- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
In iOS you can use Yattee and link to an alternative Frontend. Works well for me.
- Comment on CalDav ToDo List app for IOS 10 months ago:
Most apps integrate with reminders in some way, but only import from there. I am also looking for a long time now. The only app that comes to mind is Obsidian with the „Remotely Save“ sync plugin. I use it for notes but you can use obsidian for todo lists.
- Comment on DevDocs - offline documentation 1 year ago:
Is there no C#?
- Comment on Really scary 2D horror games? 1 year ago:
I liked juppie psycho, it’s kinda scary but the story is great. Also I wanted to start The Coma 2 Vicious Sisters, it’s supposed to be good 2d Horror. Finally I played some lone Survivor a long time ago. That one was actually too scary for me. I remember that the sound atmosphere was great.
- Comment on Apple may be quiet on AI, but it’s also the biggest buyer of AI companies 1 year ago:
Not a loss. You can make an AI startup with the goal of being profitable yourself.
- Comment on Scientists regenerate neurons that restore walking in mice after paralysis from spinal cord injury 1 year ago:
I know, I’m referring to a separate story that used an implant to wirelessly transmit the signal to the spinal cord. They were killing a bunch of cats and monkeys as well for their research. But they approached this responsibly and got a working prototype that helped a patient to walk again: www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65689580
- Comment on Scientists regenerate neurons that restore walking in mice after paralysis from spinal cord injury 1 year ago:
This was done by Courtines‘ Team in Switzerland not Musk.