding useless toolbars to Internet Explorer, except this time it’s a sidebar.
I’m disappointed, and when asked by people I recommend replacing Edge. With Firefox, if preferable, but even Chrome is better.
- Comment on The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Must Know About Unicode in 2023 (Still No Excuses!) 1 year ago:
You’re actually seeing mouse pointers of other people having the page open. It connects to a websocket endpoint including the page URL and your platform (OS) and sends your current mouse position every second.