- Comment on Apple Will Revamp Siri to Catch Up to Its Chatbot Competitors [using generative AI] 9 months ago:
It's amazing how very far ahead siri was at the beginning, and how extremely far behind it became. It's a massive miss for Tim Cook's Apple
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 10 months ago:
We have those in the states too. They're yummy
- Comment on [Serious] Do you know of any processed snack foods with some vitamins? 10 months ago:
Freeze dried fruit. It makes fruit taste and crunch more like candy. My nephew goes crazy for freeze dried fruit. Blueberries, figs, mango, there's so many to try
- Comment on Why are male social workers so different? 10 months ago:
It's important to not stereotype based on a tiny number of samples. If i saw 15 white social workers who were mostly nice, and 2 black social workers who were rude, do you think it would be reasonable for me to say white social workers are nice and black social workers are rude? There are literally hundreds of thousands of social workers. You've seen 17 of them. And only 2 were men. Plus i bet they were mostly all from the same agency, so the person doing the hiring there will very much be filtering who you work with, and the individual doing the hiring at that particular place may choose to hire nice women and rude men.
Bottom line - I totally believe what you say about your personal experiences, but the number of men you worked with isn't anywhere near big enough to say anything about men social workers as a group.
- Comment on Could a bird propel a skateboard by flapping its wings? 10 months ago:
There's nothing in the laws of physics that precludes it. Skateboards can be extremely light and have ball bearings with extremely little friction. It's not all that unusual for a strong breeze to make a board start rolling all by itself
- Comment on Affordable Android Excellence: Best Smartphones Under $200 in 2024 1 year ago:
No, opposite on the hardware front. The cheap phones tend to be much more physically repairable.
- Comment on Audacity adds AI audio editing capabilities thanks to free Intel OpenVINO plugins 1 year ago:
Presumably you could use it in a VM running Windows
- Comment on King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says 1 year ago:
Prostate cancer is very common, very survivable, and very easily treatable. It's a serious thing of course, but he's almost definitely gonna be fine
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
How is it extra work? If you weren't spending the time doing that task, wouldn't you be spending the same time doing a more disliked task instead?
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
Yes, I'm fuming. Quite.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
Oh, a random person asserted a claim based on nothing? Well then, point well proven
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
Unpopular opinion: If the parking lot is uncrowded then there's nothing wrong with leaving your cart wherever. Its not like the workers are gonna be given an extra breaktime if they don't have to collect carts, the store is paying the workers per hours and will always make sure they have tasks to do 100% of the time no matter what happens. So if you aren't giving the workers more work to do, and you aren't inconveniencing other parkers, then i don't see any harm in leaving a cart in a random empty parking spot of an uncrowded lot.
- Comment on When people talk about returning the cart after shopping, does that include putting it in a corral, or do you have to take it all the way to the front of the store to be a good person? 1 year ago:
- Comment on What's the best type of food to eat in an active shower? 1 year ago:
Ice pops! It's great to be in a hot shower and then take a bite of sweet cold ice
- Comment on Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85 1 year ago:
I'm sure better pictures of him exist
- Comment on Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85 1 year ago:
They coulda picked a better picture. Institutional cinderblock hallway, prominent fire extinguisher, florescent lighting, etc.
- Comment on Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85 1 year ago:
Error on your link
- Comment on Imagine if we could cure medical problems at the atomic level versus trying to fix them with traditional medicines. 1 year ago:
Its a cool idea that I've heard other people express. Like star trek teleporters in sci fi, and the beginnings of it in real life with CRISPR and other gene editing technologies.
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
No way, pickles alone are super salty, it'll definitely be dehydrating
- Comment on Can you survive on pickles alone, for a while? 1 year ago:
It would do the opposite of providing water, it would almost immediately decrease the amount of water available to your body.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Sounds pretty much exactly like real life
- Comment on With the creation and use of ChatGPT and Bard, I bet ELI5 community and subreddit have had less posts, because people can just ask them instead. 1 year ago:
I use chatGPT for any topic I'm curious about, and like half the time when i double check the answers it turns out they're wrong.
For example i asked for a list of phones with screens that don't use PWM, and when i looked up the specs of the phones it recommended it turned out they all had PWM, even though in the chatGPT answer it explicitly stated that each of these phones don't use PWM. Why does it straight up lie?!
- Comment on Honda debuts new global EV series, Honda Zero, coming in 2026 1 year ago:
There's nothing reasonable to doubt, partially autonomous cars are already here, it's what many existing cars already do - lane keeping, smart cruise control, etc.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro available in the U.S. on February 2 1 year ago:
Whether or not it was successful initially isn't a matter of opinion, it's matter of fact. Compared to other personal music players on the market, the number of ipods was not high for the first several generations.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro available in the U.S. on February 2 1 year ago:
And those people weren't wrong at the time. The iPod wasn't successful in its first few generations. It didn't become successful until several generations later after they changed a bunch of the problems with it. One of the aspects that makes Apple so successful is that they're willing to stick with a new product for many years while they keep working on figuring out what the device needs to become a good product.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro available in the U.S. on February 2 1 year ago:
You wanna say 90% the same? Fine, it's 90% the same for 90% less money.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro available in the U.S. on February 2 1 year ago:
Given Apple's track record i wouldn't bet against it succeeding, but... I don't get it. My oculus that cost 350 does 95% of what the apple device does but costs literally 10 times more.
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
I would guess (hope?) that the data sets they sell are somewhat anonymized, like listing people by an i.d. number instead of the person's name, and not including contact information like home address and telephone number.
- Comment on The full source code for GTA 5 has been publicly leaked 1 year ago:
Depends on which country you're in. I would bet if you do it in Russia there will be zero consequences.
- Comment on Do people who are in late stage dementia still aware of the concept of death? 1 year ago:
When a person is truly late stage dementia they're barely more than a vegetable.