- Comment on With a Nintendo Switch 2 on the way, I hope Valve make a Steam Deck 2 9 months ago:
They are scared because the steam deck can do everything the switch does, but better (performance wise). Which is fair, since the switch has been on the market for some time, but even back when it was released it has been underspecced.
- Comment on LPCAMM2 Is Finally Here, and It’s a Big Deal 9 months ago:
Better noone tell apple.
- Comment on Traefik 3.0 GA Has Landed: Here's How to Migrate 10 months ago:
I hope it went well :) i was completely ready to go back changing the image tag to v2 but didn’t need to.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 25 comments
- Comment on Fallout 4 Gets A Next-Gen Update Today – Here's What To Expect 10 months ago:
Would be nice if they could fix the atrocious performance. But then again, there will surely be mods for the next gen version as well.
- Comment on Is it worth fresh installing Fedora 40 or just upgrading my existing installation? 10 months ago:
I have a tendency of nuking my system now and then and therefor have a pretty solid strategy for fresh installs.
I’d recommend you think of something like that as well and then just do the upgrade. If it breaks, you’ll still be able to do the fresh install.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
Kind of funny if you read it like that, and while it certainly doesn’t make them immortal, it at least may make them last a while longer i hope.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
Vanced died because they tried to generate revenue from it and made themselves vulnerable.
Also, unlike Vanced, Revanced doesn’t distribute modded youtube apks themselves.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
This is what current implementations like Revanced do. The endgame will be fullblown DRM. Until then, it will be a cat and mouse game.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Where does the …media get sourced from?
- Comment on Tip: mount Jellyfin transcode directory to hard drive! 11 months ago:
Im so looking forward to this. When i tried to use tmpfs / ramdisk, the transcoding would simply stop because there was no space left.
- Comment on Is Antivirus needed in 2024? 1 year ago:
And if you buy a pc with windows preinstalled, remove any anti virus software free trial bullshit that cones with it. Just use Wondows defender as it is already enough for most use cases
- Comment on Security considerations of WiFi vs Zigbee for self-hosted IoT 1 year ago:
TIL Amazon Echos can act as Zigbee hub. Still not using it lol.
- Comment on Simple but modern website 1 year ago:
Those examples you listed are not really modern imo. I’m not an UI/UX expert though.
I used Hugo to build my personal website. You can also easily build blogs with it. The difference to the usual approach is that you “code” the website in markdown, and Hugo generates the html and css for you, which gets statically hosted.
- Comment on Wisest Upgrade from Raspberry Pi 1 year ago:
In europe, viavle options start at 200€ (imo). If your use case outgrows one lenovo tiny (which is unlikely since you’re coming from a pi), you can buy more / other tiny pcs / a desktop pc / a server rack and put proxmox on everything for running services inside a cluster.
- Comment on The Top Programming Languages 2023 1 year ago:
Depends on the use case.
I wrote a webserver in python the last three years and am now changing to java for a new position, and it feels like programming with training wheels.
But then again i did some data science with python and could not have imagined doing it with java.
- Comment on Is there a live thread for Ukraine updates like the world news one on that dumpster fire of a service that shall not be named? 1 year ago:
There is which has a news ticker. I used it to get an overview of the situation on a map, which is visualized pretty well imo. I don’t know where the information comes from, so always double check if possible.