- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
I firmly believe that this information (but for porn) would increase adoption of the software being advertised.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I challenge your claim that Windows 8 is/was the most hated version of Windows.
Let me remind you of the trainwreck that was Windows ME. - Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year ago:
Damn, was really hoping there was some deeper stuff I was missing. So you're a subscriber to Egg Theory then?
- Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year ago:
I followed you (Egg Theory) right up until that last line.
Slash dot? The tech website is the only real thing? - Comment on There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it! 1 year ago:
Free Guy. I can dig it.
- Comment on Can I just convert to Judaism tomorrow and get a free vacation to Israel? 1 year ago:
So like George Santos?
- Comment on There's a backstory to this Costco sign. And I'd like to know what happened. 1 year ago:
This picture goes viral and it will be.
- Comment on Tax our wealth, super-rich tell politicians at Davos 1 year ago:
Which is why they can shout this from the mountaintop and nothing will change.
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
Or set up a second pi-hole.
- Comment on Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded 1 year ago:
$9 for the device - Vuse is the brand
Approx $7 per "cartridge"$14 (on average) for a "Breeze Pro" disposable vape.
So it's cheaper, but about the same as regular cigarettes. Even worse, quality control on the cartridges is shoddy at best and I wind up moving the coil from a decent cartridge to one that failed less than 1/4 way through. At this point it's rare to have a coil last as long as it should.
Best way to save money is to quit. Dropped alcohol last year and THC before Thanksgiving.
Nicotine is next on the list, here's hoping for a cheaper new year. - Comment on Horse people of Lemmy- how easily can someone steal a random horse? (several questions) 1 year ago:
Came here for the CHUDS. Leaving disappointed.
As I do not wish the same on others: - Comment on Someone didn't think out the implications. 1 year ago:
Horrible site, I know, but... is that different because they're publicly traded companies?
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
+10 for being able to take a document right from the printer and rub it all over without the ink smearing.
- Comment on HP raising Instant Ink subscription pricing significantly 1 year ago:
Can't read "Cotton" without thinking of the fiddy men he traded for his shins.
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
The first credit score was introduced in 1989, Apple computers was founded in 1976.
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
Apple was the first company to create and profit from data harvesting.
- Comment on Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate 1 year ago:
Pandemic Legacy is a great game.
- Comment on Imagine if all this discount programs were linked not to the card, but to the bag. Bringing the same rugged bag with a chip could've become a new normal. 1 year ago:
Collapsible Crates from Costco replaced my reusable cloth shopping bags.
Easier for me, albeit heavier than smaller bags would be.
- Comment on how did we survive threads earlier this year? 1 year ago:
With no "global delete" option, couldn't users just poison the well with GDPR requests (Article 17: Right To Be Forgotten)?
Instance owners "allegedly" run on charity and donation, so 4% of$0 is still $0.
- Comment on when the insurance won't pay for the medicine you were prescribed 1 year ago:
In the USA:
Prescriptions are legal documents. Your doctor (with their signature) is saying they're willing to put their license on the line to say you need this.Upon an initial decline from your insurer have the doctor re-write the prescription and include the words "Medically Necessary".
Upon the second decline, pick up the phone and call the insurer. Get whoever you can on the phone "who can help with this situation and answer a couple questions." Once that person is on the line, specifically ask for the LICENSE NUMBER of the physician that decided that it was NOT a medical necessity. DEMAND this information as you are entitled to know who on their end is Making Medical Decisions with regards to your care.It takes a doctor to nullify a doctor. If a doctor is NOT making those decisions on their end, then someone unqualified is Making Medical Decisions about your care. I'm not sure how you feel about that, but in my state there are laws against "practicing medicine" (aka making medical decisions) without a license.
I've never had it get past the second step, but if they do provide an actual license number take that number to Google and verify that the license is valid. Be sure to ask what state they're licensed in. If asked why this information is relevant, explain to them you need to vet their doctor against your specialist. If necessary you'll need to file an ethics complaint to the medical review board and licensing state.
My experience is with BCBS, YMMV.
- Comment on Odo flavored. 1 year ago:
That picture is so much better than the original. At first it looked like an old ISA soundcard wrapped in anti-static. lol
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
To quote Bob Belcher, "Laugh On Loudly". Gloomhaven is so good that I kickstarted Frosthaven to support the maker. It's sealed in the box, in a closet.
I do play Frosthaven (we've completed Gloomhaven and Forgotten Circles) with 2 of my siblings and a step brother on Tuesdays. Fridays I play Crimson Scales (fan made Gloomhaven expansion) on Table Top Simulator.
Luckily, the sister and her husband host and do all the setup (we play their copy). TTS, I host but the "setup" is basically loading the mod and clicking a couple buttons. For the physical game, we use Gloomhaven Secretariat to manage the monster abilities, attack modifiers, health, effects, etc which really cuts down the setup/teardown time.
I did have a seat open up on the Friday table, we get together about 5:30pm and run until 8pm Eastern...
- Comment on Recommend a game for me to play with my partner 1 year ago:
Serious answer:
If it doesn't have to be digital, there's an entire world of board games available. Dominoes, Magic: The Gathering
Funny answer:
If it has to be digital, Table Top Simulator is fairly cheap and can play an entire world of available board games. /sWife an I split time on RDR2. Her doing most of the fishing/hunting, me doing the rootin/tootin parts.
- Comment on Next, on TLC... 1 year ago:
If the actual show is any indication, I give them 1 episode in total.
Picture this, pimped out Enterprise, spinners on the nacelles, LED running lights, subwoofer taking up the docking bay.
They release the docking clamps... and the whole ship just falls apart... bodies floating in space. - Comment on Odo flavored. 1 year ago:
Laughs in RCA / BNC connectors.
- Comment on What is the most efficient method to set up a home server? 1 year ago:
My RPi3 is still kicking (Single purpose PiHole)
- Comment on What is the most efficient method to set up a home server? 1 year ago:
Must not be my neck of the woods (US). You mentioned the Pi, which is in my wheelhouse of "cheap". Personally I've got a couple computers picked up from the local community college for $10 running TrueNAS and Proxmox.
My Google-Fu couldn't find an R9 3900X for under $200, just the chip, used. I had hopes you had a better source I was missing out on.
- Comment on everywall/ladder 1 year ago:
13ft Ladder is twice as expensive as this solution.
- Comment on What is the most efficient method to set up a home server? 1 year ago:
Got a link for a cheap Ryzen 9 pc?
- Comment on What is the point of individually wrapping cheese slices in plastic, only to cover a bunch of them in more plastic? 1 year ago:
Any cheese by Kraft labeled as "singles" would fit the bill. I've seen American, Swiss, and Mozzarella done this way. Italics as I cannot confirm other countries would consider it cheese.
check the labels folks, "Cheese food product" is called that because it cannot legally be called cheese.