- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws Is A Crappy Masterpiece 5 months ago:
It’s a crapsterpiece that execs wanted all along.
- Comment on Asus’ new mini PC has a Copilot AI button on the front for some reason 5 months ago:
Hey… stop putting vendor button on things. I do not use Netflix. Tell me why then is there a need for a Netflix button on my remote? Can I remap that button then? Nope, because fuck you. Get a new remote because more waste. Plastics in my testicles, plastics in my brain, Netflix buttons on everything. Crimes against nature and humanity itself, in a small rubber button for some fekkin vendor - oh how I loathe it.
- Comment on The banks that loaned Musk $13B to buy Twitter might be having regrets 6 months ago:
Might be? This is the worst investment they ever made, and they know it, mostly because they’ve speaking publicly like this, because usually they bury the lead - to protect their other investments.
International financiers are really the worst.
- Comment on Microsoft is reviving Skype on Windows 11 by removing ads, reducing clutter 7 months ago:
- dconf
- Comment on Microsoft is reviving Skype on Windows 11 by removing ads, reducing clutter 7 months ago:
The second coming… Windows X.
- Linux kernel (bye-bye, NT)
- Open source the entirety of WHQL
- DirectX cross-platform runtimes
- PipeWire as default audio server
- Option to remove anything
- No ads in the start menu
Prepare foot and take aim for Apple’s ass.
- Comment on Leaked Windows 11 "Government Edition” that has no telemetry tracking or bloatware is actually FAKE 7 months ago:
Not for military or nuclear deterrents they don’t, and it’s not “just” setting group policies, but actually hardening and packaging software using government standards.
But they also use Enterprise edition, which I aluded to in the comment you’re replying to… geez.
- Comment on Leaked Windows 11 "Government Edition” that has no telemetry tracking or bloatware is actually FAKE 7 months ago:
There’s government editions of Windows, and it’s when governments have signed deals and blood pacts with Microsoft to get access to the source code of Windows, whereby the government compiles it them selves.
However, this is only for military and critical infrastructure, whereas governments also buys a shit ton of enterprise licenses in bulk that they have no control over, and no matter how you slice it, any government that uses Windows Server to serve middleware is comprised of idiots.
It’s like “Daddy Usa and Daddy China, plz penetrate my moist encryption and security policies UwU”
No, seriously. If your government doesn’t roll its own or has hired some local enterprise distributor, it’s like saying come on in to one of the two big imperialists.
- Comment on A Windows 11 bug is incorrectly nagging users to change their time zone 8 months ago:
It’s asking what time it is? What, is it Windows 95…?
Damn I’m old.
- Comment on Belarusian authorities are preparing children for war with the EU 8 months ago:
And nationalism will be crushed again.
- Comment on Big Four consulting firms 'operating in the shadows for too long' as Senate committee demands new rules for government contracts 8 months ago:
New public management is the bridge of money that spans the seperations of power… change my mind.
- Comment on 'We have no choice now’: Desperate to circumvent sanctions and do business with China, Russian companies resort to bartering and cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar 8 months ago:
Relying on crypto is the geopolitical equivalent of selling Mary Kay.
- Comment on Israeli Minister Reportedly Asks Military To Kill Palestinians Instead Of Arresting Them To Manage Overcrowding In Prisons 8 months ago:
I recommend we shoot Zionists in the face… on a global basis… because y’know I’m such a good boy.
Can I haz ribbon cutting ceremony?
- Comment on What would make you react like this? 8 months ago:
Chocolate cake…
- Comment on Microsoft’s all-knowing Recall AI feature is being delayed 8 months ago:
“Guys, this is a PR nightmare! Reign it back!”
- Comment on Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse 9 months ago:
Fair enough, but that still does not justify them being stuck on a ship for several months, because 1) there is no “due process” (search online for it’s proper definition and not the perversed US instituonalist definition), 2) it’s punishment without verdict, and 3) it’s inhumane. Actually, it’s an edge case the US judicial system is not capable of handling, because the US judiciary is lead by morons.
Again, you don’t get to justify this kind of treatment of people “because they did bad”. What’s next, a return to witch burning because the milk soured? The average deck hand, who had no power or influence over the matter, should have weeks of their pay disappear, meaning their families will go without food?
Why do yanks continuously defend, deflect and try to gloss over their own governments incompetence and unethical behaviour? The US needs dire judicial reform.
- Comment on Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse 9 months ago:
Yeah, you did. You basically indirectly justified it, a favoured tactic by republican think tanks.
“Corporate punishment is bad because the state shouldn’t get to kill people.”
Same energy and tactic, bro.
- Comment on Still trapped on Baltimore ship, months after bridge collapse 9 months ago:
Excuse me, wtf? You’re not “discounting”, but indirectly condemning the whole crew when obviously it was the navigator and captain responsible for the negligence? Not only that, but almost indirectly affirming that they all deserve to be there?
“Oh I’m sorry, but this is ancient Egypt and you must be buried with the pharaoh.”
Prick. And no, don’t come at me with “but those 6 people who died”, because that justifies nothing.
- Comment on ifn't 1 year ago:
I’m just hoping this paves the way to code with Southern dialect
iffun is == true iffun ain't == false
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Could I ask for an explanation of why you’re leaving? I’m a bit in the dark here.
- Comment on Friday night plans? 1 year ago:
- Comment on There appears to be no sign of intelligent life 1 year ago:
Full spread!
- Comment on Writing 101 by Behr & Braga 1 year ago:
Listen, if you could throw a rock at all people with daddy issues, the new TikTok trend would be having a bruised and swollen face.
- Comment on Egg-nog-stic 1 year ago:
haha the catholics appropriated juletide, a festival of fattening, because they thought pagans were so gross they needed to appropriate the festivities and set the pagans on fire.
- Comment on Spread the love 1 year ago:
Listen, I’m never even putting my Jeffrey boner away.
- Comment on Fun Fact: Mike Tyson auditioned for Chakotay's role in Voyager 1 year ago:
So my Klingon warrior name is Nosyt Ekim. Got it.
- Comment on Teeth. 1 year ago:
It’s still the best way of identifying animals and human bodies thank you very much. This is why 1/10 conspiratorial privacy advocates advise against going to the dentist. That’s Gary. He’s kookoo for cocoapuffs and also has really bad teeth.
- Comment on Get this shit out of here 1 year ago:
He is political for heterosexual reasons.
- Comment on But who is Star Trek Voyager? 1 year ago:
Discovery is a Twitter debate between leftwing edge lords, and I’m not afraid to say it.
- Comment on Pips don't lie 1 year ago:
Ooo baby when you walk like that
Make me want to bomb the office of Dukat
- Comment on What does a PhD mean? 1 year ago:
I would use the definition of Dr Kanye West, but that might not be appropriate.