- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
It’s interesting because I didn’t have any game breaking bugs and I had a 5950x and that’s the only difference to what you’re describing.
That launch was a serious YMMV situation.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 5 weeks ago:
The bugs were not experienced by everybody. On my PC I ran into no critical bugs and very few minor bugs on launch week. I was definitely lucky, though.
It’s possible many review sites were running rigs similar to mine. I personally had a blast with it even at launch and played it 3 times in the first 3 months. Though, it’s definitely much better now, it wasn’t a bad game on its own before, if not for the stability issues must people had.
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
Nothing to worry about. Just body snatcher pods
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
I believe Dennis is actually a Slipper Crab, though
- Comment on There is only 1 choice 4 months ago:
As much as I would love for Robin Williams to be back and brightening the world again it would be incredibly selfish of us to forget that he was incredibly unhappy in life and killed himself in a very unpleasant way because of it.
So definitely the centipede.
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
You are all mad! The sun is definitely getting oxygen! The giant space bellows hide just out of sight on the precisely opposite side of the sun from earth, so we’ve never been able to observe them.
Gringolth the oxidation wizard had been pumping them for millions of years. The biggest risk is that he dies before being replaced by an offspring!
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Imagine weighing people as big rocks, though.
Until the UK changes that, us Americans and Canadians can rest assured that nothing we are doing is quite that ridiculous.
- Comment on Aftermath: Valve’s Baffling Deadlock Decisions Don’t Need Defending 6 months ago:
Eh. Say what you will about Valve, but The Verge knew the risks of publishing. Even if technical issues allowed for legal loopholes, intentionally ignoring the spirit of the agreement is valid grounds for bans.
- Comment on kissies 9 months ago:
Are you saying you don’t clean your butthole?
- Comment on Can I lick it? 10 months ago:
My lead sandwich is calling to me
- Comment on turtles 10 months ago:
Does not compute. Turtle stuck in my bum.
- Comment on Looking forward to Disco season 5 10 months ago:
I’d rather just more farscape. Or a whole new IP. My biggest pet peeve with scifi is that they keep hinting at trying new ideas by leveraging old IP just for name recognition.
It’s good for business but bad for creativity.
- Comment on Without fail 11 months ago:
My whole dev group uses Linux and Teams is a hot mess for us. We have to run the PWA through Chrome to get things to work and even then it’s hit or miss.
- Comment on rule 1 year ago:
I see nothing wrong, here.
My furry ass isn’t sysadmin certified and I sit it on the switch without a wristband, keyboard, and laptop daily.
- Comment on The most important goal in designing software is understandability 1 year ago:
A program that works right but doesn’t solve the problem is also not very useful.
- Comment on dotnet developer 1 year ago:
It’s been my experience that the .NET developer will miss the actual statement and take it as an assault on .NET being the best solution for every use case.
- Comment on What are some common misconceptions about programming that you'd like to debunk? 1 year ago:
I think Python is easy to learn but difficult to get past the basics. I’m also not convinced that getting past the basics is even worth it in three long run. I say this as a person who has used all Python at work for roughly 70 percent of the last 15 years. My current position is moving to Rust and my last 2 positions were moving to Go. Everybody was happier.
- Comment on Microsoft is seeking a software architect to port Microsoft 365 to Rust 1 year ago:
This. C# has been losing momentum for years but some people just won’t see it. I think Microsoft trying to move 365 of of it is just another big flag that devs need to start looking elsewhere.
Microsoft has been pretty open that they intend to move to Rust. They are currently re-building the Windows API in Rust as well. I do expect they will try to push .NET in that world which will be a bummer.
- Comment on TrekMovie.com: Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
I think the difference between Stewart and Ford is that Stewart seems more to be doing it because he enjoys this character. Ford seems to be doing it in spite of his feelings.
As long as Stewart is still having fun, I’m happy with him continuing as long as he wants.
- Comment on TrekMovie.com: Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
I enjoyed all 3 seasons of Picard. I’ll likely enjoy this movie. It’s always a joy to see Patrick Stewart in a dramatic role.
- Comment on Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic 1 year ago:
Those are the days “I only went in for 1 or 2 (20 as it turns out) things”
- Comment on father jokes 1 year ago:
Faux because he’s not a real person
- Comment on It's that time of the year again! 1 year ago:
It could be a materialized view that is generated off of a weighting where you are nice until you have a certain number of incidents.
- Comment on What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech? 1 year ago:
Internationalization isn’t about the translation. It’s about not hard coding the strings that display. Putting them somewhere that is easy to swap out would allow users to provide their own if they wanted.
- Comment on How many packages is too many packages? 1 year ago:
My immediate thought when I saw somebody confused by how they got so many packages was “did they install node?”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
If he’s getting to the first round of technical interviews then it’s likely not a languages issue. That’s the round that many companies put you in front of a mid-level dev who arrogantly asks you a code-kata question and refuses to answer questions. It may be that he’s not inherently good at solving the toy box problems on the spot. That’s the issue I tend to have in these rounds.
Though I guess it could be a languages issue if the mid level dev doesn’t know the language you’re doing the problem in and marks you down for that.
- Comment on Show me a better text format for serializing 1 year ago:
Where is the nearest fire to dump this comment in?
- Comment on If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be? 1 year ago:
Overall, I think I prefer elixir, but is probably choose go as well.
Not just ease and performance but popularity. I could be happy in only go for the rest of my life. Currently a Rust dev and I don’t know if I can spend the rest of my life with lifetimes. They are an emotional challenge…
- Comment on Is It Worth Learning Spring Boot in 2023 1 year ago:
It’s only worth it if you’re planning to work in Java or one of the other JVM languages.
If that’s what you are striving for, is worth it to spend the effort ahead of time. If your goal is more agnostic to tech stack, learning Spring Boot won’t be worth it until you land a role that uses it.
It might be worth dipping your toes in the water anyways. But frameworks like that shouldn’t be bothered with without inherent interest or need.
Personally, I’ve no interest in working in Java, Scala, or Kotlin so I’ll skip it.
- Comment on I would like some advice on where to go after university 1 year ago:
I figured it was something like that. I don’t think anybody in the industry believes kubernetes is even close to a great solution (it is a good one, just not great), but it’s mature enough that it solves most business needs well and there aren’t any good alternatives that I’ve seen.