- Comment on Made an enclosure for my beepy. I think enclosures are my favourite part of printing 1 year ago:
Looks good! I'd guess 80% of my printing is enclosures. ;)
- Comment on Absolute beginner with questions 1 year ago:
OpenSCAD is great for programmers because you write code to generate 3D objects. If you love Python there are ways to write Python that then generates OpenSCAD code, so that may be worth looking into.
- Comment on Why am I having to level my Ender 3 s1 after every print? 1 year ago:
That's really strange. I run 6 Ender-3 S1 printers at work and tend to only level them if there is an issue or we change build plates... maybe once a month at most, and we print a lot. I did go through the process of leveling with the knobs and sliding a piece of paper under the nozzle to get it just right, but when they print well, all is good.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The 1983 film War Games is what taught me it was okay to give up...
- Comment on Recycling 3D Prints and Waste Plastic into Filament (PET & PLA) by Dr D Flo 1 year ago:
"That’s only economical if your time is worth nothing." Well, we should all be able to live lives where we can pursue things that do not have monetary rewards. Obviously not everyone is in that position but perhaps for David Florian exploring and learning and trying things is what makes him happy. Of course for him it probably makes money as well, even if indirectly. The face his video got shared means more people will see it, and more views means more money, so there's the value for David Florian. It's also worth considering that in science, it's all about trying things and gathering information that will hopefully lead to new (and hopefully lower cost) capabilities.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I've been playing this on my Anbernic RG35XX recently and I'm terrible at it but it's still a lot of fun.
- Comment on Guitar Pedal 1 year ago:
Very cool! Adafruit posted a foot pedal project that had a potentiometer but I definitely like to see other options.
- Comment on How do you clean a smooth or textured PEI sheet? 1 year ago:
We've got six printers at work and when the sheets wear out I use a fine steel wool and scrub them with acetone. It resurfaces them and gets a bit more use out of them before they need replacement.