- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws: Reviews are coming in 5 months ago:
I wasn’t even talking about SW here, just how fan is used these days. I’m not and never was part of the SW fanbase, but from what I’ve seen from the outside that’s because all the legitimate criticisms were ignored years ago and everyone that cared moved on from the new corporately-stoked toxic fanbase.
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws: Reviews are coming in 5 months ago:
I hate how fan now means mindless consumer these days and any reflecting on the criticisms of a series means you’re somehow excluded from being a fan.
- Comment on Describe an episode in the worst possible way 8 months ago:
Westworld prequel
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Did you not see their strongly worded blog post? They’re doing everything they can!
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
I literally laid this out in the second sentence, thanks!
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
Nuclear, or if you want space stuff, build a station at the Lagrange point and sling from there? I don’t need to be an expert in launch solutions to know that we shouldn’t speculate mining the moon till it’s well researched and that we have more accessible options here for the forseeable future with solar as my choice of example, so let’s not jump the gun on another finite resource?
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
it’s not the answer to every situation
Actually, better than that, I’m not an expert! There are professionals whose jobs are to design those systems and could do better than I putting together a solution. However, more destruction of finite resources when there is easy access to an unlimited resource should be limited to final resorts.
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
More Wensleydale for me then :3
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
Though, of course, simple scientific curiosity may not justify the enormous cost of the undertaking. That’s where commercial interest comes in.
That’s not what this is about, the author doesn’t care about that, all they see is a finite, exploitable resource that will line their pockets.
However, to answer your question, we already have that technology.
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
Laughs in electric train
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
Imagine claiming mining helium is the solution when free energy is right there radiating from the sun.
- Comment on unsure why we are surprised lol 10 months ago:
Got any fun or good examples?
- Comment on TikTok is getting closer to launching an Instagram rival 10 months ago:
I think your mom does.
- Comment on The real personality test 10 months ago:
They’ve started phasing that one out, but I’ve found repeating “help” gets similar results.
- Comment on NYC will test AI gun detectors on the subway 10 months ago:
My hope will be that it’s trained to ignore police so people will dress in Halloween police outfits to bypass it.
- Comment on Apple dismisses Microsoft monopoly comparisons 10 months ago:
In 1998, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs criticized Microsoft’s monopoly and ‘dirty tactics’ in operating systems to target Apple, which prompted the company ‘to go to the Department of Justice’ in hopes of getting Microsoft ‘to play fair,’” the suit notes, heavily implying hypocrisy on Apple’s part. “But even at that time, Apple did not face the same types of restrictions it imposes on third parties today; Apple users could use their iPod with a Windows computer…
iPod launched in 2001. Am I missing something?
- Comment on Wholesome 11 months ago:
Thrusts at full force, stops immediately before penetration, ejaculates.
The Picard Maneuver
- Comment on Twitter front-end Nitter dies as Musk wins war against third-party services 1 year ago:
Scapegoat excuse. Why would he admit that it was to destroy class awareness and cohesion, when he could simply blame a kid?
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
Because they’re the ones that constantly make a fuss and are overall holding back the computing world by supporting a malicious organization that has a choke hold.
- Comment on You can remove or disable Windows 11 and 10's AI 'bloat' with new BloatynosyAI 1 year ago:
Yeah but we care that youre not.
- Comment on Sphere making machine (found) 1 year ago:
Bocce Ball too!
- Comment on AI Launches Nukes In ‘Worrying’ War Simulation: ‘I Just Want to Have Peace in the World’ 1 year ago:
Yeah but the ai aint gonna watch that.
- Comment on The White House wants to 'cryptographically verify' videos of Joe Biden so viewers don't mistake them for AI deepfakes 1 year ago:
As soon as VLC adds the gpg sig feature, it’s over.
- Comment on What's stopping you from coding like this ? 1 year ago:
Someone chose the wrong bottom surgery smh
- Comment on Is the bot/troll situation getting worse? 1 year ago:
What does that even mean.
- Comment on The big Portal 2 mod Portal: Revolution is out now on Steam 1 year ago:
How tall is the wall? Climbable?
- Comment on Europe wants easy default browser selection screens. Mozilla is already sounding the alarm on dirty tricks 1 year ago:
One issue I can think of is that, if you list “all browsers,” most are still chrome under the hood, thus stacking the seemingly “equal” choice.
- Comment on Drifting on the breeze... 1 year ago:
I believe that there is a book where he is brought up, but that may not be the right one! You may need to trawl Memory Betas Wesley page for more about his race (but idk how much of The Traveler there is).
- Comment on Grocery stores should have food banks 1 year ago:
So it was resold?
- Comment on Stamets, his meme unfurled. 1 year ago:
The PS series