- Comment on How are you dealing with the UK's Online Safety Act, that comes into effect this March? 1 month ago:
[feddit.uk/post/21568696](Feddit UK post about this)
The admins are hopeful at the moment that we will be able to comply without too much trouble
- Comment on Brought my Celestron NexStar 6SE out on a camping trip last weekend and pointed it at the moon 4 months ago:
Not an expert but I’d guess that is Tycho crater, and the stripes are called its ray system en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_system
- Comment on My blog now has Lemmy comments 4 months ago:
Nice work!
- Comment on Personally I prefer NASA's pronunciation, which is "charon". 5 months ago:
I always found it funny to read it as Sharon, and now you’re telling me it’s named after someone called Charlene? This keeps getting better
- Comment on Closure of exponentiation of real algebraic numbers. 5 months ago:
You could say something like “the image of exponentiation over…” to mean the set of values created by applying the function once, but it sounds slightly clunky.
Looks like there aren’t really very many sets of mostly transcendental numbers that have names. Computational numbers and periods are two of them, I’d guess that both probably contain your set, so you could compare with those to see where it gets you.
- Comment on Closure of exponentiation of real algebraic numbers. 5 months ago:
Fun question! I don’t know the answer other than to say it’s not just the algebraics because of the Gelfond-Schneider constant
Are you sure this is well-defined? You say that a and b are algebraic but “closure” implies that they could also be any members of S. This might mess up your proof that it’s not all the reals if you do mean the closure.
- Comment on Giant spiders the size of rats making a comeback in UK 6 months ago:
Don’t think I’d want to subject the poor spider to that, however funny it would be for onlookers!
- Comment on Giant spiders the size of rats making a comeback in UK 6 months ago:
Always uplifting to see a struggling native species doing well. Hope I get to see one of these beauties up close one day, shame they are still limited to just a few locations.
- Comment on Planetary travel guide 8 months ago:
I thought that too as there is 1 planet too many, but now I think Pluto is the extra. The one between Mars and Neptune is Mercury
- Comment on hawt 9 months ago:
2 -> twin 4 -> cousin 6 -> sexy 8 -> ???
- Comment on histories mysteries 9 months ago:
I just assumed it was one of these www.voting.ukscientists.com/penrose.html
- Comment on Military horses run loose in central London, injuring 4 people and causing havoc 10 months ago:
I canter -nderstand it
- Comment on Report: UK Ranks Second-Worst Globally for Mental Health 11 months ago:
It is pretty surprising that the UK has been put behind places like Sudan, Syria and DRC, so yes. Maybe we can blame the weather