- Comment on a 320 year old elf marries an 80 year old human: Is the elf robbing the cradle, or the grave? 9 months ago:
- Comment on Ever notice mammals never seem to come in green? 10 months ago:
I thought Veritasium was a Harry Potter spell but apparently I should have already known and watched a YouTube video before posting my silly thoughts.
- Comment on Ever notice mammals never seem to come in green? 10 months ago:
Word! That’s cool
- Comment on Ever notice mammals never seem to come in green? 10 months ago:
I don’t know how relevant this is but I heard human eyes are very good at picking shades of green out. Maybe mammals are generally good at spotting greens and so hiding as a green thing doesn’t work as well. Just a guess though
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 11 months ago:
Maybe they reuse the bags. Bag up 5th Street, salt it, collect the bags and prep 6th.
- Comment on Has anyone ever used it 1 year ago:
What else am I supposed to spam from all the way on the other side of the Zelda’s castle stage while you make your way over to me only for me to SD just to waste your time?
- Comment on Waymo issued a recall after two robotaxis crashed into the same pickup truck 1 year ago:
True, but your savings on non-luxury bones helps with the fees associated with luxury ones, I’m sure. I can’t do anything for my bones with a $30 glowing petunia.
- Comment on Waymo issued a recall after two robotaxis crashed into the same pickup truck 1 year ago:
Bioluminescent house plants are cool but as an American I can tell you right now that my luxury bones hurt.
- Comment on Apparently I thought this was tunny in 2010 1 year ago:
I think it’s funny now… Can I stay though?
- Comment on Red fire ant imported from Queensland found in Tasmania after package intercepted in post 1 year ago:
These invasives have naturalized where I live. Good luck, Australia. Hydrogen Peroxide immediately after the bite helps with the itch.
- Comment on Senior AWS dev claims Amazon is quietly trying to encourage employees to quit in a push to covertly cut numbers 1 year ago:
That was an interesting read. Thank you. You might make it a post of its own.
- Comment on When on a diet, does you body have the same weight loss across the entire person including visceral fat? 1 year ago:
I don’t know.
- Comment on Every anthropomorphic character is some kind of animal-ape hybrid 1 year ago:
I think you mean for OP to consider the personification of death ie; The Grim Reaper. It sounds like you’re telling OP to go jump off a cliff if they’re a creationist, or to at least eat shit.
- Comment on Apple Discusses Push Towards High-End Mac Gaming in New Interview 1 year ago:
I know Valve and others have done a lot of the legwork already, so maybe it won’t be so difficult for Apple to catch up, but it feels a little bit like Microsoft’s last attempt at making phones. It’s been a minute since the starting bell, the competition has the software catalog already, and it’ll cost the consumer more.
- Comment on Honor to Joseph's House 1 year ago:
Q’plah, Christ!
- Comment on Exoskeleton pilot project shows positive results 1 year ago:
Never knew I wanted this. I’ll add it to the list of cyborg enhancements I’d be okay with, like camera eyes, a thumb drive thumb and deployable roller skate feet.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
Ha! That could be it too, but I had meant more like a wrap around the pole.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
Oh just fuck off. You’re seriously chasing me around the comment section, butthurt because I’d rather talk to somebody less unpleasant. You’re not changing my perspective if that’s why you’re doing it.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
No, I wasn’t enjoying one conversation in the room so I went to talk to somebody else. I’m not required to talk to them and I am free to explore a topic with someone else without citing previous discussions I’ve had. I deny nothing that guy said, though I also don’t take it as face value when they also ignored my points in the thread, I’d just rather talk to this person about it if they’d care to.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
That guy isn’t being a dick. You’ve got a bad attitude and I don’t like talking to you. Goodbye.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
Fair enough. That definitely is true for a car. I would wonder whether the power/surface area/weight/energy consumption all scale linearly or if a vehicle like a semi with more surface area could take advantage of increased number solar panels, or would the amount of work needed to move the larger truck scale equally to the power gained?
Thank you for your proving reasoning for your opinions and sources. You’re groovy. Don’t feel like you have to again for this random thought of mine unless it’s enjoyable for you as part of our conversation.
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
Where are you getting that two weeks number?
- Comment on Scientists develop mega-thin solar cells that could be shockingly easy to produce: ‘As rapid as printing a newspaper’ 1 year ago:
Clearly you’ve never
owned an air fryerwanted a solar powered car. - Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
Survivor(star)ship bias: There are only episodes about minor issues with the inertial dampeners because major issues with the system would be very short and messy, and not make for good archival training footage for cadets or whatever the Watsonian reason for our Doyalist TV show may be.
- Comment on Imagine voting for someone that wants to get rid of the department of education. 1 year ago:
It means to not assume a person is evil if their actions could be explained by them being stupid instead.
- Comment on Persian shield care with wilting leaves 1 year ago:
Wanted to add: it may be getting too cool at night. If there’s a warmer spot with full indoor light/partial outdoor light it may stop changing colors, but that looks like a pretty good setup as is.
- Comment on Persian shield care with wilting leaves 1 year ago:
I’m not an expert but that looks like seasonal discoloration, and it is getting to be winter ish in the northern hemisphere so that stands to reason . Overall it looks pretty happy, but in the spring it’ll make you pretty new leaves.
- Comment on xkcd #2846: Daylight Saving Choice 1 year ago:
I’m not a farmer, but farmers don’t really care for daylight savings time. Cows don’t understand it, and won’t wait an extra hour to be milked. It takes them time to adjust to the change, and in meantime either the farmer has to get there an hour earlier by the clock or the cows will be in pain, possibly sustaining real injury from being overly full of milk.
An extra hour of dark in the morning isn’t useful for planting or weeding or harvesting, either.
- Comment on Strangely Engraved Rock Is Giant 'Treasure Map', Archaeologists Say 1 year ago:
That’s so cool. I want to live in a cave like that.
- Comment on Strangely Engraved Rock Is Giant 'Treasure Map', Archaeologists Say 1 year ago:
The general atmosphere and habit of the reader is to assume there will be, and that the title is inflated, etc. None of this has anything to do with you or the article posted in particular, but is now the culture of news reading for readers to try to add additional context, in the form of comments, and some of those comments will be attempts by readers to help one another navigate the sea of articles while looking for factual information presented well.