- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 9 months ago:
Why would home gardeners optimize for yield and cost effectiveness? They can't deploy automation or economies of scale.
You garden at home because you enjoy the flavor, freshness, and variety. Those are the perks. Miss me with those mealy, flavorless grocery store tomatoes.
- Comment on Lips that grip 1 year ago:
In Cyberpunk 2077, Judy's icon is a ghost popping out of a clamshell. There's two jokes in there.
- Comment on The Factory must grow. 1 year ago:
Much better for a science district IMO. Look at all those mountains
- Comment on America Is Missing Out on the Best Electric Cars: Whatever kind of EV you might want, chances are China has it. 1 year ago:
Well ... then 1.5k for the good battery and other options and like ... another 5k for shipping related expenses. That blew my mind how expensive it was to import.
And you get a truck 3 dudes can pull backwards with a top speed of like 36mph. It's basically a very robust power wheels.
- Comment on The tyranny of the algorithm: why every coffee shop looks the same 1 year ago:
It's all in the 3 ring binder.
- Comment on Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades 1 year ago:
What specifically did you find janky? Except for the one CTD bug I encountered (and spent hours fixing) everything seemed pretty fair. I completed all ten main story missions with no major issues with difficulty. I died some, but was always able to figure out a way to approach each encounter that made sense and didn't require exploits.
I'm not some elite gamer either; I'm a 41 year old dad.
- Comment on Control - the first game to get me to turn on cheats in decades 1 year ago:
Honestly felt it was pretty doable so long as you suited your tactics to the situation. This means you also have to build the skill of sizing up an encounter and selecting the right tool for it.
My problem with it was the thing that spit clocks. Took me forever to troubleshoot that issue.
- Comment on Help him... 1 year ago:
How many forks could a forklift lift if a forklift could lift forks.
- Comment on Title 1 year ago:
lashing out
This is soft selling war crimes. Shame on you.
- Comment on The surprisingly robust careers of Star Trek stars who became video game voice actors 1 year ago:
Dorn as an alarmingly competent Weasel was pretty nuts.
- Comment on Some goat is driving 1 year ago:
Experimental Goats Up Display
- Comment on Automakers must build cheaper, smaller EVs to spur adoption, report says 1 year ago:
My local huge park, pool, and sports complex is .7 miles. I have multiple stores and restaurants .5 miles away. Our library is also about .7 miles away. My burb is relatively walkable and perfectly bike-able.
Our grid has its own problems and are completely unsafe for cyclists a lot of the time. I know; I work there. My city has removed lanes from streets to create space for bikes and people still get killed by idiots in cars. Still inadequate public transit. Only more walkable than my own burb in certain, hyper expensive neighborhoods. Cheaper areas have homeless problems (warmer climate) resulting in tons of property crimes (mostly stolen bikes and break-ins). Many encounters with bonk-shit crazy guys yelling at stop signs (and people). Some of them have large, aggressive dogs. Oh, and then there's the fires they start by attempting to cook or warm themselves and then getting high or drunk.
Frankly I would be stoked to live in a townhouse or condo or something on the grid. All my favorite restaurants are down there, lots to do, etc. But it's shit for kids and the schools are rough as fuck.
- Comment on Automakers must build cheaper, smaller EVs to spur adoption, report says 1 year ago:
If we started now, we'd be ready in a couple decades in all but the most compact metro areas. And that's after we build the requisite political will. The US fucked itself hard leaning into cars as transport.
- Comment on Not playing with a full deck 1 year ago:
Dad stop.
- Comment on moist 1 year ago:
There's this one webcomic called Oglaf...
- Comment on Amazon exec says it’s time for RTO: ‘I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better’ 1 year ago:
Every single time some dude writes "females" I see this.
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
I've encountered so much crazy on the Internet that I can't tell who's joking, trolling, behind 7 layers of irony, off their meds, and/or incredibly serious.
- Comment on Plex Users Fear New Feature Will Leak Porn Habits to Their Friends and Family 1 year ago:
It's designed to serve media you download. So it has whatever you've acquired.
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
Dude you can describe anything this way to make it sound boring, but that doesn't even get close to reality and I think you know that deep down. I don't even like sports and this is a senselessly reductive way of framing the discussion.
- Comment on Overheating datacenter thwarts 2.5 million bank transactions 1 year ago:
There are certain advantages to StigmataOS, but unfortunately it gets a little runny when it's hot.
- Comment on Country music 1 year ago:
Johnny Cash too!
- Comment on Ever wonder what else they ask the computer? 1 year ago:
I know it's a meme but there's an actual answer: because humans have them, and Dr. Soong wanted Data to feel human. That was the whole point of the project from what I understand.
- Comment on The EV transition trips over its own cord 1 year ago:
"I am not personally aware of thing, so thing must not exist."
There's a lot more. The CA Air Resources Board did a study on this too, which drove CA's EV mandate. You could have googled it before posting this. Weird that you didn't. Weird.
- Comment on Holo-ween: Beverly fulfills her phantasm fantasy. 1 year ago:
Save hundreds of lives and go on countless missions to strange new worlds, but you fuck one ghost...
- Comment on Generous trick or treating 1 year ago:
It's not that they're for the kids, it's that each handful costs one child. Eggs are expensive.
- Comment on Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some mechanistic bint lobbed a phaser at me, they'd put me away. 1 year ago:
Not sure if great joke or legit criticism. Por que no los dos.
- Comment on What the Hell Happened to my Cookies? 1 year ago:
Just get a scale and weigh your flour. Much more consistent results. 120 grams per cup.
- Comment on Why aren't they using drones and more automation? 1 year ago:
Also, a lot of the niches served by drones are already covered by AI driven holograms. If you're not worried about bulky hardware and can supply holo-emitters on the cheap via replicators why wouldn't you?
- Comment on Captain, remember your breathing exercises. They're not worth it. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Captain, remember your breathing exercises. They're not worth it. 1 year ago:
Like 10 seconds away from her in First Contact and he's down there with a Tommy Gun blazing away.