- Comment on Here is what 6 decommissioned servers looks like. My Jellyfin will be very happy 9 months ago:
That, is a pretty good deal. Better start picking up some MD1200s!
- Comment on I rent a vps to run fediverse instances. Here's what I've found 1 year ago:
I’d say, you have a small instance.
I used to host lemmyonline.com, which has somewhere around 50-100 users.
It was upwards of 50-80g of disk space, and it used a pretty good chunk of bandwidth. CPU/Memory requirements were not very high though.
- Comment on Does anyone feel like an actual adult? 1 year ago:
Still just feel like a kid, with extra responsibilities, while raising my own kids. Guess sometime around 50 or so i’ll start feeling like an “adult”
Although, at least I call myself a dumbass, after doing something stupid, or wasting money on crap.
- Comment on Cosmos server — a comprehensive all-in-one self hosting solution 1 year ago:
Anti-DDOS, eh?
You lost me there. There is no self-hosted anti-ddos solution that is going to be effective… Because any decent DDOS attack, can easily completely overwhelm your WAN connection. (And potentially even your ISP’s upstream(s) )#
- Comment on FYI: OPNsense now was pretty (good) Unbound DNS reporting 1 year ago:
Not a clue.
Maybe they like the pretty dashboard pihole has.
- Comment on FYI: OPNsense now was pretty (good) Unbound DNS reporting 1 year ago:
unbound as a DNS filter and resolver
Its… worked as a recursive resolver, with filtering/blacklist features for years now?
- Comment on Lemmy active users down, comments steady and posts up 1 year ago:
Don’t make the same mistake reddit did, by assuming active users = engagement.
Look at reddit’s stats, active users didn’t drop very drastically when everyone left. However, engagement/comments dropped drastically.
- Comment on Nothing to see here, just join lemmy promoting a pedophile instance. Not a good look for the fediverse 1 year ago:
You don’t see porn on the front page of lemmy either, if you used the “subscribed” view, instead of treating “ALL” as if it doesn’t contain everything.
- Comment on Best external SSD for high-uptime use? 1 year ago:
high uptime, doesn’t many anything.
SSDs are rated by how much data can be written to them, as flash as finite write-endurance.
- Comment on I just developed and deployed the first real-time protection for lemmy against CSAM! 1 year ago:
Hence my reaction to these issues. lemmyonline.com/post/459013
But… under new management now, in Germany. lemmyonline.com/post/587565
- Comment on I just developed and deployed the first real-time protection for lemmy against CSAM! 1 year ago:
No… I don’t have an IP for who uploaded it.
Sorry, I don’t know where it came from. It just got federated across the fediverse to me.
No… I don’t have the content either, it doesn’t get saved.
Sorry… I guess I really don’t have any details at all for you.
- Comment on I just developed and deployed the first real-time protection for lemmy against CSAM! 1 year ago:
not upload CSAM to for trolling communities. Even novel GenerativeAI CSAM. Users cannot upload CSAM images and never submit a post or comment (making them invisible to admins). The images will be automatically rejected during upload
There wouldn’t be anything to delete, as it would have never been saved with this.
- Comment on An Excruciatingly Detailed Guide To SSH 1 year ago:
Lets say, you work somewhere, that does, say… https decryption and/or logs stuff… or the firewall just blocks stuff in general.
And, you want to say, access that stuff.
Well, you can route your web traffic through a ssh connection, instead of it going out the traditional path. This allows you to bypass content filtering, etc.
Its, essentially like having a VPN tunnel, routing your traffic. Amazing feature.
- Comment on Why are batteries in phones always measured in mAh instead of Wh like for example notebooks? 1 year ago:
The same exact reason ISPs sell bandwidth in Mb/s, instead of the proper unit.
Quite simply, 500Mbit/s sounds a lot more impressive than 0.5Gbps or 62.5MB/s.
- Comment on What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up? 1 year ago:
I used to have a list, somewhere. But. will, instead summarize it a bit.
External-facing websites (for both myself, and hosted for other clients).
A few discord bots I created, and host.
10-20 containers for home-automation.
10-15 containers for “Media” management.
A handful of containers for document/photo archival / storage / etc.
Containers for managing storage, backups. etc.
Containers for network management (unifi), SMTP, etc.
Containers for monitoring.
Keep in mind, most common “applications” will run at least two containers (one for the app, one for the database), and, occasionally a redis container.
I run services redundantly when possible. Ie- traefik runs as a daemonset, across all of my nodes. As does longhorn storage.
That being said, I’d guess I am only running around 40-60 total applications, but, those 40-60 turns into a couple hundred containers.
- Comment on Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy 1 year ago:
There is a current PR, which I think has been merged. That being said, next release will likely contain that functionality.
- Comment on Hypothesis: Insufficient moderation tools lead to instance protectionism, which leads to a decline in the overall discussion quality on Lemmy 1 year ago:
They do.
But, if they used subscribed, they wouldn’t be able to fuss about all of the stuff they don’t want to see.
- Comment on What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic and have you been able to keep them up? 1 year ago:
My hobby of home automation, and running a home lab REALLY stopped up.
Pre-pandemic, I had a single server, pretty small, quiet, low energy usage. Post-pandemic, I have a full rack, redundant power, and tons of resources, and hundreds of containers and services.
Home automation: Pre-pandemic, I didn’t have too much. Few security cameras, and a small handful of devices, mostly controlled by alexa. Post-pandemic, I can tell you every time you forget to wash your hands after taking a shit. I know exactly how much energy and instantaneous power nearly every device in my house uses. I have automated just about anything you can imagine. Pools, opening windows, controlling a fireplace, scaring cats away from the kitchen table… you name it, and I have likely automated it and/or built hardware to automate it.
My other big hobby, was working on automotive projects: Pre-pandemic, I build a 1,000hp street-legal “race-car”. Would drive it to work occasionally. Spent a lot of time in my garage with tig welders, plasma cutters, metal lathes… etc. Post-pandemic, I honestly have not touched anything in my garage in years. I don’t really drive anywhere due to being full time WFH. So, I have not had much interest in messing with it. Also, its been really hot the last few years.
- Comment on what is RSS? 1 year ago:
Sure, I’m sure it would squeeze into an iframe just fine.
- Comment on Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root 1 year ago:
Now, If only google didn’t give out information without a valid search warrant…
Or, didn’t sell your data.
- Comment on Android 14 blocks all modification of system certificates, even as root 1 year ago:
System Certificates
Aka, you cannot untrust google’s certs. And google can do whatever the fuck they want, and you cannot change or alter that behaviour.
So, if google wants to publish a root CA, that allows them to act on behalf of any other domain, they can do that. etc.
- Comment on Any chance to have a separated "PORN" tag to avoid blocking all kind of NSFW posts? 1 year ago:
There is a current PR, nearly completed for instance level blocking.
Until then, there is an easier method. Its called, looking at your subscribed feeds, instead of blindly looking at all.
- Comment on what is RSS? 1 year ago:
RSS, is a fantastic thing, which makes it very easy to keep track of updates, news, blog posts, etc… for hundreds of things at the same time… in an easily consumable method.
Feedly, is one of the better PAID apps.
FreshRSS is a great self-hosted alternative. This is what I use.
- Comment on Anyone remember Xfire? 1 year ago:
TeamSpeak ftw
- Comment on This should be a pinned post as it really captures the essence of my experience so far. 1 year ago:
Can confirm, lol
- Danish cloud host says customers 'lost all data' after ransomware attack | TechCrunchtechcrunch.com ↗Submitted 1 year ago to technology@lemmy.world | 3 comments
- Comment on Cheap UPS solution? 1 year ago:
Cheaper or not, isn’t a huge factor.
My really expensive sol-ark 12k cannot start my 110v air-compressor.
The issue is, the rated L.R.A. ie, locked rotor amps, how much current it takes to get it started.
My A/C motor, for example, uses around 20 amps @ 240v when running, ie ~5,000w. However, its L.R.A, is 112.0 amps @ 220v, ie- (24,640 watts). Which is more than the peak load my 12k inverter can handle. So- if you tried to start it on the inverter, well, it doesn’t work.
The same principle applies to anything with a motor.
You have to evaluate the L.R.A. Remember, if you have say, a 5,000watt RMS inverter, which can handle a 10k peak- its not going to be able to start something that has a 14,000 startup draw.
- Comment on Any RSS services with deduplication? 1 year ago:
When you have 50+ feeds, it has a lot of handy features.
Like… blacklisting posts with keywords/regex, tracking things in categories, etc… And- it has a TON of options for configuring things.
The ability to whitelist/blacklist certain posts is quite handy itself. For example- taking a feed like This one and being able to only grab the “update / releases”, and ignore all of the sales, giveaways, and other crap.
The uh, configuration options for the reader you linked are pretty limited in comparison.
Although, it does look nice, its missing the features to boot.
- Comment on Sonarr (dev) now supports postgres 1 year ago:
Longhorn storage, ceph block, or other distribed BLOCK storage can help assist this issue.
- Comment on Cheap UPS solution? 1 year ago:
The ups comes into play when you suddenly don’t have mains.
Hence, the name UPS, ie uninteruptable power supply.