- Comment on South Korean politician links rising male suicides to women 7 months ago:
So that’s where Andrew Tate went to after his release.
- Comment on The term literally means "exactly figuratively" 7 months ago:
I have a simple trick how to distinguish both:
Figurative means Figurative. Literally means literally.
You’re welcome.
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 8 months ago:
as long as it’s not your salary that gets ad-blocked.
- Comment on Youtube stopped working for me today when using uBlock Origin in Firefox or Vivaldi with anti-ad enabled. 8 months ago:
So you neither pay with money nor by watching ads for a very expensive to maintain service, but you won’t leave it be either.
I know I’m making myself Unpopular here, but what is it that you’re bringing to the table? Currently you cost YouTube money because streaming video is really expensive. You block out all the ads so every creator is cut off monetization too. This is not a publicly funded library (yet).
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
When you say that it sounds like a bad thing. I’m hopping from service to service too.
I don’t get why people think they can have 15 streaming services for the price of one, and get served the $100 million movie of the day.
And the icing on the cake is that many use this as an excuse to pirate that stuff as if they were entitled to being entertained.
- Comment on Why craft breweries are under threat as closures leap 49% 10 months ago:
Expensive beer with often questionable taste.
Some craft beers taste like a competition for the most bitter sparkly urine-like beverage priced at Champagne level. It’s an expendable niche luxury product and money is tight these days.
- Comment on Deliver Us Mars: Ultimately just not enjoyable 10 months ago:
I died three times in a row directly before reaching the first shelter and Alt-F4’ed out.
Until then the game just couldn’t pull me in. The dialogue and characters were just bland, foreseeable, two-dimensional.
Some of the puzzles are fun though and the tutorials are disguised well.
- Comment on 'It hasn't delivered': The spectacular failure of self-checkout technology 1 year ago:
Self-checkout and self-scanning are great when done right.
I only need to pack my groceries into my shopping crate once with the hand scanner. Or when buying only a few items, I skip the lines and scan them myself, pay with my phone, done.