- Comment on If on average, a person eats 8 spider in their sleep every night and assuming that no one other than one person ever ate a spider in their sleep, someone eats 64 billion spiders in their sleep every y 1 year ago:
The myth goes deeper.
The story of Lisa Holst originating this myth as a spoof fact is also a myth.Neither the supposed journalists, Lisa Holst, nor the magazine, PC Professional, exist.
The hunt is on for the earliest reference. Probably on a newsnet group.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Having tools in matching colours is definitely a sign of youth.
As you get older and lose some, lend some (and the a-hole doesn't return them - yes I'm talking about you John Ponder) then you get some replacements that don't match. Eventually after many years you have an eclectic mix.How are you on collecting random nuts and screws that might just come in handy one day? That is the true art of the cave.