- Comment on Please advise on this conversation we had over on c/Piracy. Transporters and replicators, basic operating principles? 1 month ago:
So first, it’s assumed that the transition between matter and energy has evolved to be essentially lossless in the trek canon, and you just have to assume that’s true. This is handled with the “Matter-energy conversion matrix” which is a hand-wavey sci-fi invention like a “Heisenberg Compensator.” See ……/Matter-energy_conversion_matrix
Additionally, this process is bidirectional; waste on a starship is converted into energy and stored. This is done with the “bio-matter resequencer” and is referenced a few times, see:
- Comment on Apple, Google, and Samsung will accept Matter certification for their own Works With programs 1 month ago:
Anything that gets us closer to mattercast. If we can have one interop standard to be able to cast to devices, whether it be a kodi box running the casting server, a smart speaker running Home Assistant’s voice, or a google/amazon device, one open standard to rule them all is the world we need to get to.
- Comment on Is it currently possible to completely self-host ATProto and interact with BlueSky users? 3 months ago:
This is a good breakdown. A firehose relay takes TB’s of storage and is not practical for self-hosting, and AppView isn’t hostable yet:
- Comment on What websites still feel like the old internet? 4 months ago:
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
I totally agree…the best solution for the specific problem. “Cloud” was the buzzword solution to every problem for a few years and it wasn’t great in a lot of cases. High I/O home grown apps to be used from a single campus don’t need to be in the cloud. Bulk archive storage doesn’t need to be in the cloud, things like lecture recordings from 10+ years.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
I don’t understand your disbelief here, the 2 major players in online email and account mgmt (for education) are Google and Microsoft and both are 0 cost, but the bait and switch is the limit lowering mid cycle, not even on the academic calendar. Now that exchange on-prem is essentially dead and Google and MS control email via blacklist politics, it’s a captive market.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
We had been a university with office365 for several years, and the price change came well after the product comparison and decision was made. Once you are in an ecosystem like that the cost of changing is astronomical when you include migration labor, training, and loss of productivity during the transition. When you are a university with thousands of student, staff, and alumni accounts, and the office, mail, and authentication environments are integrated, it’s realistically functionally impossible to migrate.
The student A1 licenses are 0 cost without upgrades, which is why it was chosen, but the storage change was a blindside. We had hundreds of accounts using over the 100GB of data (which was within TOS) and had tons of data in onedrive which had to be moved or we had to fork out per account. This was a bait and switch, plain and simple, and that is the issue with “cloud for everything” is you are at their mercy.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
Completely disagree. This last March, Microsoft changed the storage limit per user on OneDrive for education from 1TB to 100GB, and users either had to delete a ton of files or pay for increased license/space. We ended up standing an on-prem file server back up shortly thereafter because we could not get our users and faculty to delete research data and could not afford to nearly double our cost expenditure. In my experience doing IT budget for years, cloud has meant that you cannot predict your yearly expenditures, Especially if you use your services that are funded in part by venture capital. Let’s say you start using some cool research presentation project and suddenly the economy dips and they lose funding, the cost goes way up. Life cycle management has gone completely out the toilets in my experience with cloud products.
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
Cloud. Businesses went allvin on cloud under this illusion of stable costs, but costs go up and contol/support have gone down, and I’m seeing businesses spin on-prem back up.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
It’s a different device. Already, the existing google tv workflow is different than the chromecast, which was phone control first. Now, it brings up an app which favors navigation with the remote. If I want a set top box, I’ll put a kodi box in…I wanted a dumb dongle which could be controlled from a phone. It’s fundamentally a different product.
My hope is that casting decouples as a concept from being a google protocol. Even though Amazon is backing it now, I hope MatterCast can become an open casting standard. My vision is having MatterCast be an installable add-on to Kodi, and then an ultra-light image can be made for super low-end devices supporting audio and video (or both).
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 273 comments
- Comment on Free-Market Advocate, Elon Musk, Asks for U.S. Government to Put Tariffs on Chinese EV Imports 9 months ago:
Part of the free-market attitude though is that you should be allowed to buy policy, so in that regard it’s consistent, you just have to account for corruption in the cost of doing business.
- Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months ago:
If people are ok with that then I guess it will stand, but it’s insane and anti-consumer in my book. A product costs what it costs, based on supply and demand, and if you can’t afford it you don’t buy it. This flimsy premise of “It lowers the bar to entry so users can upgrade later without having to replace!” will never come to fruition, and it’s too slippery of a slope to “put in a quarter to turn on your A/C”.
- Comment on Elon Musk reveals Tesla software-locked cheapest Model Y, offers 40-60 more miles of range 9 months ago:
That is insane. If it costs the same to make, then lower range isn’t a reasonable area to pitch a lower cost vehicle. Wanting to lower the cost is fine. Putting in cheaper/smaller components to get there is fine. If you are using the same components and just software locking them to nickle and dime the users later, that’s anti-consumer and should not be tolerated. I can’t believe how people look at micro-transactions in games and think “wouldn’t this be cool with IRL stuff?”
- Comment on "No, seriously. All those things Google couldn't find anymore? Top of the search pile. Queries that generated pages of spam in Google results? Fucking pristine on Kagi – the right answers, over and ov 10 months ago:
Huge bummer that they’re all 5+ years old. We’ve been moving to libreelec with Disney+, Jellycon, Netflix, Youtube, and amazon prime plugins. It’s not the same, but it’s workable. If Amazon keeps MatterCast open and open source implementations get made, that’s where I’m focusing my attention. A raspberry pi with libreelec that can be a casting target feels, to me, like the holy grail:
- Comment on "No, seriously. All those things Google couldn't find anymore? Top of the search pile. Queries that generated pages of spam in Google results? Fucking pristine on Kagi – the right answers, over and ov 10 months ago:
No joke can you share those results? I’m holding out for matter cast
- Comment on What are your favorite tools for monitoring Linux and individual docker containers? 1 year ago:
It’s a lot for the homeland, but I love zabbix
- Comment on do you think it's worth to update an old CR-10s? 1 year ago:
I am keeping an original craftbot plus alive and printing every day. It could use a replacement, but I know the quirks in and out. I just did all 4 stepper motors last month and it’s printing like new. I don’t like the model of the moving z plate and the clunky enclosure, and I could use more build area, but tinkering with the printer is part of the fun.
- Comment on Hyperloop One is reportedly shutting down 1 year ago:
As a Californian, the state should sue for damages and use the funds for high speed rail. The entire hype around this stupid tech was to torpedo high speed rail in the state so Musk could sell more cars. I get that this is Branson’s spinoff, but the tech isn’t viable and all the investor hype around it was just a smokescreen for public policy control and that HAS to result in some sort of reparations, it’s basically fraud in my opinion. The assets should be sold off and put towards public transit.
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
Copying my reply to someone else, the sad story is he was diagnosed with Celiac at 3, and as such has grown up with a lot of food issues. It’s developed into like a fear of new foods, and his crutch is ketchup, which is the lesser of evils at this point. We think it’s crossed into ARFID, and he’s in OT.
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
The sad story is he was diagnosed with Celiac at 3, and as such has grown up with a lot of food issues. It’s developed into like a fear of new foods, and his crutch is ketchup, which is the lesser of evils at this point. We think it’s crossed into ARFID, and he’s in OT.
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
My 9 year old literally eats steamed rice with ketchup and if given this choice he would just it to die.
- Comment on Researcher has developed, at a cost of less than one dollar, a wireless light switch that runs without batteries, can be installed anywhere on a wall and could reduce the cost of wiring a house by ... 1 year ago:
For sure, though I question the theory. Directional wireless power I think is feasible, but this sounds like blanketing (1-2 transmitters in a house with no regard for obstacles/direction, per the article). That sounds hugely wasteful, especially given how much more energy power takes vs. signal. I do think a zigbee type solution is the ultimate answer, because even if it goes back to batteries for wall stations, data transmission like that is so much less energy than power that the battery problem becomes null-ish.
- Comment on Researcher has developed, at a cost of less than one dollar, a wireless light switch that runs without batteries, can be installed anywhere on a wall and could reduce the cost of wiring a house by ... 1 year ago:
This article is scant on details. It harvests RF to power/charge low energy devices. What RF bands? Is putting these through a house knocking out bluetooth around it, or existing RF remotes for devices? Or is this some background RF that won’t penetrate deep into a house to begin with?
- Comment on User management 1 year ago:
I don’t have the exactly solution for you, but I went through this a while ago and came up with using openLDAP for this. It’s not tidy at all, but it was a tremendous learning experience, and I documented it in 2 blog posts which may be interesting to you; I doubt you’ll want to do what I did, but it was informative and has worked flawlessly since. I documented some of the flaws I found in options I considered at the time:……
- Comment on New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease 1 year ago:
My son (who is 9) was diagnosed with celiac when he didn’t grow from age 2-3 (gluten -> guts make enzyme to digest it -> immune system sees enzyme making cells as invaders -> immune system attacks cells -> intestines swell -> nutrition stops being absorbed). He was effectively starving despite eating. He’s on track now as we have a strict gluten free household, and the fad people have created a market demand which makes companies want to make products that give him options…but a treatment like this would be life changing.
- Comment on Kevin Mitnick has died at age 59 1 year ago:
This legendary excerpt from his Wikipedia:
Mitnick served five years in prison—four-and-a-half years’ pre-trial and eight months in solitary confinement—because, according to Mitnick, law enforcement officials convinced a judge that he had the ability to “start a nuclear war by whistling into a pay phone”, implying that law enforcement told the judge that he could somehow dial into the NORAD modem via a payphone from prison and communicate with the modem by whistling to launch nuclear missiles.