- Comment on Germany's Merz assures Netanyahu can visit country and not be arrested under ICC warrant 1 week ago:
It is absurd. It’s downright insane. So when he arrives, arrest the genocidal maniac, so Israelis can elect a less absurd leader and start repairing their disgusting reputation.
- Comment on ABC admits it should ‘never’ have argued Antoinette Lattouf had to prove existence of Lebanese race 1 week ago:
"on most occasions that you would, if you are reporting on allegations of genocide, you need to provide the other perspective on that.” I’m sure looking forward to reading ABC’s reporting on the other perspective of the holocaust. Or the killing fields of Cambodia. Or the Rwandan genocide… How far the ABC has fallen…
- Comment on NSW Police sergeant accused of filming and distributing vision of colleague's genitals given warning 5 weeks ago:
Glad to see the NSW Police are taking the accusations of rampant bullying in their ranks seriously. I’m sure this zero zero tolerance policy will make a huge difference. /s
- Comment on Israel approves emergency law for euthanising stray dogs near Gaza 2 months ago:
Those damned antisemitic canines!
- Comment on Israeli planes strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon 6 months ago:
So one doesn’t justify another, but then you try and justify it by saying it’s quantifiably fewer wrongs… What on earth are you quantifying? Lives lost. Freedoms lost. Land lost. Quality of life lost?
You are deluded if you honestly believe the current Israeli leadership and that of the IDF has no ill will towards Palestinians or Muslims.
I’m more than confident the world knows what Hamas is. But Bibi’s government has innocent blood on its hands and they aren’t being held to the same derision. There are Israelis murdering Palestinians for land and they aren’t being brought to any justice.
I don’t believe that you don’t hate Muslims or Palestinians. You sound like a white American saying “I’m not racist but…”
- Comment on Israeli planes strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon 6 months ago:
“pretty reckless” is something you might say about driving while intoxicated, not sure how it applies to a large scale, protracted military operations.
What “settlers” thing are you referring to?
Hamas was formed in 1987, are you suggesting Israel has done nothing improper since then?
- Comment on Israeli planes strike Hezbollah targets in Lebanon 6 months ago:
So to be clear, you are saying Israel has done nothing improper over the last 2 years in its actions towards Palestinians?
- Comment on What did you pay for your democracy sausage? 1 year ago:
No they are not, and notit does not. Dumbass
- Comment on Bizarre Movie Posters From Africa That Are So Bad, They’re Good 1 year ago:
That is exactly how I remember Mission Impossible.
- Comment on navigating local council 1 year ago:
Yep, based on price, that’s the one. Still, they should make it easier. If they asking people to check, they should at least tell people where to check and use the same terminology.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments