- Comment on The Rogue Prince of Persia has been delayed to avoid being overshadowed by Hades 2 9 months ago:
Hades 2 is exceptional. Their best game yet.
- Comment on Stop Killing Games Australian Petition - Open for Signature Until **20 May 2024** 9 months ago:
It is only right that if a publisher wants to reap the immediate benefit of selling something digitally that they should then be responsible for maintaining owners access to that digital content. If they don't want to maintain it, release it on physical medium with offline play and eat that cost. No worthwhile product ships for free.
- Comment on Hideo Kojima Says Physint Was Inspired By Fans Asking Him To Make Another Metal Gear Game 1 year ago:
Pretty sure that was a teaser for OD, his upcoming horror project currently in dev. I don't think Physint is yet being made.
- Comment on It's not DNS 1 year ago:
I definitely would love to see a rework of the network stack at large but idk how you'd do it without an insane amount of cooperation among tech giants which seems sort of impossible
- Comment on Apple Is Lobbying Against Right to Repair Six Months After Supporting Right to Repair 1 year ago:
They "supported" a bill that they immediately circumvented, yeah. They had no interest in protecting right to repair they just wanted the PR. It should surprise no one that they're opposed to actual bills that force them to alter their business practices.
- Comment on ‘Zombie Offices’ Spell Trouble for Some Banks - The New York Times 1 year ago:
These companies tend to own or have long term leases, so either they are stuck paying rent and have to justify the expense or they own an asset that is depreciating in value and they could stop that from happening by spending no money to force their employees back into the office. You have to think about the big money, too. Real estate is a cornerstone asset for big money, many banks and real estate empires hold these enormous office buildings and society trending towards WFH means those buildings are rapidly losing their value.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
God I loved that game, my partner loved watching me play it too which is super rare lol
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Yeah I've been really enjoying the building in single player but I'm beginning to feel like I need to hit up multiplayer to get as much as I can out of the experience as it is now.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Been playing a lot of Valheim and Trailmakers this week to get myself in the mindset for the upcoming Enshrouded EA release
- Comment on Nvidia sued after senior employee accidentally showed off confidential files taken from previous employer during a video meeting 1 year ago:
Ah, there's the rub. Thanks I was having a hard time figuring this one out.
- Comment on Are there any people who hates music? 1 year ago:
I worked with a rich ranch girl at a Restaurant once, she was 17 maybe just doing the summer serving with us, and I was playing music and taking requests and I asked her what she liked and she said "none of it I hate Music." I said "what do you do in the car?" she said "listen to talk radio or podcasts" and this just... Baffled me. She was not good at her job but after she told me that I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for her.
- Comment on Apple’s “carbon neutral” claims are facing increased scrutiny 1 year ago:
Get it's ass in gear? Apple has been actively fighting RtR and expandability in every way and only 'supported' the last RtR bill in Cali because they already had a circumvention in place using versioning. This is the exact same thing, PR gets to say they're carbon neutral while they pump the exact same amount of CO2 into the air each year. It's not just bad practice it's deceitful.
- Comment on 10 billion snow crabs have disappeared off the Alaskan coast. Here’s why 1 year ago:
Unfortunately as this so well illustrates many of the effects are happening on a long enough timeline that we won't be able to see until we can look back on the data and that's also pretty alarming
- Comment on 10 billion snow crabs have disappeared off the Alaskan coast. Here’s why 1 year ago:
But the comparison between 150 M in fishable crab and 24 M in fishable crab does help illustrate how heavy the effects have been. Believe me, I hate the need to illustrate things in dollar signs too but it is an effective tool when many peoples frames of reference are geared that way. I guess I'm just devils advocating
- Comment on What Are Some Good Card Videogames? 1 year ago:
Cultist Simulator is a great card game. A little odd, not like other games at all and kind of mysterious but ultimately a cool experience
- Comment on No love lost: AppLovin helpfully releases tool to switch from Unity to Godot or Unreal 1 year ago:
I'm pretty interested to see the prompt they use for Unreal
- Comment on No love lost: AppLovin helpfully releases tool to switch from Unity to Godot or Unreal 1 year ago:
Wow well I guess I'll eat crow. I never thought that was possible to automate but given the use of LLMs I guess it is... Excited to see how it turns out
- Comment on Unity's Plan Won't Work, but Someone Else's Will | TechnoFeudalism in Games and Beyond 1 year ago:
There will never be a tool to convert Unity projects to Unreal. However there are already several to convert Unity to Godot, because both use C#
- Comment on US rejects AI copyright for famous state fair-winning Midjourney art 1 year ago:
Well if the sketch was made by the artist then no you can't, and if the sketch wasn't then the copyright board has a right to know, and he didn't disclose the original image.
- Comment on The War Thunder forum has once again been used to share restricted plane documentation - this time about the F-117 Nighthawk 1 year ago:
It's too fucking funny that people are willing to post classified military specs on aircraft just to bitch about a game.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
Oblivion being developed with AI driven layouts is a hilarious supposition. It was 2002 dawg.
- Comment on Open source community figures out problems with performance in Starfield 1 year ago:
Yeah when people tell me that Fallout or Skyrim are "well written" I know that they don't read.