- Comment on whatever 10 months ago:
Neutrinos do interact with gravity and with the weak interaction so they are important. If they had no interaction, we wouldn’t have been able to detect them.
- Comment on Humane AI Pin review: not even close 10 months ago:
Probably “We can ride the AI hype train and make loads of money, sell the start-up to a big tech company and retire”.
- Comment on it is wednesday my dudes 11 months ago:
Trying to be a sage?
- Comment on Elder scrolls 11 months ago:
In 2012, Tiber Septim achieved Chim and erased the scrollbar textures.
- Comment on Scientists aghast at bizarre AI rat with huge genitals in peer-reviewed article | It's unclear how such egregiously bad images made it through peer-review. 1 year ago:
When people use AI for their article, and other people use AI to peer review…
- Comment on Pornstars: "we agree" 1 year ago:
Yeah, wasn’t there a thing with Amaranth’s husband abusing her and forcing her to stream?
Guess only doujinshi are safe…
- Comment on Pornstars: "we agree" 1 year ago:
Not to mention the number of cases of abuse behind the scenes in that industry…
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
I believe you, this world is so weird… For companies that make tens of billions in profit, saving a million dollars on chips is almost a rounding error compared to the benefit to their reputation when their cars are more secure.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
I would have expected an OTP type code to unlock a car… Considering how expensive cars are, this is really cheap to implement. Heck, I could buy a yubikey for €25, and I’m sure if a big company wants to buy a million of them, they can do it for a fraction of that cost… A brand new car costs tens of thousands…, it should’ve been a no brainer to include better security.
- Comment on The average American shower 1 year ago:
Fake, I don’t see a pick-up truck.
- Comment on What's stopping you from coding like this ? 1 year ago:
So this is the new Lenovo Yoga line… Nice.
- Comment on I like women but I also like cock but I'm not otherwise attracted to the male body at all. Wtf is my sexual orientation? 1 year ago:
Oh, that makes a lot of sense… Never heard of this acronym before, but it fits much better.
- Comment on I like women but I also like cock but I'm not otherwise attracted to the male body at all. Wtf is my sexual orientation? 1 year ago:
Exactly… I was so confused by the AITA thing. Maybe OP meant to put a different acronym and wrote AITA by mistake?
- Comment on I’m sure they did 1 year ago:
Bees die when they’re killed…
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
I know nothing about psychosis, but this is interesting. Glad you got better.
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
Your brain learns to ignore them, just like how you don’t see your nose.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
Damn, I forgot that pile of garbage existed.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
The bystander effect is really common. I remember when I got first aid training, they told us that in an emergency, you have to tell a specific person to do something rather than ask “someone call an ambulance”.
I think bystander effect should be regularly discussed in schools so people will be aware of it. Getting people to automatically respond and do something and offer help is a pretty important step to making our society safer and healthier.
- Comment on Women STEM students up to twice as likely as non-STEM students to have experienced sexism 1 year ago:
100%, when I was in middle school and highschool I was regularly called gay for not liking football, or not knowing random car facts, or not liking spicy food, and other stuff like that. It was much better in university, but it was in a different region so I can’t compare directly.
Interestingly, one of these bullies came out as gay 10 years later, which I find sad that someone had so much internalised self hatred that he had to project it outwards to feel better about himself.
I don’t know what middle/high schools are like today since I don’t know anyone in that age range, but I bet it’s much better now with today’s internet culture being much more queer positive.