- Comment on It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation 6 months ago:
I’m stoked about Deadlock. I used to play Super Monday Night Combat constantly, until it shut down.
I’ve been waiting like 10 years to get a decent game that fills that void, and Deadlock seems to finally be it! I personally couldn’t be happier with their choice hah.
- Comment on Google Maps tests new pop-up ads that give you an unnecessary detour 7 months ago:
I remember a long time ago when I was considering using Waze, had heard really good things. Then I was driving with a friend who used it and it served an ad saying “click here to take a pit stop at McDonald!”
I never downloaded Waze so… good luck google.
- Comment on European Union regulators accuse Apple of breaching the bloc's tech rules 8 months ago:
So I’m a die hard apple boi as well, but I’ve been getting into Linux a bit lately (to replace my windows machine that was solely for gaming)
I think the main reason I still stick with Apple over Linux for most things is that Linux requires more tinkering.
Every time I wanna play a new game I need to try out different versions of protons until it works. When I need a new software, I have to go google if I CAN have it, how to get it, or to find out what exact version I should use for my distribution, etc.
Linux, as impressed with it as I am so far, is like having an old classic car I’m fixing up. It’s a hobby. I need to dedicate time to learning, maintaining, and optimizing my experience. So it’s great for my hobby of gaming!
My Mac just works when I need it to work, no tinkering, no second thoughts. It’s the boring but reliable modern car I take on long trips. I just use computer, get work done, without roadblocks I have to google derailing me every 10 mins.
I’m all for Linux, I’ve very much enjoyed it so far and will continue learning, but as a “normie” using Linux, the simplicity of Mac is often missed.
- Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 9 months ago:
Damn appreciate the details. I’ll def give it a go!
- Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 10 months ago:
Thank you for mentioning hots, because that’s like the ONE steam game I couldn’t live without. Good to know it’s possible, even if I have to play true full screen vs windowed.
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
I just got a steam deck, and needed to install FF14 (non steam) so I was mucking around in desktop mode… yeah. I’ll prob be getting a spare drive for my tower now to try out Linux. I’d love nothing more then to cut ties to windows.
- Comment on YouTube is finally cracking down on third-party apps that enable ad-blocking 10 months ago:
You can def export your subs. I did it when I set up freetube originally. So it should just be a question of if the other program will import them.
- Comment on Activision/Blizzard QA workers form the largest US video game union yet 11 months ago:
As someone who worked for Activision, in QA, on major CoD titles, I guarantee you that wasn’t QAs fault.
I can’t even count the amount of bugs my team found, documented, and raised a hell of a stink about, that still went live.
Major bugs like that in live are not due to QA missing them. It’s due to the rediculous pace ATVI makes the team put out content. Doesn’t matter if QA reports something, if the devs are not given the time needed to fix it.
- Comment on Activision/Blizzard QA workers form the largest US video game union yet 11 months ago:
I’m super happy to see this. Just a few years ago, I was working as QA in a studio adjacent to this group. (We had our own QA, but worked alongside the activision group) and god they needed to do this.
So happy to see them fighting back. I hope the rest of the employees who don’t get fucked QUITE as hard as QA join too.
- Comment on Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU - The Verge 1 year ago:
I think they mean the average person isn’t going to take the time to check 20 different contacts apps in the store to find the perfect one, then do it again with every other basic app on their phone.
They’re just gonna use the default app 99%
- Comment on Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU - The Verge 1 year ago:
My dads iPhone 8 is finally starting to lose some of its battery life. But it’s overall performance is totally fine.
I think a lot of people forget that most humans doesn’t need 100000000000gb of ram and 20trillion gbs of storage.
I’m using 65gb of storage, including the os… on my baseline 128gb model.
Most people aren’t editing 8k videos on their iPhones lol. They’re sending a text message.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I was someone who always knew about ad blockers, but just wasn’t bothered enough to use them.
I used YouTube SO much that it was worth it to me to have premium.
After all the bitching and moaning from YouTube last year, I un subbed, downloaded free tube instead, and also finally added an ad blocker to both my mobile and desktop browser.
I imagine I’m not the only one with that story haha.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Is this the one where people were suing apple because batteries in old phones weren’t lasting long enough? So in response, apple started throttling older phones CPU’s… to make the batteries last longer… then got sued for that as well?
Apple ain’t perfect, and I say that as a total sheep who would buy a rock if they made one.
But I feels like most cases against them are just people saying “hey apple has money… AAHH UUUMMMM your phone is too big for my hands to hold and that’s discrimination!gib money now!”
- Comment on Trump praises Hungary’s ‘Viktor Orbán’ as great ‘leader of Turkey’ 1 year ago:
Simply amazing. There truly is always a X-Crete.
- Comment on Trump praises Hungary’s ‘Viktor Orbán’ as great ‘leader of Turkey’ 1 year ago:
Wait what’s the tldr on the baby one? Somehow I missed that one 🤣
- Comment on youtube getting more agressive 1 year ago:
I have had free tube very loosely recommend me some related videos, but nothing like the full feed yet.
I wonder if they could somehow make a section of like “videos that are not from your subs, but would be recommended under your subs videos” to explore other creators with similar content.
No idea if you can scrape that kinda info from YouTube without all the account stuff though.
- Comment on youtube getting more agressive 1 year ago:
I’ve been using free tube for about a month now and been really happy.
My only downsides are that I use it on multiple comps, and like to watch YouTube on my tv as well, and by freetubes very nature, those don’t sync subs/history etc. which is expected of course.
The other bummer for me personally is I did really like the YouTube algorithms suggestions for me, so it’s a little harder for me to find new creators now.
But all in all, minor issues for some completely free software that works well and does what it says it’ll do! Would absolutely suggest people at least give it a try!
- Comment on Apple AirTags stalking led to ruin and murders, lawsuit says — Dozens join lawsuit alleging Apple AirTags are stalkers’ “weapon of choice.” 1 year ago:
I see these articles all the time and they drive me insane. Yeah I could buy an air tag and modify it myself to remove the speaker and then use it for an illegal action. That’s not apples fault.
I can also go buy a coffee, modify it by taking the lid off, and use it to assault a stranger by burning their face off. Is that Starbucks fault?
This is on the individual deciding to commit a crime. Not on the tool used. We don’t sue the crowbar company when someone uses one to break into a home.
IMO, apple has money, so people are just trying to see what they can grab.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
I didn’t wanna maintain an ad blocker, especially since I use youtube on a bunch of diff devices. Desktop/laptop/Ps4/Tv/Ipad/Phone like, everywhere. Premium just meant no ads on any of them with no fuss or maintenance.
Also the bonus of downloads/music/background play etc was very nice.
Honestly for someone like me who uses youtube as much as I do, it was 100% worth the money. I just ethically can’t bring myself to pay for it now that they straight up lied and took my money without even trying to be subtle about it.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
Yeah I only ever saw it on Desktop since I do most my viewing there, and even then only on specific videos. So its not crazy frequent, just annoying its a thing at all.
I do love the idea of youtube building in a skip for in vid sponsors though, that would possibly bring me back haha. Like if sponsored creators were required to add a “sponsor” chapter to their vids, so premium users could have it just skip that block of the video 🤔
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
Threw in a response on the thread above, don’t wanna just copy past spam haha.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
I think you have to be watching a video that it connects to.
So for example I was watching the Game Grumps play Peppa pig (lol I know but it was hilarious) so it put an ad saying “try paramount plus to watch peppa pig” under it.
I’ve seen it on a few other vids that have movies associated, like sonic for example. Seems to be a semi recent thing though
(Is this how I post a pic on Lemmy? lol)
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
My problem is that I paid for YouTube premium, for “an ad free experience” in their words. Then I immediately had an ad for paramount plus embedded under my video.
So I canceled and they can go fk themselves. I was willing to support them directly, but they straight up lied about what I was buying from them.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
“You can go ad free with YouTube premium!”
Buys premium
youtube shows ad for paramount plus under my video
Cancels YouTube premium.
So anywho there’s a thing called freetube. Just saying. Idk that it’s a perfect alternative, but it’s at least one step further from googles prying eyes and grubby hands.
- Comment on What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up? 1 year ago:
Don’t know that I’d call it a hobby exactly, but a habit at least. Finally working out.
I needed something since I was always home and just felt weak. Got a set of adjustable dumbbells and a small lifting bench.
3 years later and they are still by my desk, used 3 times a week!