- Comment on Anything tempting you? 1 month ago:
Not while it has denuvo.
- Comment on iOS 17.2 hints at Apple moving towards letting users sideload apps from outside the App Store 1 year ago:
On that line of thinking Ireland might be a good choice - they speak English and are still in the EU.
- Comment on Rishi Sunak considers tax cut for top earners after byelection defeats 1 year ago:
This is a very badly worded title - it’s not the top rate he plans to adjust but the 40% middle rate which starts at £50,270 - hardly millionaire land. Given our stupid inflation recently that’s an income of ~£41,000 pre Covid. Are we calling anyone who earns more than school teachers (max pay £40,490 in 2019) “top earners” now?!
- Comment on More Than 80 Percent Of Americans Can’t Afford New Cars 1 year ago:
In the UK “the shopping” means food, groceries, and other essentials (although it can mean luxury items too). Giving phrases like “I’ll carry in the shopping” or “I’m going out for the shopping”.
So saying it’s expensive to be buying shopping is saying food, etc. is expensive.
- Comment on Man spends 10 years persuading Newport council to let him dig through landfill site for £200m of buried bitcoins. 1 year ago:
Bitcoin are associated against addresses which are held in wallets. To transfer coins away from an address (i.e. to spend them to sell them) you need to create a transaction on the blockchain - as part of doing this you need to “sign” the transaction with a private key associated with the address which holds the bitcoins.
In this case the guy doesn’t have an extra copy of his private key so cannot transfer the coins - he still “owns” them but cannot transact them. It’s like having gold bars locked in a safe but you can’t remember the combination - except the combination is so huge that the chances of guessing it are effectively zero.
Most people who hold more than a trivial amount of bitcoin will have backups of their private key or use mnemonics to remember it but in the early days when 8,000 bitcoins were worth pennies there was no real incentive or knowledge that it was a good idea to keep backups of the key.
- Comment on Q, TNG and a bit of TOS - August 2023 Star Trek ebook deals 1 year ago:
The first few I tried don’t exist in the UK on the Amazon or Apple stores