Ten minutes later I was sorry.
But ten minutes later I was somewhere else.
- Comment on The Oxford English Dictionary’s latest update adds 23 Japanese words - "Isekai" is now officially part of the OED. 11 months ago:
Zettai ryouiki betta be in there too.
- Comment on AI chatbots tend to choose violence and nuclear strikes in wargames 1 year ago:
Get Matthew Broderick on the horn!
- Comment on Delivery attempt at 2am - charged to redeliver! 1 year ago:
Don't forget to tip!
- Comment on What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children? 1 year ago:
EVE Online.
- Comment on What are some of the best mini-games youve played? (games inside games) 1 year ago:
For minigames as "games within the game" (e.g., GTA has a lot of these like pool, golf, etc.,) throw another one up for Witcher 3's Gwent!
For minigames as representations of some other mechanic (e.g., hacking, lock picking,) I remember liking the hacking in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Reminded me of hacking in EVE: Online.
Probe scanning was awesome in EVE too—ay least it was a decade or so ago. Who knows if it's still the same now doe? Not me.
- Comment on is gone 1 year ago:
Someone archived all the quotes on the Internet Archive.
Otherwise we'd need to share all the quotes by mouth around a hobo campfire.
I've read Fahrenheit 451 so i noe. - Comment on Buon giorno 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Merry Christmas!
I'll toss a hat in this ring for Borderlands 3.
I've heard good things.
- Comment on People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
Probably a kbin issue then.
That post looks the same as mine on kbin. - Comment on Betrayal 1 year ago:
Lies! More Lies!
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
Should the bang that's part of the syntax normally appear there too? (I imagine it would.)
This is my view from within edit.
(Note: the screenshot probably will auto-load if I upload the image myself as opposed to linking an external URL.) - Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
Haha, thanks! I sent through this with another guy actually—I have been using that syntax but it doesn't auto-load or go inline automatically.
Maybe it's because I'm on kbin.
- Comment on Electrician job 1 year ago:
- Comment on Google proposes Project Ellmann, a chatbot that intimately knows you 1 year ago:
Project Adman.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That's a Netgear Switch.
This, is a Nintendo Switch.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
Aww, they’re scissor sisters now!
Scissor step-sisters?
- Comment on My partner made the coolest vanilla cake for our daughter's birthday 1 year ago:
It’s really well done, but what’s with the punching gesture?
Cake looks really cool, but why the hand waiting for someone to kiss the ring?
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
What do you think about jet injectors?
That one supposedly was cool
They’re not cool.
What a wild ride.
- Comment on What is the thing that resembles a camera shoe under the handset holder found on telephones with a handset used for? 1 year ago:
What the heck is a camera shoe?
- Comment on Jingle Bells, Batman sme... 1 year ago:
Justice smells like sweat fermenting in a rubber suit.
- Comment on I want to talk in an American accent but how can I transition into it slowly for people who know me without them noticing a sudden change? 1 year ago:
Why American though?
Why not South African, or something like this? Then you can sound like a mercenary. 😏
- Comment on nuclear chicken 1 year ago:
Anyone that eats that will be peeing out of their ass the next day 😂
GrammatonClericSphincter scheduled for summary combustion. 😏
- Comment on How to stop thinking about an interaction from my past? 1 year ago:
Your anger and resentment only hurts yourself and those close to you.
I don't know man. I had a really shit boss one time, and once I year I send him negative energy. I mean, I hope he breaks his hip and it doesn't heal correctly-type energy. And it makes me feel gud afterwards.
- Comment on OpenAI's reported 'superintelligence' breakthrough is so big it nearly destroyed the company, and ChatGPT 1 year ago:
Dave's not here, man.
What about Buster?
- Comment on OpenAI's reported 'superintelligence' breakthrough is so big it nearly destroyed the company, and ChatGPT 1 year ago:
Let me know when we get a real Terminator or Matrix situation.
- Comment on prick 1 year ago:
My dude looks like he hasn't slept since convocation.
- Comment on As YouTube Declares War on Ad Blockers, Google Sponsors Ad Blocking Conference 1 year ago:
Well, this is just like the CIA or whatever attending Defcon. They've got ulterior motives probably, whether it's to poach the best and brightest or to dilute the messaging.
- Comment on Forbes' kiss of death 1 year ago:
Maybe Jim Cramer's been ghostwriting for them.
- Comment on Deviate from established naming norms can lead your child to enter interesting scenarios. 1 year ago:
Seed, you're one in a million.