40k Enjoyer, Anime Connoisseur, Variety Gamer.
- Comment on ‘There wasn’t enough about the horror’: Hiroshima survivors react to Oppenheimer 11 months ago:
Friend, Japan started that war and refused to surrender. The American people literally did not want to participate in that specific war.
The USA is really fucking good at killing people. Japan knew this and they still decided to attack.
Loss of civilian life is unavoidable when two countries initiate a full scale war. Does it suck to be on the losing end of that? Absolutely. Unfortunately, at the time, war consisted of bombing and ground warfare. Japan seemed to have no plans to leave the USA alone so the American hand was forced to pick between the few very bad options. All of them would result in a dramatic loss of life.
- Comment on ‘There wasn’t enough about the horror’: Hiroshima survivors react to Oppenheimer 11 months ago:
That isn’t a “What If”, that was literally our plan if the bomb was not developed in time.
- Comment on I know it sounds crazy, but I think they're women, too. 1 year ago:
Oh wow, that dev’s situation is extremely fucked up. The character they designed is clearly just a flat chested woman, yet Steam gave them a perma ban at 1.0 and accused them of sexualizing minors. This is an unfortunate precedent for anyone who was hoping to for more flat chested women depicted in media.
- Comment on Young Adults, How Frequent Do You See Your Friends? 1 year ago:
27, I am usually playing games online with my friends and family every night. We will usually meet in person 1-2 times a week to watch movies or play board games.
How I do it? Obviously some weeks are more busy than others, but I will set aside a couple hours to atleast organize and get lunch with my friends.