Gamma Crucis
- Comment on You don't say 6 months ago:
what if a red giant star was placed in the pacific ocean? would y’all like to find out?
- Comment on Exciting times we live in 6 months ago:
there’s only 18 cigarettes though
- Comment on faketivist 6 months ago:
yeah, he’s actively promoting climate change. nothing wrong i see
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
that is true. the mechanism shows us that they definitely had some mechanism making culture going on. my point is that this sort of thing was 100% doable for their level of tech, and that it is us who have misunderstood history.
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
anthoer thing is that this machine clearly wasn’t the first draft. not only do we have those mentions of “spheres”, but there aren’t that many mistakes we see in the construction of the mechanism (apart from the dovetail joint). clearly the layout of the gears was planned beforehand, or they did trial-and-error with the gears on another version of the mechanism.
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
if you will it hard enough it can even play crysis.
seriously, most of the hype for this thingy comes from some random documentary directors who thought the ancient greeks were as intelligent as monkeys and such. anyone who says this is an alien invention is basically insulting any intelligent life who has come far enough to go interstellar
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
to clarify, this machine is way less impressive than what a lot of media claim it is. the greeks had hundreds of years of stargazing and records to figure out a model of the cosmos, and this is basically their whole model in a mechanism. unfortunately, at the time this thing was made, their model was pretty far off and they couldn’t come up with a better one due to philosophical reasons (the earth is the center! the orbits of the planets must be some sort of perfect circles!).
anyway, this thing is somewhat impressive technically, but is really bad in terms of engineering:
- the teeth of the gears are triangular. there is a part of the mechanism that is super elaborate and calculates very precisely the motion of the moon and how it slows down and speeds up occasionally, but because of the triangular teeth, whether or not this actually worked is debatable.
- the mechanism used crown gears, which are pretty bad because they don’t mesh well with the regular gears.
- some of the gears are put under a lot of strain, particularly gear d1, a small gear that sits at the end of the gear chain b2 -> c1 -> c2 -> d1 (which gets faster and faster)
- the mechanism has a lot of spacers soldered into place and rivets that were hammered in, making disassembly rather difficult. however some of the components are fastened in by pins.
- the main gear b1 (the large one with the cross spokes you see in the picture) was built in a very weird way: the gear itself is a ring, and the spokes are added on later, connected to the ring with dovetail joints which aren’t the easiest thing to make when your level of tech is a file and some sandpaper. in fact, whoever made the mechanism probably screwed up one of the joints and had to rivet in an extra metal plate so it wouldn’t fall off.
- the gear trains for the moon is built in a very weird way: first the main axis b drives 2 separate gear trains that pass through the main plate, only for one gear train to drive a turntable (e3 and e4) and the other to drive a shaft (e2 and e5) that goes through the center of the turntable. e5 will then drive a mechanism on the turntable which has an output shaft… that once again goes through the center of the turntable and the e2-e5 shaft (e1 and e6). then finally e1 drives b3, which drives a shaft that goes right through the center of the b axis. so now, you have 3 pairs of gears on the e axis whose shafts all go through each other like some matryoshka doll, as well as a hole right through the b axis to display the position of the moon.
- the metonic and saros spirals on the back need resetting once in a while, because the pointers move in spirals and can’t automatically reset once they hit the end.
we knew that the greeks had a model of the cosmos before we discovered this (i think). the main thing this mechanism shows is that the ancient greeks possibly pioneered gear mechanisms, abd the knowledge was then passed on and on and went through times like the islamic golden age before coming back to europe in the form of clockwork and watchmaking.
- Comment on Oldest computer 7 months ago:
the ancient greeks came up with their own model to track and predict
- the positions of the planets
- the position of the sun
- the position and phase of the moon
- solar and lunar eclipses
this machine is basically their mathematical models summarized into mechanical form
- Comment on What are your plans for when the Milky Way galaxy collides with Andromeda? 8 months ago:
i’d just greet my new neighbours
- Comment on "Hacked" Instagram 9 months ago:
google “session stealer”. your partner probably clicked on the malicious link and provided hackers full access to the account. not sure if signing out of all devices helps, but do it anyway.
- Comment on "Hacked" Instagram 9 months ago:
first of all i dont use instagram so i cannot guarantee what i have said. however i do have a fair bit of roblox experience and account stealing kinda happens all the time there.
if the ad links to a website, it could steal session details. most sites have a “remember me” feature so that you dont have to login every time you visit it. the server does this by giving your computer a unique identifier after you log in, so now that identifier can be used instead of a username and password. the website could steal that identifier and thus impersonate you, without getting your username and password.
after doing this basically anything could happen, but most likely the account will be controlled by a bot to spread the ad further, eventually amassing some sort of botnet.
in theory stopping the bot from accessing your account could be as simple as logging out of all devices the moment you fall for it, but im not too sure what would happen if you do it any later than that.
- Comment on One piece 9 months ago:
they cant, “i want two piece” sounds like “i want to piss”, meaning two piece will never be sold because nobody would look like they want it
- Comment on Done, what's next? 9 months ago:
but the coins didnt turn into keys!!11!11
- Comment on I cannot find it 10 months ago:
i’ll try asking around in a 200 light year radius
- Comment on To put life into perspective 10 months ago:
can confirm, im in the pixel beside that (88.6 light years away from earth)
- Comment on yes you 10 months ago:
- Comment on lucky charms all horse shoes 11 months ago:
looks like its also an eye magnet
- Comment on is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear 11 months ago:
my face when i signed up for 2 months ago for fun and now they’re being called 5 different political terms
(their sign up verification test was “what is two plus two” back then)
- Comment on Image uploads are now disabled on due to malicious users 1 year ago:
they are more disgusting than annoying tbh
- Comment on The most popular Chinese keyboard app which is used by more than 450 million monthly users sends every key typed to Tencent in China. 1 year ago:
i use trime on android and the default takes quite a while to get used to. for example, the symbol key that is usually on the bottom left corner is now a language switching key and the symbol key is one tiny key beside it. custom configuration seems like a pain and i haven’t done it. one of the defaults however comes with a menu that lets you type all sorts of symbols including greek, russian, japanese, IPA and mathematical operators. haven’t sen fcitx5 for android though
- Comment on hdjskxbzka sjsiysiakaueie jssisns 1 year ago:
he wasn’t the 10^342th monkey