- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
Guess you’re blind on one eye. The side you defend as clearly in the right has quite a list of war crimes, including genocide on their table. At least according to international humanitarian law, which you also so gladly refer to, when it comes to blaming Israel:
- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
Oh so I did waste my time after all.
- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
Netanyahu is almost the last person I want to defend. That makes this whole situation a mess, because overall I understand how bad the whole situation for Israel is. For all the ongoing back and forth between “Israel did…” and “someone from the Palestenians did…” over the last 75 years, there are certain turning points. The last one was Oct 7, initiated by the Hamas. The one before, in my eyes, was the 2nd Intifada which came from the Palestenian side instead of taking the 2 state proposal that was on the table for almost 10 years. After that, Israel chose the stance, if there can’t be peace, at least there can be security. They did so most of the time with the person Netanyahu. That was a bad choice, but from that situation there was no good choice to begin with.
For a political solution you need 2 sides who are willing to compromise. From what I’ve seen, the closest the Palestinian side has ever provided was Arafath, but he walked away from a good proposal without even a counter proposal right when the 2nd Intifada started. I don’t know how in you can say it’s only Israel’s making. That’s just not true.
Israel gave up the occupation of Gaza. The Gazeans thanked Israel with electing the Hamas. The Hamas thanked the Gazeans by throwing their political opponents from rooftops and letting them lay in the streets as a warning sign to their other fellow Palestinians. Then Israel closed the borders. And the Hamas took every opportunity they could to shoot rockets against Israel and did nothing to improve the living situations for the inhabitants of the Gaza strip.
And from there forward, Israel has no choice but to defend itself with force. That doesn’t excuse their agressive settlement behavior in the West Bank, nor their apartheid tendencies. These are in the way of any peaceful solution. But it seems that after Palestinians made it clear there is no chance for peace, Israel said “so be it”.
Perhaps the territory should be returned to the people from whom it was forcibly taken and re-establish Palestine.
I’m pretty certain in hindsight many agree that the foundation of the state Israel in the way it was done was a mistake. But it’s there, and there are only ways into the future, none into the past.
Israel was founded under international law. It’s a state, it’s existence is protected by international law, and, just for the record, delegitimation of the state Israel is a clear marker of a post-WW2 antisemitic statement. A 2 state solution under international law was on the table from the start, but Palestineans didn’t want it back then, too.
I’m absolutely certain that indiscriminately killing at least 10 Palestinians who have nowhere to run for every Israeli who died in a terrorist attack those Palestinians were not responsible for is beyond the pale.
The Hamas has a long record of using civilians as shields, clearly a war crime every single time. International humanitarian law says, civilians can not be targeted, and should be avoided as collateral damage where possible. Where any other country under attack evacuates their civilians out of strike zones, the Hamas prevents their civilians from leaving, or moves them in. We don’t know much about the situation on the ground, but with that background knowledge your 10:1 numbers can as easily be blamed onto the Hamas.
My take is, if you’re non-combatant Gazean, you have 2 enemies. And to me it’s unclear which is more dangerous.
- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
under complex argument…
I have no idea what this is.
A bad translation apparently. Dictionary says I should have used “oversimplified”
- Comment on Colonize the Open Web 1 year ago:
Nooo! Colonialism bad!
- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
No I don’t want children to violently die. They deserve to live their life. In war, among men and women, children die. Therefore I prefer a world without war.
As far as this under complex argument goes that’s all I can say.
I don’t get the vibe you would listen to what the international humanitarian law says about real world situations where war actually occurs, therefore I won’t waste my time spelling this out.
- Comment on How far does the BDS Movement go? 1 year ago:
I visited 3 links you gave me. One is newer than my comment, and it is dedicated to UN experts, as opposed to the organization, so still not a contradiction to my comment. The other from 2021 talks about investigations against Israel and Hamas, which so far didn’t get to any conclusions.
Then you mixed in the apartheid charge in a comment over genocide. I think that’s incoherent as an argument but won’t fight against that one.
And then there’s the global south, which apparently has a long brewed hatred against Israel for reasons I don’t know. That didn’t start with October 7th. I’m aware of deep seated antisemitism in their leftist parties, but don’t know enough about their politics to contextualize a single article. So I can’t say anything about that.
In conclusion the word genocide still doesn’t seem to uphold to the situation in Gaza. Particularly this week seems to show that a genocide is not Israel’s intention, even when it is in a situation of absolute power. At least not while anyone else than their nazi parties has something to say.
Now, what happens in situations where the Hamas has absolute power we saw during those dreadful hours on October 7th. They hunt down civilians, stopping at nothing unless stopped by force.
Tell me, how should Israel fight such an opponent.
- Comment on What's wrong with 'eggs'? 1 year ago:
That’s the spirit.
- Comment on The Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What? 1 year ago:
And even if they don’t do that they’ll join only communities where the bias is already there.
- Comment on What's wrong with 'eggs'? 1 year ago:
Doesn’t sound appetizing enough.
- Comment on Onions are a violation of the terms of service. 1 year ago:
It’s frustrating how many of these systems rely on hard coded word or even substring matching, and that in a world of large language models that can evaluate semantics.
- Comment on Onions are a violation of the terms of service. 1 year ago:
Ir maybe it was the fuck
- Comment on Of the tens of thousands of lies told, I wish this one was true... 1 year ago:
Do they have a foreigner ms armee? They should enlist him immediately.
- Comment on What is "FUD"? 1 year ago:
Guess you’re one of today’s lucky 10000
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
Confused. So that’s a thing where you agree?
Or do you think that’s my position?
Or do you just post something to shut down calling outs of propaganda narratives?
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
As I said in the other comment, not falling for one sides propaganda doesn’t automatically mean the other side is right. What we have on social media is propaganda for a supposed Palestinian side, but overwhelmingly it’s Hamas’ talking points, which are clearly anti Israel, but lacking in the “pro Palestinian” cause.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
Oh dear.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
Pretty sure you could answer that yourself if you wanted to.
- Comment on In the Hamas/Israel war, why does Palestine have "hostages" but Israel has "prisoners"? 1 year ago:
To talk about Israels propaganda in today’s social media landscape is propaganda itself.
Pretty much on all channels there’s a between 10:1 and 20:1 relationship between pro Palestinian vs pro Israel comments.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
Oh yes. With that sort of thing better double check each time.
- Comment on A good deal of IT work, too 1 year ago:
If it spits out the wrong syntax my compiler will tell me immediately.
- Comment on Pigeons 1 year ago:
ok so far.
It’ll become funny once I understand the double meaning. What does it mean the way it is written “coo sticks”?
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Your comment reads like you’re addressing mostly the history since 2005 or so. I definitely see that Israel after the 2nd intifada has had a very different strategy than before, including these things that you outline.
Just don’t ignore that there was a history before. There was an offer for a 2-state solution on the table where the world agreed it won’t get any better. Arafat just walked away and started the 2nd intifada instead. Hamas is still much older than that. Irans support of the Hamas is newer, though.
It’s so lame to blame it all on Israel. My take on this still is that for the security of Israel, it doesn’t matter much what Israel does. Their tries for peace negotiations were largely ignored, and their hard crackdowns do shit for their security. The signal to deescalate the conflict must come from Iran, which will impact how Hamas and Hisbollah work.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Yes, there is all that. As I said, I think Netanyahu and his bunch belong in jail, not in power.
But when this guy is out of the way, here’s a few more questions to consider:
- Do you agree that after Oct 7th, Israels strategy of building a wall and an “iron dome” must be considered totally failed?
- Do you agree that the Hamas can not be talked with?
- Do you agree that independent from the Hamas, Israel is surrounded by militant groups that want to erase the state from the map?
- Do you agree that in the past no palestinean negotiator seriously considered a 2-state-solution?
What are, positively speaking, Israels options? What should a moderate follower of Netanyahu do to achieve some sort of piece? I’m lost here. Do you have any ideas other than saying “not this way”?
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
That is at best a totally skewed version. Yea we know Netanyahu for a few years let the Hamas grow, and we have records of him with vaguely the reasoning you have there.
But to make Israel entirely responsible for the existence, what the Hamas does and wants, demands a world view of an all powerful Jewish government that plans and executes for immense time frames. Don’t we have that though pattern in widely spread antisemitic conspiracy theories?
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Really? What we have in the news these days is published by the conflict parties, independent verification is almost never possible.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
To the leftist who is stunned by this message:
Think of Jordan Peterson. There was a time where he was riled up against “ideologies who would kill people in the name of a higher good.” And he named examples, Stalin and Mao most prominently. For all the abstract criticisms of ideologies, he rarely distances himself from Fascism, named Hitler only very occasionally as an example.
Now he is forethinker for the Republican Fascist party which is now normalizing the exact dehumanizing language that the Nazis used to prepared and justify their concentration camps.
Antifascists caught his thought patterns early on and warned of him using fascist arguments much more sensitive than most people, the missing distancing from Hitler along his other prominent examples being one of them.
Now, dear leftists, the mirror of this arguments wants to ask you if you are really only motivated by reducing human suffering and wanting peace. And if so, you cannot ignore the role of Hamas in this longtime ongoing conflict nor in this war. If you skip that, if that’s not in your mirror, it’s big time necessary to go outside your bubble. Because then chances are you are a puppet playing the propaganda trumpet for the Hamas, or otherwise playing in their hands.
- Comment on Here's your mirror kings 1 year ago:
Circlejerk rather than shitpost.
- Comment on Tax time 1 year ago:
Which is not a solution because just because while you pay less taxes you still have to go through the process
- Comment on Do you think that membership into suicide pacts will increase dramatically within the next decade because the world is falling apart at the seams? 1 year ago:
You say that as if critical thinking was ever taught in school.