- Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago:
Oblivion: why level up when I can stay level one and steamroll everything?
New Vegas: Just another Bethesda contracted game and I’ll just head straight north and OH GOD CAZADOR—
- Comment on 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4 9 months ago:
It revived the game for me. Changed settings so it would grow without my tedious input, so thankful for that. Show up to settlements over time to find evolving cities that are actually worth visiting and make the game feel alive, like you didn’t build every shack in the wasteland personally with the toaster you hauled from a national guard building.
- Comment on How does DNA decide the shape of the body? 9 months ago:
I have no idea, he operates on his own level. All of his videos are top quality.
- Comment on How does DNA decide the shape of the body? 9 months ago:
Here’s a fantastic and entertaining short video on how it works:
- Comment on Commodore 64 claimed to outperform IBM's quantum system — sarcastic researchers say 1 MHz computer is faster, more efficient, and decently accurate 10 months ago:
I’ll believe it when they release the source code, so for now I’d remain skeptical until it’s reproduced.
- Comment on Quadriplegic Quebec man chooses assisted dying after 4-day ER stay leaves horrific bedsore 10 months ago:
I don’t know anyone believes what this dude is peddling.
- Comment on Expertise 11 months ago:
Not usually for STEM in America, but we also don’t require a masters degree for PhD.
Still for most people in my program, it was 4 years of undergrad, followed by 2-4 years in a lab, then 5-7 years for a PhD, then another 2-5 years for post-doc, then finally get hired.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Unless predators have fluorescent light it shouldn’t be a problem, it’s not bioluminescence.
- Comment on Why does incest result in birth defects? 1 year ago:
For mars, they could do whole-genome sequencing and select for people with fewest deviations from the de facto wild-type human genome.
- Comment on Recommendations for Pirate Games? 1 year ago:
I’d like a spin-off. Less land stuff and more sea stuff. Instead of the ‘armada’ thing, how about being able to buy or capture larger ships for personal use? Or being able to directly control 2-3 ships? Or fight large scale coordinated naval battles?
That concept has so much more potential and I wish somebody would do more with it.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
Why is The Witcher featured on the Tesla screen?
- Comment on To prevent mashed potatoes from being gummy, boil the potatoes whole. 1 year ago:
I love you for this.
- Comment on Where do guns go when people are done using them? 1 year ago:
Ketchup won’t work, the color and texture are off. I bet if you ask nicely you can get some from your nearest meat shop if you tell them you want to make blood sausage. You’ll have to let the blood warm up before it’ll clot and dry on there though.
- Comment on Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024 1 year ago:
That’s only counting connections. The brain learns by making new connections, through complex location and timing dependent inputs from other neurons. It’s way more complex than the number of connections, and if neuroscientists are still studying the building blocks we don’t have much hope of recreating it.
- Comment on Microsoft fixes the Excel feature that was wrecking scientific data 1 year ago:
Thank god! You have no idea how awful this is for scientists. Need to paste some gene names down? Better hope it’s not MARCHF8 or in the Septin gene family, otherwise you have to convert columns to text then import the data. Seems like a simple fix, but many wet lab biologists are technologically challenged.
- Comment on Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core - Teaser Trailer 1 year ago:
I’m glad they’re making a new game. I don’t expect them to keep adding new content to DRG for years after people have bought the game, they need to keep making content to pay the bills.
- Comment on Red Cross announces national blood shortage 1 year ago:
For those wanting sustainable red cells, hit me up. I’m gonna modify the 500 genes or so in the pig genome to insert the human cDNA and make them compatible for xenotransfusion. Gonna need a gofundme though, probably gonna cost half a billion or so.