- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 8 months ago:
I think scale matters because almost no person is as much of an island as your example fishing video guy. I actually have noticed almost the opposite in most people I know, YouTube is the default place to get entertainment. Across all their interests.
From both sides the network effect might be strongest with YouTube, the creators can’t leave because YouTube has virtually all of the audience, and consumers don’t want to watch singular people on other platforms because on YouTube you can stumble over interesting videos and all the people you like to watch are already there.
The only way I see for other platforms to actually grow is forced interoperability, as in videos of other platforms appearing in the YouTube frontend. Which Google would never do so the government would need to force them.
- Comment on “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement - Anil Dash 1 year ago:
Because they don’t have a perfectly fine business model. They get squeezed hard by both the oligarchs of music publishing UMG, Sony Warner who negotiate the price for the music. And from the other side by the tech giants google and apple who can cross service subsidize their own streaming.There exists essentially no space for them to make any profit in streaming music. So they have to go other places.
The only reason they’ll probably exist for the foreseeable future is because the rights holders are able to use Spotify to have more negotiating power against Google and apple.
- Comment on Half-Earth Socialism: A Planetary Crisis Planning Game 1 year ago:
Brother have you heard of both young people, and the concept of ‘having a future’, death might be inevitable, it’s still better to think about and implement things to quell the suffering, as well as to continue living with hope than to revel in the fact that we’re all dying.
Hope isn’t at the bottom of the box of Pandora without reason, it’s both, condemning us to strive and suffer, and the only way to make anything of it.
- Comment on Half-Earth Socialism: A Planetary Crisis Planning Game 1 year ago:
I listened to the entire and it struck a chord with me, it might be because I’m similarly petite bourgeois as the authors or something. But if you couldn’t get through it I might suggest softly that you read chapter 4 first (or only).
To me the order the book has it in makes sense, but it might be the wrong one for you. It explains the What for 3/4 and then carefully answers the Why with a short story in the last 1/4. It is essentially a manifesto with a reason to believe in it as the last part.
For me the reason it worked is because the walk through philosophy and history sufficiently grounded the authors claims toward the necessity of economic planning and rewilding and in combination with my prior beliefs made the utopia real.
- Comment on Ethiopia set to become first country to ban internal combustion cars 1 year ago:
People don’t need to be able to buy cars. The vast majority can’t anyways. So why should the second richest percent of Ethiopia be able to.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
The not interested doesn’t work, the don’t recommend me videos from this channel works perfectly, and if the first video I get recommended of a channel is so repulsive to me I actually care to do something about it, the entire channel is probably bad anyways.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
In the first part I disagree, fortune 500 aren’t looking for ideas they are gathering data, the difference here is one of quantity. And they will at least usually not gather free form things unless they have significant resources to commit to sorting through it. Or it’s specifically payed support.
Feedback is valuable only if actionable, if the feedback can’t be acted on because one dev largely already said yes and the other one largely thinks there is more important stuff right now it’s not actionable. That’s why companies have teams specifically for market research or marketing or whatever, they don’t usually let the devs gather it themselves. And in the case of big open source projects with full time staff handling the issues on the GitHub might be partially done by a not dev team. Or a dev team member that’s not a dev themselves.
Yes the dev can choose to spend time bickering about this here, I don’t really care and I never said he should develop instead, I might think it’s stupid but again who cares. Ignoring would perhaps have been better but blocking for 7 days is almost like ignoring, just that the trigger is blocked for 7 days as well, completely reasonable to do if it was actually annoying, and it might’ve been considering it was two largely unnecessary comments.
I even agree with you that the devs seem sorta toxic and maybe their project management style is unhealthy, but they are devs, as long as they continue to develop a reasonable software who cares how it’s run. They are not pr or even project managers, they are devs, maybe they chose their job by what they can do and just ended up having to do the community management on GitHub as well because their software is open source.
If they actually had active control over the future of the software in the general sense, i.e. if it was closed source i would be concerned with the characters running the project. But it’s open source, the future doesn’t depend on specific devs, it’s explicitly set up so that the current devs could die or delete it or whatever, and in response anyone willing could create a fork with a scheduler and anything else they might want, it even works with a federated approach so any fork would be backwards compatible.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
Opening an issue that is a feature request is hardly a contribution, especially if there are few full time devs it might be a distraction more than a contribution, and there is like 1 open source competitor.
Ideas are free, finished working code is expensive, if the devs think they can’t get to it in the next N years they probably just don’t want to see it.
As I said I don’t buy how this would be an actual problem, maybe it’s rude but who cares, the admin is essentially an end user demanding something, at the end of the day he can write it himself or stfu. The devs time will certainly be spent better almost anywhere else than arguing on a GitHub issue.
- Comment on Your server owner is now banned from participating on lemmy's Github 1 year ago:
Idk if they care about a particular thing FOOS devs are often petty. I don’t think it’s actually a threat to the project. Like read unix mailing lists from Linus or whoever else, it can get downright toxic. e.g.:
"BULLSHIT. Have you looked at the patches you are talking about? You should have - several of them bear your name. […] As it is, the patches are COMPLETE AND UTTER GARBAGE. […] WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON? " here
- Comment on I hate Turkey 1 year ago:
Could also be a Kurd
- Comment on Announcing Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion - The Official Microsoft Blog 1 year ago:
Layers in paint is huge tbf
- Comment on Whatsapp has begun working on support for third party chats (Telegram/Signal) 1 year ago:
This is a pointless way to think about it, as long as signal can block conversations, or as long as you can just not respond, noone can gather your data. Only if you reply they might get some of your data, the message that you sent fully knowing that the one you were sending it to could leak it just as well as Facebook. So what does it matter if they can send you messages.
- Comment on This Is the True Scale of New York’s Airbnb Apocalypse 1 year ago:
It’s also literally always trying to monopolise the platform for a market and then essentially extract rent from that platform, which is stupid, Uber and Airbnb (…) provide an app and maybe a little customer support but joink N% percent of each transaction.
- Comment on Solar energy now overlaps in cost with nuclear fuel alone for "cheap" modular reactors 1 year ago:
You just don’t need that much storage and at the same time battery storage is already being installed at an exponential rate, much like PV started to some 15 years ago. We also already have hydro and gas peaker plants that aren’t going anywhere for the next 10ish years.
- Comment on Hexbear federation megathread 1 year ago:
First off
and you better believe that the comments going against their narrative are getting deleted on their instance
Is just a baseless accusation at this point.
Secondly if
Users from instances like hexbear, lemmygrad, exploding heads etc. seem to have some things in common: -Brigading -Trolling -Spreading misinformation/lies about genocides, wars, etc. -Demanding to be heard because of free speech and “tolerance” -When they face resistance, they get aggressive
were reported so often it’d be untenable the admins here would probably be more up in arms about it. Seeing as they are seeking open discussion about this issue, I’d defer to them in the assessment that the issue with comments of this kind is with individuals and not one of the instance.
Generally Propaganda is pretty much everywhere and everyone also is regurgitating some version of it, you or other liberal users will spew liberal propaganda, leftist will spew leftist propaganda, the Russian state spews Kremlin Propaganda, conservative Christians will spew conservative propaganda. You have it quite right in how that process happens.
But firstly, you me and everyone, can learn to recognize types of propaganda, and decide which propaganda to accept, and which to reject. Many people here are probably quite adept at this already, but I think the ones that look at the hexbar front page and see a united front of foreign propaganda have likely accepted a certain type of liberal propaganda, and reject much everything else as propaganda, and as such are not properly equipped for a more honest understanding about what the users there are saying.
To that point, I’m obviously spewing leftist propaganda by defending hexbear, but my argument can still be good, and you should be able to accept or reject it despite your biases, by trying to understand it.
And secondly ( and this is roughly following the admins thoughts as well ) liberalism it’s propaganda and followers are very common and in my view extremely destructive, sure not as destructive as conservatism or fascism would likely be, but definitely destructive enough to reject it in favor of leftist(communist, anarchist, socialist) ideology instead.
The large majority of (newer) lemmy users likely grew up under liberalism and so surrounded by it’s propaganda to accept it at least partially. This includes me, but throughout my life I’ve learned to reject a lot of liberal propaganda and accept different propaganda instead, because even though liberalism is so common it tends to explain and predict things less accurately and less completely, than socialist or anarchist theory does at least as far as I can see.