- Comment on Financial dispute leads to suspension of more than 100 .af websites 1 year ago:
How else am I gonna have a domain tho
- Comment on Ableism in the Signup Process 1 year ago:
Again, there is a reason why captchas exist and are prevalent.
If there was a simple solution that’d be better for everybody, it’d already exist and be used instead of captchas. IMO
- Comment on Ableism in the Signup Process 1 year ago:
There’s a reason captchas are so prevalent.
They’re easy to implement, cheap to run, and work for the absolute majority of people.
There’s always going to be someone it doesn’t work for, and in the end, it’s just about what’s “worth it” for the developers and admins.
Would you rather focus on optimizing Lemmy for it to scale for milions of users or spend the time developing and alternative captcha solution which would open it up for a couple hundred more people?
I’m not trying to dismiss the issue of accessibility, but it’s also important to keep reality in mind.
- Comment on Ableism in the Signup Process 1 year ago:
I suggest you either come up with a better solution or host your own instance.
Complaining about it without offering a good alternative won’t get you anywhere
- Comment on Wi-Fi jamming to knock out cameras suspected in nine Minnesota burglaries -- smart security systems vulnerable as tech becomes cheaper and easier to acquire 1 year ago:
The jammers don’t disable the cameras, they just prevent them from streaming the captured video to the recording machine.
If the cameras had a local buffer, they’d be able to keep recording even if the signal was jammed.
- Comment on Somewhere along the way Humanity lost the ability for long term thinking. 1 year ago:
We’ve never had it
- Comment on Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it 1 year ago:
You mean split 10/90 between the editors+publishers and lawyers?
- Comment on Discord lays off 170 people, blames growing too quickly | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
If you read at least the summary from the bot, you’d see that discord isn’t and never was profitable.
I wouldn’t call that “doing too well to fire people”, just means they fucked up and hired more people than they could financially/operationally afford
- Comment on Should I use a dedicated DHCP/DNS server hardware 1 year ago:
Yeah, whoever thought that sd cards were a good idea for anything even resembling operating systems is a dum dum
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
Afraid it doesn’t apply to copyright claims, but I might be wrong on that
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
Yep, agreed, that’s the worst thing about it. Makes sense more or less otherwise.
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
Disney, or anyone for that matter, can copyright claim any video. Youtube just plays ball because that’s the simplest thing to do.
It’s on them to prove, in court, that it actually is copyrightable and that they own the copyright to the content, which they’d fail to do.
The win is for the uploader and for the public, since now you can “be sure” that Disney won’t take you to court over it, which would be a costly endeavor for you. Even if Disney would almost surely lose.
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
It does change the fact that people don’t have to be afraid to use any of it.
Even though Disney would lose in court, you really don’t want to ever be in the same room as Disney’s lawyers.
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
And they’re pretty much required to take things down, it prevents them from being liable. After that, the uploader can challenge this decision, and if the claimer doesn’t back down, it goes to court.
Unfortunately, claimers are currently not required to provide any proof, nor are they required to pay for any legal costs (at least not upfront), so it’s just simpler for the uploader to take the L.
- Comment on Protecting HDDs from (external) train vibrations 1 year ago:
Oh for sure, it’s just a loot more expensive
- Comment on Protecting HDDs from (external) train vibrations 1 year ago:
They’re taking about a NAS though?
- Comment on Air quality in there isn't too good 1 year ago:
that’s the joke
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
I’m getting Bixby button flashbacks.
Ho well, my wallet’s gonna cry but I’m sure the mechkeyboard community will welcome my ass
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
I guess you can shoplift more expensive items than just food
- Comment on Question - ZFS and rsync 1 year ago:
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here, zfs can be quite finicky with some sata cards, especially raid cards.
I suggest you connect the hard drives to the motherboard directly and test again.
- Comment on 'The Last of Us' Was the Most-Pirated Show of 2023 1 year ago:
Monitoring torrents, especially public ones, is quite easy.
- Comment on How would you build a GPU-heavy node? 1 year ago:
Often the mining rigs use just 1-4 pcie lanes, because more isn’t required for mining and it saves on other costs
- Comment on Shows how out of control inflation is 1 year ago:
You forgot that corporations bad
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
Nah hormones in food = poison. Any amount, even a molecule will absolutely destroy your every organ.
Source: trust me bro
- Comment on 4202 g 1 year ago:
What’s disturbing about it?
- Comment on Two Servarr (Radar and Sonar) stopped working for unknown reasons 1 year ago:
I noticed it tries to start listening on, don’t see a “network: host” in the compose file, don’t think it should have access to that IP address.
Not sure how to explore that further but might put you on the right path
- Comment on Two Servarr (Radar and Sonar) stopped working for unknown reasons 1 year ago:
Have you tried turning the server off and then on again?
- Comment on Biden urged to stop EU 'unfairly' targeting American tech 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s shitty, I understood it the same way at first
- Comment on Biden urged to stop EU 'unfairly' targeting American tech 1 year ago:
Read the title again.
Biden didn’t do anything.
He was “urged” to do something by someone else.
- Comment on Dropbox removed ability to opt your files out of AI training 1 year ago:
Because you gave them the files?
If you don’t want dropbox to see them, encrypt them.