- Comment on Sony Steals Customers' Purchased Content - Piracy is COMPLETELY JUSTIFIED! 1 year ago: is fantastic. Mostly indie stuff with some bigger name stuff, but it’s by far the best out there for devs.
- Comment on Perfectly legal for cars to harvest your texts, call logs 1 year ago:
No, because if every piece of your entire existence isn’t dedicated to making profit for the upper class, your life is worthless.
- Comment on Trillium Notes 1 year ago:
All my notes for tabletop RPG stuff, mainly!
- Comment on Trillium Notes 1 year ago:
Trillium is my personal choice for self-hosted notes. I haven’t really had issues with using it on mobile, but I also just tend to put the stuff I think of when I’m out and about into a single note that I periodically go through and reorganize. It’s been good to me so far, and it has all of the features I really need. If I need something fancier (or public-facing), I toss it in BookStack instead. Then again, I don’t use either of them for business (mostly for tabletop RPG stuff and instructions to friends/family about using the other stuff I self-host), so if that’s your application, I have no clue how it holds up.
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
I had about 16TB of total storage when it was using that much RAM. It still didn’t like it.
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
Can confirm; this is exactly why I switched to Linux. After my fifth-ish reinstallation of Windows, Microsoft pushed an update that caused the OS to use 80-90% of my CPU and I couldn’t fix it because they locked down the service that was doing it despite it being entirely unrelated to my use of the computer (it was an Edge-related service that scanned web traffic for “optimization” if I remember right).
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
Windows often uses 8GB at idle for me with a single browser window open due to how much background BS it runs that is entirely irrelevant to anything I use the PC for. I upgraded to 32GB, then just finally decided to switch to Linux for good because it uses around 4-5GB with 10+ programs open (and most of that is Steam and Discord being inefficient).
- Comment on Petition demands that Microsoft extends Windows 10 support 1 year ago:
Vulkan is basically unsupported by nVidia on anything before the 20-series. My 1060 6GB can only manage around 4-5 FPS at 1080p in some games as a result while others work totally fine. In addition, the drivers aren’t open source, so no one can go in and fix that problem.
- Comment on Apple’s Decision to Kill Its CSAM Photo-Scanning Tool Sparks Fresh Controversy 1 year ago:
Almost none of these groups actually care about the kids. Most of them actively support policies that are proven to enable/cause more abuse because it feels like they’re hurting the bad guys. As a childhood survivor of a bunch of awful shit that I don’t want to get into specifics on, I’ve never seen a single “for the children” group advocate anything that wouldn’t have caused more trauma for me when I was younger. There’s no care about fixing problems and preventing childhood trauma/abuse, just care about asserting control and investing in what “feels good”: retributive justice (that’s more likely to cause recidivism) against one single specific style of abuser while ignoring others (and the survivors) entirely.