- Comment on Diet 8 months ago:
Funny joke bit pls dont. The seas are overfished as fuck.
- Comment on Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs 8 months ago:
In all honesty i can only hope that this forces some people to increase their tech-savviness.
- Comment on Pakistan police register a case against a mob that killed a man suspected of desecrating the Quran 8 months ago:
Sure. It is not enough to read doom news that actually have an impact but now i can also read what horrible shit happens in some place i wpuld never see in my life, not even by chance. Sure makes sense.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
If the fact bothers you, maybe you should refrain from discussions on this topic. Or tell me why it is not a “better choice”.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
No. It is one better choice. Does not say shit about the millions of other choices we do.
- Comment on First known test dogfight between AI and human pilot carried out, US military says 10 months ago:
Can’t wait until the poor people are not killed by other (but less) poor people for some rich bastards anymore but instead the mighty can command their AI’s to do the slaughter. Such an important part of evolution. I guess.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
I find it interesting how writing “a male” instead of man is a good way of pointing out “sexist mansplaining” and writing “a female” is dehumanizing (which i actually agree on). I will not deny that there are many sexists out there who are mansplaining or see women as less knowledgable. Without knowing the person (“offending”) however, i think we would be wise to use occam’s razor which would lead us to the conclusion that this is a prime case of the dunning kruger effect (which would also apply if sexism is involved).
Mycomment however has to be seen as mansplaining because i sadly have a dick between my legs. Sorry for that.
- Comment on 'Mass surveillance' fears over law change plans 11 months ago:
The Home Office said then it was seeking to “protect the country from child sexual abusers and terrorists.”
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 11 months ago:
True. Real world relationships however are hard to obtain and hard to maintain. So many people, especially those that are deemed “not normal”, due to looks or behavior, are giving up on that and instead give in to these easy surrogates. It is sad, but not like society presents any solutions.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
I think it feels like this because we have so many more users now than 10 or 20 years before. So the percentage of tech literate users has declined while the amount tech savy people increases. with the pool of users being satiiated i think we will have an increase in the percent of tech savy users again (as old users die).
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
Windows 11 can suck my stinky cock. Windows will successfully force my LAZY ass to Linux. I am already testing the waters with my laptop.
- Comment on i hate my wife and i love bug lite 1 year ago:
This right here. Some motherfuckers here really going around pretending that precise language is bad because logic is unemotional? Not sure when emotional language ever helped bringing our fellings across to the another person. Quite ironic.
Of coure just blurting out “**** fallacy” to anyone in a conversqtion is fruitless.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I mean you already show impulse control. Just keep that energy up. If you one day cave in try again to not spend more money for as long as you manage.
I am collecting anime figurines.
Send help
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
It is only useful if you have a bunch of stuff sitting in front of you window and you are able to tilt another window on the other side of the house but its really not that big of a deal.
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Tilting you windows is a nice option that i rarely use. Most if the time its STOẞLÜFTEN as we germans like to say (opening the windows wide up to really let in all the fresh air).
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 Has Been Completed by 1.3 Million Players, Shadowheart is Most Popular Love Interest 1 year ago:
Have you considered that the people raging about a thing and the people enjoying the same thing might be different people?
- Comment on OpenAI cofounder and chief scientist says he deeply regrets participating in ousting Sam Altman 1 year ago:
Looks like ha had a hair transplant done. Source: a fellow student had it done and after the first healing it looked just like this.
- Comment on For real this time, NSF, I swear it's the last time. 1 year ago:
This is the right answer. Humanity should not stop to be curious simply because it does not turn a profit.
- Comment on Rules to live by. 1 year ago:
Just stop it already!
Or don’t, its kind of hilarious.
- Comment on Every time 1 year ago:
I dont know, has some serious reddit vibes for me. It was all that animosity i fled in the first place. Not sure what to do at this time because normally enjoy reading comments but not like this. I hope it gets better.
- Comment on Every time 1 year ago:
Meme is funny, comments take it too serious. Like all the time.
- Comment on Is there any point in using NoScript if you already have uBlock Origin? 1 year ago:
Very relatable.
- Comment on Is there any point in using NoScript if you already have uBlock Origin? 1 year ago:
I feel like these two are additive. A script could present a vulnerability without being an ad (and thus be on the blocking list on adblock) could it not? So feel like to accept the least amount of scripts is the way to go. However i understand the annoyance because sometimes i just want to visit a page without going through every single one of the many scripts. What i have started doing is to use a different browser from my default one if this situation arises. This browser is only having adblock as addons so when a page does not work and i dont want to fiddle with the setting i just visit via the other browser. Not an ideal solution, i know, but i think its better than getting rid of NoScript.
I would love to hear better solutions though because i admit i am not an expert in anything.
- Comment on Let lemmyshitpost decide... 1 year ago:
Sometimes i wonder whether people are just joking or if there are really so many sex starved people out there.
- Comment on No one really understands our struggle 1 year ago:
You had me until the handouts