Illustrator, ecology nut, and a bit of gardening (zone 4b in USA). Nice to meet ya!
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
I use mine consistently, and the presence of one will be a dealbreaker when I choose my next phone. I use it with an AUX cable in my car, headphones in places without wifi, and (most importantly) with a Square point of sale thingamajig at shows. Bluetooth options exist for the last thing of course, but they have their own disadvantages.
- Comment on Do Multivitamins actually do anything? 1 year ago:
Unsure if this is OP’s angle, but I have pretty chronically bad anemia/ferritin levels. In my layman’s research, I found that both dairy (calcium) and tea (oxalates) inhibit the body’s ability to absorb iron when consumed alongside one-another. My list also included peas, coffee, eggs, and just about every other damn thing I like to eat, so that was a fun discovery. 😅 Link to kickstart research for anyone curious.
- Comment on Make sure not to underestimate the brilliance of 'Everything Everywhere All at Once' as it proves to be an exceptional movie! 1 year ago:
I found it extraordinary- I’m unsure if another movie has made me feel the whole gamut of emotion like this one did, and each heartstring was tugged differently. Skillful stuff.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment