- Comment on Are all phone calls voip (voice over Internet protocol) now? 9 months ago:
In the US my mom has some old rotary analog phones that simply wouldn't work with her new service. Had to buy her an analog to digital converter before they started working again. Most phone service comes through your internet modem now, so if they aren't phased out yet, they are working on it.
- Comment on I love Home Assistant, but... 1 year ago:
Yes you can. It requires those docker containers to be installed and plugged into it on a stand alone system. This is exactly what HAOS is doing behind the scenes for is users and why many stick with it.
- Comment on Discord is laying off 17 percent of employees 1 year ago:
Mobile UI is atrocious after the recent upgrade a couple months ago. Wish I could go back.
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
It finally got there though at the end of it's life. I have mine available still because it's basically a modded Wii with the ability to also play WiiU Roms too.
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
I'm fairly certain Nintendo recently released new controllers that are compatible with Bluetooth and have the old cord input for the GC adapter\console they sold for WiiU\Switch. So controllers should be fairly available for you at least.
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
That's how I got mine and realized how wrong I was about refusing to buy Wind Waker because kid Link was the protagonist. Bought it because Twilight Princess was coming out and I got a used Wind Waker copy for like $20 too.
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
I had an issue with my launch day PS2 when it was still in circulation. Thankfully the fix was to open up the console and flip a toggle switch to allow it to read both both DVD and PS2 games again. Console is still going strong to this day for me.
- Comment on What's the point of a reverse proxy and does cloudflare give all the benefits of one? 1 year ago:
This is the way. My setup is very similar except I only use authentik for Nextcloud. I don't expose my "arr" services to the Internet so I don't feel it necessary to put them behind authentik, although I could of I wanted.
Using Duo's free 10 personal licenses is also great as it can also plug into authentik for MFA through the solution.
- Comment on What do you use for cloud storage and why? 1 year ago:
What files from your Mac are you trying to sync to next cloud? If you have a Truenas already, why are you hosting files from your Mac instead of mapping a share directly from your Truenas into Nextcloud and working directly off of the source instead?
As for syncing photos from my phone to Nextcloud, I've had no issues over the past 3 years hosting it myself. I had one problem with a lot of conflicts where permissions on my truenas wouldn't allow nextcloud to delete them, so I had a manual cleanup process last month but that's the only problem I've had. I just switched to Truenas a few months ago from QNAP and am still learning the caveats of their very granular permissions but everything generally works about 99% of the time.
- Comment on Thousands of Android TV devices come with unkillable backdoor preinstalled 1 year ago:
You're going to build your own smart TV that can handle new HDMI and Displayport advancements too?
- Comment on How do you backup your data? 1 year ago:
I backup my ESXi VMs and NAS file shares to local server storage using an encrypted Veeam job and have a copy job to a local NAS with iSCSI storage presented.
From there I have another host VM accessing that same iSCSI share uploading the encrypted backup to Backblaze. Unlimited "local" storage for $70\y? Yes please! (iSCSI appears local to Backblaze. They know and have already started they don't care.)
I'm backing up about 4TB to them currently using this method.
- Comment on How do you backup your data? 1 year ago:
I'm sure you know this, but snapshots are not backups!
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
Worth mentioning that NZBget is no longer in development. It still works but there is a fork out of a new client someone is developing. I can't recall the name but easily findable. This would be the equivalent of your torrent client.
It's nearing year end and you can get end of year deals soon on providers and indexers so off hold off until November\December. I think I got a lifetime NZBGeek membership last year for like $100 or something. It was my first time doing usenet but I actually switched my instances to use usenet indexers first over torrent indexers its that good.
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
Funny enough I just cancelled my Hulu after they jacked the ad-free price up to $18. It was $12 when I first subscribed about 6 or 7 years ago.
I will say thier D+ and Hulu price doesn't seem bad with the current promotion, but I'm getting D+ currently from family. I've always sailed the seas even when subbed to Hulu, but once D+ starts blocking sub sharing I'll be shoving off for the long foreseeable future once again.
- Comment on Every single Onewheel is being recalled after four deaths 1 year ago:
That was my thought too. Not knowing how much they cost and reading $100 I already knew that amount was way too low. I've gotten recalls on dehumidifiers in the past and the rebate usually equated to about half of a new unit. That's obviously apples to oranges but still a rediculous offering given the price of a newer model.
- Comment on Leased Solar Systems Are Failing Across America 1 year ago:
That's definitely a help, thanks for the details! The description of your plan sounds more along what was a available to us, but I'm currently paying off a 401k loan until 2027 so any huge project would need to wait for sure. I'm in Ohio and a few houses in my neighborhood already have solar, and we do get hail about twice a year here. I'd also want batteries as our neighborhood gets brownouts a couple of times a year too and that would help with it.
I also appreciate how you explained how the tax credit works too. I'm hopeful to do something before they expire it, and I'm also hoping they don't end it early!
- Comment on Leased Solar Systems Are Failing Across America 1 year ago:
Yeah, I had a peanut door to door salesman above a tablet in my face telling me that the solar "purchase" would be completely free. I'm interested in solar but know "free" always has a catch and told him to pound sand. I checked it out later that day and the website for the company he represented (I forget which) and they started nothing "free" about it.
I did learn that solar is quite expensive, from the install process to the leasing of equipment. And very little to no information is available regarding repair of the panels, from malfunction to hail damage. And what happens if it's time to redo shingles on your roof? No idea, but I'm sure the salesmen will tell you something along the lines of "it's covered" or "don't worry about it right now". Well that's the way my brain works. I plan for long term and think of any obscure variables that may come along the way.
There's also the ROI on solar. When you purchase or lease the panels it takes about 10 years before you can actually see a benefit in your bank account.
I'd love to go solar, but until it's actually affordable and makes sense I can't bring myself to pull the trigger. Maybe in 2030 when the US's current tax incentive is due to expire I may take another look.
- Comment on Why shouldn’t I just give up on Lemmy? 1 year ago:
"Magazines" over in kbin. I've been using it and like it.
- Comment on Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform 1 year ago:
Good thing I don't perform any activity there any longer
- Comment on Edgerunners Cybercarl (humor for a very select cross fandom) 1 year ago:
This is great lol. Thanks for sharing!
- Comment on A New Low: Just 46% Of U.S. Households Subscribe To Traditional Cable TV 1 year ago:
I just cut off our Hulu with the recent price hike and we also started out with Hulu. We share a family plan for Disney+ and sail the high seas for anything else. Having an OTA antenna with an HD Home run is also a plus.
- Comment on All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space 1 year ago:
10GB is nothing in an enterprise datastore housing PBs of data. 10GB is nothing for my 40TB homelab!
- Comment on New York police will use drones to monitor backyard parties this weekend, spurring privacy concerns 1 year ago:
Based on the amount of Ukraine drone strike videos I've seen, these things are near unnoticeable as high up as they are.