- Comment on Samsung does an Apple with its first Snapdragon X Elite laptop, suggesting the new Arm-based Windows machines aren't going to be a cheap alternative to x86 11 months ago:
Or it is just corporate greed. Samsung would love to position something that is just okay into a premium price tier and not have to pay Intel. Sure they’re going to pay Qualcomm instead but you can bet that Qualcomm is giving some great introductory prices to their early partners.
- Comment on Samsung does an Apple with its first Snapdragon X Elite laptop, suggesting the new Arm-based Windows machines aren't going to be a cheap alternative to x86 11 months ago:
Any program written for the .net clr ought to just run out of the box. There’s also an x64 to ARM translation layer that works much like Apple’s Rosetta. It will run the binary through a translation and execute that. I have one of the windows arm dev units. It works relatively well except on some games from my limited experience.
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
The facts are that large companies rarely innovate anything major. They tend to buy up smaller companies that have taken the risk and succeeded. Look at Google and Microsoft and tons of others. It’s a problem with growing big. The forces that make a company a successful scrappy little startup die out in the name of organizational efficiency. If you want to know what Apple innovated you have to look at what they did in the 70s or extend your criteria to companies they have bought.
- Comment on Steve Jobs Rigged The First iPhone Demo By Faking Full Signal Strength And Secretly Swapping Devices Because Of Fragile Prototypes And Bug-Riddled Software 1 year ago:
People laughed their assess off at Bill Gates’s epic failed demo of usb on windows 95. Live on stage he plugged in a peripheral and the machine blue screened. No way in hell would Jobs have taken that risk.
- Comment on Tesla driver who killed 2 people while using autopilot must pay $23,000 in restitution without having to serve any jail time 1 year ago:
The real crime is marketing the driver assist capability under the name autopilot when it is anything but that.
- Comment on A massive tech company exodus is occurring in Texas, reports show 1 year ago:
More like banking and finance. Many of them have shipped jobs out of New York and elsewhere to cities in the DFW area like Plano.
- Comment on Grok refuses to answer a prompt, says its a violation of the "OpenAI Policy" 1 year ago:
That’s already happening. What’s more is that training an llm on llm generated content degrades the llm for some reason. It’s becoming a mess.
- Comment on Real quick question about the "break" 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s a bit on the extreme side for me. 10-20 is what I prefer. I find that if I follow that rule the code is easy to come back to later because the things a function does are more clearly defined. I can look at a higher level function and it’s filled with function calls like readX, createY and doThis. I don’t have to look at as many blocks of code and try to remember what the intent was.
- Comment on Real quick question about the "break" 1 year ago:
It’s a highly opinionated book but it is full of good advice that in my opinion goes too far. Using a metaphor here, I think he wanted to get people to the moon but knew that he needed to give guidance to get to mars because people would look at whatever he wrote and think it’s too much.
The book has several chapters discussing the SOLID design principles and showing how to apply them. You’ll be a better programmer for reading it. “Uncle Bob” the person can be a bit problematic so I don’t particularly like telling people to give him money. Try getting the book from the library or a second hand store. There are also videos out there of him speaking at conferences that may give a good taste of the material. He has a blog too.
- Comment on Real quick question about the "break" 1 year ago:
There is a school of thought that break and continue are just goto in disguise. It helps that these two are more limited in scope than goto and can be considered less evil. If you read the book Clean Code by Robert Martin (it should be required reading for all developers), you’ll see that he doesn’t like functions to be very long. I think his rule is no more than 4 lines. I try to keep mine around 10 or less with a hard stop at 20 unless it can’t be avoided because I’m switching over a large enum or something. If you put your loops into functions then you can just use return instead of break.
I did have a discussion with a teacher once about my use of early returns. This was when I had returned to school after many years as a professional programmer. I pointed out that my code has far less indentation than theirs and was simpler because of it and that it is common in the world outside of education. I got all of my points back he has deducted.
You’re going to hear some good and bad advice from your teachers. Once you have a job check out what the good developers are doing and just follow them.
- Comment on CEO Jack Dorsey tells workers he’s making it easier to fire them — There are reportedly no more performance improvement plans at Block 1 year ago:
The answer is always “laid off”. They don’t usually verify because the former employer will only verify that you worked there and your start and end date. They don’t want to open themselves up to slander lawsuits.
- Comment on A Googler who just resigned after 18 years reflects on the decline of the company he loved 1 year ago:
Find a job you love and you’ll never work another day in your life. I believe that was Churchill.
I enjoy the line of work I’m in. I don’t always enjoy the companies that I do it in. Some are much better than others. It’s fine to like or even love where you work as long as you realize that you’re in what could easily become an abusive relationship at any time. Do your time and do it well but don’t go out of your way to do it. That’s what I strive for.
- Comment on CEO Jack Dorsey tells workers he’s making it easier to fire them — There are reportedly no more performance improvement plans at Block 1 year ago:
In my experience a PIP is just a nice way to say it’s not working out, go ahead and start looking elsewhere, you can stay on a while longer until you do find something else. With all of the tech layoffs over the last 18 months, they might as well just dispense with PIPs too.
- Comment on Where can I find tutorials on embedding Lua scripting into applications 1 year ago:
While lua ships a standalone interpreter, it is very much designed to be embedded directly into an application. This is done by invoking some C apis to load the interpreter into the application’s memory space. OP wants to do that rather than invoking another process and reading the output. When embedding into a host, the host can provide its own objects to be manipulated by the user script allowing for a much better extensibility experience.
- Comment on How does the Raspberry Pi 5 compare to the Orange Pi 5? 1 year ago:
Does the orange pi 5 also require active cooling? That’s one of my bigger hangouts about the RPi5.
- Comment on How do you explain your reasons for jumping ship? 1 year ago:
The recruiter won’t care much about why you want to leave a job. Their primary focus is to get you into a new job in order to collect a fee from the employer. The recruiter will ask you some basic screener questions while very likely not understanding what it is they are asking. If this is an internal recruiter the questions likely came from the hiring manager. If it is a staffing agency, you’re lucky if the recruiter even has a direct relationship with the company. More likely they’re one of a dozen+ companies trying to find a warm body for to put in front of the company. I often receive several LinkedIn messages for the same job in my local area from various staffing firms.
One thing you should do is take a look at your list of negatives and turn them into positives that you have to offer a new employer. For instance, the item about many senior engineers joining and leaving can be turned into, “I have been exposed to a broad range of coding styles and architectures from working with many codebases built by knowledgable developers. Supporting and maintaining them in a production environment has allowed me to see what works well, what doesn’t, and to better my own style.” Be prepared to give one or two examples of how you were influenced by the good and the bad. If I were interviewing you, I would ask for them.
Regarding your first two bullet points, you probably shouldn’t be interviewing for junior positions with four years of experience. Make sure that you’re interviewing for mid-level positions. It’s rare to be asked why you want to leave your current position. If it happens just say that your company is in a hiring freeze and that you’re doing the work of a mid level programmer but are unable to be promoted and that you need the extra income to purchase a house.
- Comment on Is it really a breaking change if a method changes output after an update? 1 year ago:
Breaking change. It’s gone from plain text to a markdown formatted text (possibly). There’s changing an interface (obviously a breaking change) and then there’s changing the semantics of a function. I just dealt with a breaking change where a string error value changed for an account registration api call. Previously it returned EMAIL_IN_USE and now it returns EMAIL_TAKEN. Same data type but it broke the client code. Changing values or formats is a breaking change. In your case the documentation says don’t rely on this function for anything but once the output is in the wild any monkey can start using it for anything and it can’t be certain that some code documentation will be consulted before deciding to depend on it.
- Comment on [HN] X wants permission to start collecting your bio data and employment history 1 year ago:
Another day and another article that reaffirms my choice to delete my accounts.
- Comment on Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 ( 1 year ago:
There was a time when at least once a month on that “other site”’s android channel that you would see a post about someone getting their account permanently banned. Sometimes it was because they made a spammy app while in high school or college but had turned over a new leaf and were using a new Google account. Sometimes it was a company who had employed someone who had been previously banned but only ever signed into the play console under a company email but probably also signed into their personal mail on the work machine. How true are the claims? I can’t say.
- Comment on Today, Reddit forcibly removed me (and everyone else) as mods of /r/iOSProgramming, a subreddit of about 130k users. I was keeping the sub private / NSFW | Tanner B 🦕🧁 ( 1 year ago:
I wish I could say that Google is better at that. It’s basically the same story but with even less humans to talk to when you’re flagged for doing something wrong or in the case of Google your former college roommate whom you haven’t seen in 10 years did something wrong. It’s the price all mobile devs pay unless they only want to distribute to a small subset of users who have liberated their phones.
- Comment on A love letter to Objective-C 1 year ago:
The number keeps shrinking as Swift adoption increases at Apple. I imagine one thing holding it back was lack of C++ interop which was introduced this year. There’s also the rewrite of Foundation into Swift that will allow a better Swift story on non-Apple platforms. I appreciated ObjC back in the day and didn’t jump straight into Swift when it launched. I was saddened that it wasn’t as flexible as ObjC. I eventually got over it and grew to like Swift more.