- Comment on The US food industry has long buried the truth about their products. Is that coming to an end? 9 months ago:
If you have ate vegetables as most have had them they are gross.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
Only if there is a monoboly in place. If there is a market then when they raise rents you just go elsewhere. Since these are items rented by the day it isn't hard to go elslwhere in the city.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
drive the retail areas of town and look for the rental signs. yellow pages. They want to be found by locals so look in the places locals might. hardware stores either rent stuff or will tell you if you ask.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
There are pros and cons to both. Sometimes you should rent, others buy. If you use it every day then buying is often best. If you need it once a decade then rent.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
There always have been some around. Not all diy stores have one but there is always one near from what I've seen. People keep discovering them and thinking they are new.
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 10 months ago:
I have needed a new phone every 2 for the last 6 years because my old one physically broke. Battery might be good, but the screen is cracked: new phone. My last phone quit recognizing the SIM, and so new phone it is. In theory I can buy the parts to repair the phone, but in practice either the parts are obsolete and not stocked, or I can get them special order from China if I'm willing to wait weeks and pay half the price of a new phone. Then hope I actually manage to get the phone together again.
I live in the US where we use many weird by world standards frequencies. I've looked into various repairable phones, (fair phone, pine phone), but I quickly realize I often travel in parts of the US where they won't work. Thus I'm stuck with what my carrier offers. (Apple might be more repairable, but apparently more locked down)
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
I'm not saying give up. There are answers, just not easyones.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
Not hard to trace down who is seeding a torrent and deal with them.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
The bigger proplem is copyright. Google will fight for 'their' creators if they discover you archiving anything. They don't own copyrights but will tell the court that if the creator wanted their content on peertube they would have put it there.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
I'm not asking that. I'm asking you to find the good content when it is there and wetch that instead. I do watch youtube when I'm out of interesting things on peertube but peertube gets first obportunity for my eyes.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
There is more cntent than you hake time to watch. Look to peertube and suyport what is there.
- Comment on Texas got more electricity from solar than coal last month 10 months ago:
Iowa is mumber two for wind despite some of the most valuable farmland in the world.
again I ask: what are other states doing wrong that they are so far behind. Please do some soul searchering as whatever it is, it failed you baddly.
- Comment on Texas got more electricity from solar than coal last month 10 months ago:
The big question is why are seemingly environmental states so far behind.
- Comment on Texas got more electricity from solar than coal last month 10 months ago:
wind is still doing well, supplying 100% of the power in my city. (i assume that is some sort of ammortization with sometimes we export wind othertimes buy gas)
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
There are lines. Make them as narrow as possible but no more.
that covers your situation and many others.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
I (a white person) wouldn't knowingly going into such a Cafe, but I still allow them to exist. It is a matter of defending - as much as possible - the right of others to do things I find stupid. There are lines, but I try to use them to cover as little as possible: all lines can be used against me.
- Comment on Broadcom has willingly dug its VMware hole, says cloud CEO 10 months ago:
They generally have a large part of their net worth in company stock and are getting options. Thus long term matters.
- Comment on Broadcom has willingly dug its VMware hole, says cloud CEO 10 months ago:
Often execs stick around longer than that.
- Comment on Broadcom has willingly dug its VMware hole, says cloud CEO 10 months ago:
The problem with large customers is they can see value and if you charge too much it goes they can build their own.
- Comment on Advice on first 3D printer 1 year ago:
How much will you print? Have you looked into print services - there are companies with the expensive printers that will print your parts for you. Since a print is typically overnight or longer this may be just as fast. If something goes wrong with the print it isn't your problem.
- Comment on SilverBullet: the self-hosted notes app for people with a hacker mindset 1 year ago:
mobiles and desktops are very diffrerent and need different user incerfaces. So you are not savin, much work. In fact trying to handle both in on may be worse because of all the special cases. Be glad you don't have to support teletypes, they demand different user interfaces.
- Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year ago:
That isn't clear, but probably not. Though if you are a dev there are some open source charities that exist to defend against things like this, so I'd recommend you go look for one.
- Comment on I'm at a roulette table. I only bet on red. When I lose I triple my bet, when I win I restart. Is this a roulette strategy? 1 year ago:
It works even with 0 and 00 - but only if you have infinite money and there is no limit to bets. So long as there is finite money, or limited bets you will - statistically - hit a run of losses that exceeds your money.
Maximum bets and the fact that money is limited is what breaks this, once you hit the maximum bet odds are slightly against you winning on that next turn because of the 0 and 00; and so eventually you will lose as you hit running up to the max bet and then lose on that turn.
- Comment on VMware customers face uncertain future as Broadcom ends VMware partner programs 1 year ago:
Who are the customers they want? I know of companies in the fortune 100 moving away. They don't want me to name then so I won't.
- Comment on Boss moved resin printer into my office and it reeks 1 year ago:
Right, but there are plenty of other fumes from resin printers which might be harmful. Without knowing which resin, and reading the SDS for it we can only speculate on what might be there.
- Comment on Why docker 1 year ago:
Docker gives you a few different things which might or might not matter. Note that all of the following can be gotten in ways other than docker as well. Sometimes those ways are better, but often what is better is just opinion. There are downsides to some of the following as well that may not be obvious.
With docker you can take a container and roll it out to 100s of different machines quickly. this is great for scaling if your application can scale that way.
With docker you can run two services on the same machine that use incompatible versions of some library. It isn't unheard of to try to upgrade your system and discover something you need isn't compatible with the new library, while something else you need to upgrade needs the new library. Docker means each service gets separate copies of what is needs and when you upgrade one you can leave the other behind.
With docker you can test an upgrade and then when you roll it out know you are rolling out the same thing everywhere.
With docker you can move a service from one machine to a different one somewhat easily if needed. Either to save money on servers, or to use more as more power is needed. Since the service itself is in a docker you can just start the container elsewhere and change pointers.
With docker if someone does manage to break into a container they probably cannot break into other containers running on the same system. (if this is a worry you need to do more risk assessment, they can still do plenty of damage)
- Comment on Honda debuts new global EV series, Honda Zero, coming in 2026 1 year ago:
No you don't. They look cool and get you thinking you want them. However if you ever had to live with them instead of just looking you would quickly discover some of those cool looking things make for very annoying compromises and so you wouldn't want them.
- Comment on Solutions to the server-centric nature of the fediverse 1 year ago:
the problem with automatic meta communities
is not all are the same despite the name. Communities on a nsfw server do not belong with the rest. I can imagine a server where the policy\purpose is to mock a topic, or mayb humor takes servers. - Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
Your body creates and uses RNA all the time. If there was a problem it would show up nearly instantly. Anything else is something all vaccines do, so we can look to smallpox vaccines which are more than 200 years old for those effects. If there is anything else life itself wouldn't be possible as RNA is critical to how life functions.
- Comment on What are some helpful resources to learn to touch type on smartphones? 1 year ago:
If you must type go to a real computer. A bluetooth keyboard might work too.