- Comment on FCC explicitly prohibits fast lanes, closing possible net neutrality loophole 9 months ago:
I never use Ookla for this reason. I use the Google speed test here in the states.
- Comment on Iraq: Authorities must urgently repeal new law criminalizing same-sex relations 10 months ago:
I wanna know how Kurdistan feels about this.
- Comment on What are your favorite Dreamcast games? 11 months ago:
Wacky Races (2000)
- Comment on Samsung does an Apple with its first Snapdragon X Elite laptop, suggesting the new Arm-based Windows machines aren't going to be a cheap alternative to x86 11 months ago:
So this SOC benchmarks on par with AMD's best integrated GPU? On par with the M3, but not the M3 Pro/Max. If I'm going to switch to Windows, I'm not going to buy a less powerful PC that's less capable than an AMD integrated GPU lmao. Call me when these are on par with 4080/4090 lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
just be prepared that the "default" YouTube recommendations are all clickbait + Mr. Beast + whatever fad is going around. The default recommendations are really really bad.
- Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 11 months ago:
there's really no such thing
- Comment on Apple’s iMessage is not a “core platform” in EU, so it can stay walled off 1 year ago:
here in the US in my situation it boils down to my parents/grandparents not being able to understand the difference between any texting application. I'm fine using SMS/iMessage because I know everyone has it. I'd say the vast majority of non-technologically savvy people I know are incapable or unsure how to use the basic functions of their phone (very few people I know in this category use their phone for calls and texts and the web browser; everything else is just unused for either lack of understanding or lack of interest).
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It really confuses me why people would want to play a competitive video game that is balanced around profit. Riot openly admits to buffing and nerfing based on skin sales and champion releases.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
This happened in Missouri in 2000 for a senate seat. The governor appointed his widow to the senate seat which she lost the special election shortly afterwards.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Kamala Harris becomes president and both primaries start.
- Comment on English is weird 1 year ago:
Contractions are very regional and a product of spoken English which varies quite a lot from place to place. For example, I use contractions that I don’t see people around me using like: y’all (plural 2nd person pronoun that’s missing in official English speech; verbs are conjugated the same as 2nd person singular forms), shouldn’t’ve, gonna (going to/ going to want to), wanna (want to), that’re, then’ll, then’re etc.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
From Tucson here: Walmart in town is pretty sketchy compared to the other places. We had someone light the chemical isle on fire on Christmas Eve that burnt down half the entire store lmao. Walmart sold itself as a low price retailer for so long that only low income people go there and with that there’s theft and then the classism of hiring armed guards during their high crime periods.
- Comment on I have a software joke, but I’m not ready to release it yet 1 year ago:
When will the update release? Soon™️
- Comment on Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year 1 year ago:
Fucking thank you. I’m so sick of not having typing indicators and read receipts with my parents lmao.
- Comment on Tesla misses estimates for quarterly deliveries; shares fall 1 year ago:
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would buy a car without Android auto or CarPlay lmao.
- Comment on Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door | Nintendo Direct 9.14.2023 1 year ago:
What happened?
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
The deal with Rogan is that he has become increasingly politically activated in the past years since COVID started. People consider him right wing because he holds certain economic beliefs about the pandemic and is hostile towards Biden and Senator Fetterman. He is constantly complaining about how much he personally was affected by the pandemic lockdown and is completely upset about how people with large amounts of wealth were not able to freely move about because of the pandemic. He’s a comedian that really enjoys performing, and was extremely personally and financially “hurt” by the COVID measures put in place by California, where he lived most of his life until the pandemic. His views strongly represent an upper/far upper class perspective that the pandemic measures were stifling to his career and ability to vacation. He’s otherwise pretty open minded about topics of conversation outside of COVID, and can be a good source of fitness information (by that I mean, fact check anything he says before you really take anything to heart). He really honestly comes off as an idiot to people who are an expert in any field outside of athletics where he spews and “opinion” that often gets misconstrued as an educated position on whatever complex topic.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I'm not just referring to the launcher though, I'm referring to all the system UI such as textboxes, the keyboard, notifications, toasts, etc.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 7 comments