Fuck u/spez
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 months ago:
Nobody is being murdered for their profession. Choices are what people have a problem with. Choose to exploit the masses for the shareholders long enough and someone is going to pop off.
- Comment on Whenever I see someone walking around in clothes with big, visible branding, I can’t help but think they paid a fortune to wear an advertisement. 3 months ago:
has no holes/stains
- Comment on Whenever I see someone walking around in clothes with big, visible branding, I can’t help but think they paid a fortune to wear an advertisement. 3 months ago:
Some do like it, but I’m with you; I skip the logo’d clothing.
- Comment on Whenever I see someone walking around in clothes with big, visible branding, I can’t help but think they paid a fortune to wear an advertisement. 3 months ago:
A band is not the same as a luxury fashion brand.
One is exploited by massive corporations, gets a single digit percentage of the profits they generate, gets known by word of mouth (or T-shirt) among fans, and creates a piece of culture.
The other is a (usually massive) corporation, exploits low paid workers, is a status symbol for the rich and the people who want to appear as rich, and sometimes they make an item that could technically be considered a piece of culture.
Advertising for and/or showing your support for them are very different things that imply different things, for different reasons.
Wearing band merch implies support for their musical stylings, a connection with the creative output of the band, and possibly their world view.
Wearing a logo-festooned piece of couture clothing implies wealth and status, and (often) complicity with sweat shops.
While the two previous paragraphs seem to be similar, because of the first two paragraphs, they are quite different.
- Comment on How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord? 4 months ago:
I used to participate in (what was then) the largest and most active automotive enthusiast forum for a specific brand. They had forums for each major model run, and classifieds, etc. I’d go there for how-to’s, detailed info, reviews, tips and tricks, and of course, to tall with like-minded people. Meet ups even spawned from these groups, and friendships were forged.
As it really picked up steam, though, the forum creators decided to monetize, as every large website grapples with how to sustain their growth. Unfortunately, they decided to implement ads, subscription/pay wall, and within a month, there were five competing websites. The majority of us left in the first two weeks.
Now that forum still exists, but the content is gone, deleted by users who didn’t appreciate their content being monetized (sound familiar, June 2023?). The replacements? Some struggle on, and one or two are vibrant, but mostly, it imploded. There was one glorious pair of years though, when I (and thousands of others) spent hours every day on the forum, and every topic was covered.
In hindsight, the downfall was more than just the advertisements and pay walling. It was a few non-admins that were treated as defacto mods, and they had bad attitudes. Flaming anyone who asked questions that were asked before (this was before Google made searching easier), and also holding their own practices as the only way to maintain their cars.
The reddit versions of the forums were not remotely the same, with people coming and going and not really sticking around. The best place for the info is still forums, though I think they struggle with server upkeep and costs. It’s sad to me, but all things change. I’m glad for archive.org.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
My suggestion doesn’t make sense in the classic PATA sense either, since there were potentially several “slave” devices, but they weren’t slaves so much as dependent on the “master.”
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
- Comment on is there a trustworthy SMS MMS app for Android that's not Google? 6 months ago:
Agreed. Another change that got me was removing the ability to set a unique color for your contacts.
“We’ve removed the ability to set color for your contacts. Our users are too sophisticated to need at-a-glance ID of chat by color, but we’ve added the useless ability to change the color of your own messages you send. That’s useful, right?”
There’s no shortage of loud feedback from the userbase in their forums, but they dismiss it all and force ahead indifferently.
- Comment on Please help me stop my baby from crying because kodi keeps buffering 6 months ago:
Kodi on my 2015 Nvidia Shield doesn’t stutter for me playing back 30GB+ 4k files on a 1Gb network from and ancient (2012) AMD Athlon TrueNAS box. It could be network related, but you can test this from another machine (laptop, desktop, etc) or by using local playback on the pi. I have cheap network hardware, and have never needed better. All this is to say Kodi mounting NFS shouldn’t need much bandwidth or high end gear. Perhaps the issue is on the playback side. Good luck!
- Comment on What's the bang for the buck go to for AI image generation and LLM models? 7 months ago:
Thx. I’m dabbling rn with a 2015 Intel i5 SFF and a low profile 6400 GPU, but it looks like I’ll be getting back to all my gear soon, and was curious to see what others are having success running with.
I think I’m looking at upgrading to a 7600 or greater GPU in a ryzen 7, but still on the sidelines watching the ryzen 9k rollout.
I still haven’t tried any image generation, have only used llamafile and LM studio, but would like to did a little deeper, while accounting for my dreaded ADHD that makes it miserable to learn new skills…
- Comment on Why do so many people use NGINX? 7 months ago:
I’m reminded of this blog/article on Ars about ripping out OLS and reverting to NGINX. There’s some good info there, and also links to other of his posts on the subject and references. Good read.
- Comment on What's the bang for the buck go to for AI image generation and LLM models? 7 months ago:
Details on your setup?
- Comment on Immich relies on a third-party service that seems shady to me 7 months ago:
This is a great post! I don’t use immich; I use ente.io and I don’t host it, but I do know they use OSM, as confirmed in #14 of their privacy policy:
Open Street Maps
- Use-case: Maps and geodata
- Privacy Policy: wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Privacy_Policy
- Contact: privacy@osmfoundation.org
I don’t self host presently, but if I get my server hardware back (moved out of the country a while) I want to dabble with a self hosted photo solution, so I’m glad to have found your post that keeps this fresh in my mind.
- Comment on Why is Google takeout so bitchy? 7 months ago:
They also don’t always keep the metadata in the same archive (zip or tar) with the pictures they belong with, and that can throw off imports with tools that process Google Takeout archives directly. Its a pretty nasty solution, for real.
I moved about 140GB to ente.io before they had their newer takeout process, but some destinations can enable third party apps (like rclone) to do cloud to cloud. Nor sure which work best, since I couldn’t go that route myself.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
Back in the 1980’s they told me it’d trickle down.
- Comment on Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked? 7 months ago:
EoL? They’re releasing betas regularly and announced 13.3 for Q2. You mean how they’re sort of winding down with scale taking the bulk of dev cycles? Not much to change with the platform, and security fixes will be backported to CORE. I think SCALE still doesn’t fit my use-case, hut when it does, and jails go away with CORE, I’ll shed a tear and pour one out for my homie.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
We’re a fucking joke.
But nobody is laughing. I’m shivering…
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
Calmly, friend. That isn’t the person you replied to.
- Comment on The justices of the supreme court ruled that Trump was immune and effectively above the law while being president. What is now stopping Biden from bringing a gun to the next debate? 7 months ago:
So Biden could shoot Trump dead but the court would rule that that was illegal because some bullshit reason.
Ah! But with what evidence? They also ruled that presidential conduct (paraphrasing here) can’t be used as evidence.
- Comment on Fan & thermostat for cabinet cooling 8 months ago:
In that case, I’d probably be thinking of a standard power supply with molex output (they make bricks like this) for a 5.25" fan controller that ties in thermistors on the control side of the equation. I know that’s not the typical, “I just use a raspberry pi and…” answer we’re used to here, so take mine with a grain of salt.
- Comment on Fan & thermostat for cabinet cooling 8 months ago:
If you mean running the fans in 240vAC, Comair Rotron make fantastic fans for this voltage. If you mean a regulator circuit and any old 12vDC fan, sorry for misunderstanding.
- Comment on Automated cooling tower detection through deep learning for Legionnaires’ disease outbreak investigations: a model development and validation study 8 months ago:
through deep learning
Belongs after
- Comment on Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked? 8 months ago:
Love jails. My server didn’t move with me to Central America, and I miss Free/TrueNAS jails
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
No, you’re absolutely right. That’s what happens when you have the WaaSMedic service running, which cannot be easily disabled in services.msc. I would think I had finally gone the “full-nuclear” option and broken al updates by disabling and stopping the update services (that I knew about), but they would re-enable themselves without fail.
This comment explains where you need to disable it (if you want to go that route).
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
I’m not sure what the purple app was.
It was a website, and after a Lemmy user reminded me of privacy.sexy, I realized it is decidedly un-purple.
- Comment on Play Your Way – enjoy your GOG games with Luna cloud streaming 8 months ago:
Amazon buying GOG in 3… 2…
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Yes!!! ⭐ ⭐
And it isn’t remotely purple! Thank you for sharing!!!
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
Its all coming back to me now. Must’ve been repressed memories…
For the record, the service names are: UsoSvc WaaSMedicSvc wuauserv
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
WaaSmedic must be that watchdog that kept re-enabling update services after I disabled them years ago. I just remember my OS would start a multi hour encode or compile, and I’d come back hours later to a login screen and update history telling me it rebooted when I didn’t have automatic updates enabled.
Thx for the reply.
- Comment on Disable windows updates 8 months ago:
That is similar to the web page I was thinking of. Thx. I’ll check it out.