- Comment on Biden bragged on twiiter about violating our inalienable rights, bypassing congress with executive orders 11 months ago:
While you're throwing stones, I presume you have absolutely no problem with the 220 executive orders that Trump made? Or the 291 that George W. Bush made? Or the 166 that George Bush made?
How's that glass house treating you?
- Comment on Nearly Half of CD Projekt Now Working on The Witcher 4 1 year ago:
Not only that, but their PR person gaslighting people with the article claiming that the game wasn't bad, it was just "cool to hate" has left a really bad taste in my mouth. The game could amazing now and the expansion pack could be the game that we were always promised, but the experience and the follow-up has been so bad that I'm similarly waiting until post launch (heck, perhaps even until GOTY with included DLC) for any future CDPR games.
- Comment on Diablo® IV is coming to Steam 1 year ago:
I've been playing GW2 since beta -- heck, I've been playing Guild Wars since the original game's beta, I am a sucker for a good MMO that isn't pay-per-month. I still remember the end of the original Guild Wars beta when meteors started falling down killing everyone in Ascalon. My wife isn't quite as interested in MMO-esque experiences, she more likes the couch co-op style (we played D3 until Paragon 950+ on PS4 Pro and play D4 on PS5), so I haven't been able to get her playing it yet -- but I'll keep trying!
- Comment on Diablo® IV is coming to Steam 1 year ago:
Same experience here -- I started a seasonal character and gave up at level 12 because while the malignant hearts were a neat concept, everything else was ridiculously trite and stupid.
- Comment on Diablo® IV is coming to Steam 1 year ago:
D4 is an exercise in how a lot of effort and a lot of thought can go into something and result in a game that's inferior in the important ways (is the game actually fun to play, is progression fun and rewarding) while also being technically superior to its predecessors -- the game looks amazing, the engine is fantastic.
I'm playing it with my wife and it's just not very fun yet. It reminds me of grinding levels in classic WoW, but without the benefit of getting new skills and feeling more powerful with the levels. I'm hoping that after some patches, seasons, and expansion packs that it gets to be a little more fun, but right now they've made leveling so slow and so inconsequential that the game is just a repetitive slog. You're not getting any new skills past level 50 but it takes absolutely eons longer to go from level 50 to 100 than it did to go from 1-50, all areas in the entire game except for nightmare dungeons are level scaled so you aren't actually getting any more powerful with each level, you're just watching numbers go up while killing exactly the same things in exactly the same way you have been for the last 50 levels.
Appreciably, Diablo 3 was kind of crap at launch as well and it wasn't until they removed the RMAH, added a new class, added adventure mode and bounties, and added a lot of seasonal content that it fleshed out to being as fun as it is now. I'm hopeful that D4 eventually gets there but man it's just not the fun I was hoping for presently.