- Comment on [Discussion] Spy x Family - Chapter 110 1 month ago:
They have not actually!
Lloyd has though, and Anya was very conspicuously absent from that interaction.
- Comment on Biden warns of ultra-wealthy 'oligarchy' threatening US democracy in farewell address to the nation 1 month ago:
Well, you see, it was only a problem for him when it turned against him. When he actively supported it his entire career it was the obvious and natural order of things
- Comment on Microsoft’s controversial Recall scraper is finally entering public preview 3 months ago:
A PIN isn’t exactly high security…
- Comment on Microsoft’s controversial Recall scraper is finally entering public preview 3 months ago:
Sure, I’m a Linux user.
- Comment on Microsoft’s controversial Recall scraper is finally entering public preview 3 months ago:
Requires Microsoft Hello, which seems to be a biometric login, which as I understand it means that it is not covered under 5th amendment protections against self-incrimination. You can’t simply refuse to give up your fingerprint or facial recognition, and now cops just plainly have access to whatever your computer usage history is.
- Comment on Tool for instantiating a C++ template at runtime? 1 year ago:
This doesn’t specifically use the template metaprogramming interface for C++, but seems to do what you want regardless.
I’ve never used the library myself though.
- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
- Comment on ISO/IEC 1539-1:2023 for Fortran Base Language published 1 year ago:
The last draft before publication:
- Comment on Introducing Numbat: A programming language with physical units as types 1 year ago:
This is a cool idea. There are other programming languages that have libraries that expose similar behavior. For instance, Rust has the uom crate, Haskell has the units package, and C++ has the header only library SI.
But there is something to be said about it being built in.
- Comment on Show me a better text format for serializing 1 year ago:
Change to Haskell formatted commas and the problem goes away :D
{ "a": 1 , "b": 2 , "c": [ 3 , 6 , 9 ] }
- Comment on Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code 1 year ago:
If the streching is so small as to be unnoticable (and I agree it’s pretty subtle) then I also don’t really understand the benefit.
Typically, the idea behind this sort of design is that it should be unnoticeable. The motivation is that, with other monospace fonts, the differences in character width, along with the inconsistent spacing and line thicknesses are both noticable and distracting. Some of this badness is avoidable, and this is what this font attempts.
and yeah that height difference is really weird. That almost seems like a bug.
I’ve been informed, (and had to double check because I didn’t believe it,) that the two "i"s are actually the exact same height. The first looking larger than the second is an optical illusion. Font design is hard.
- Comment on Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code 1 year ago:
True, they are the exact same height. Holy optical illusion, Batman!
- Comment on Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code 1 year ago:
Here’s your code example in the editor. I don’t personally think the difference between the 'm’s is super noticable. But what did strike me a lot more is the difference between the two 'i’s in the first line.
- Comment on [WIRED] A Controversial Plan to Scan Private Messages for Child Abuse Meets Fresh Scandal 1 year ago: paywall bypass
- Comment on Siglent SDS1104XE: slanted square wave 1 year ago:
Does this scope do Fourier analysis? If so, can you see which frequencies are being suppressed? Does this suppression at this frequency also occur with generated white noise?
- Comment on [HN] California governor vetoes bill that would have set a $35 cap for insulin 1 year ago:
For those not keeping track:
No unemployment for strikers.
No $35 insulin.
No decriminalization of mushrooms.
No hearing aids for kids.
No free condoms for high schoolers.
No safe drug injection sites.
No ban on caste discrimination.
No stripping Jan 6 supporting non-profits of their non-profit status.
No mandatory kindergarten.
No free public transit for grade schoolers.
No reduction of light pollution.
No San Joaquin Valley air quality.
No requirement for custody cases to consider gender affirmation.
No requirement for a human driver in self-driving trucks.
No shield preventing undocumented immigrants in California custody to be reported to the Feds.
No prohibition of foreign governments to buy agricultural land.
No deadline extension for reparations committee.
No end to indefinite solitary confinement.
No limit to the governor’s emergency powers.
No BitLicense.
No high school ethnic studies requirement.
No ranked choice voting.
No paid family leave raise.
No college financial aid increase.
No interpersonal communication lessons for cops.
No monetary sobriety incentives.
No decriminalization of jaywalking.
No allowing bicyclists to roll through stop signs.
And likely many more. These were just the ones I could find in a short search and were at least moderately annoyed by.
- Comment on [VERGE] Gmail is getting emoji reactions 1 year ago:
I use Thunderbird, and if this takes off in a real way then Gmail will be unusable, because each emoji reaction is realized as a separate email. 👎
- Comment on Brave using network when idle 1 year ago:
You can likely inspect the traffic if you use Wireshark.
- Comment on If you work remotely, your bosses are probably using software to track you. Here's how they'll catch you slacking off. 1 year ago:
Disclaimer, I have not studied the software in question and there are many ways to implement it, so this isn’t a way to say a computer is clean, just a way to detect if it’s infected.
Typically, keylogging programs like these are installed as device driver filters. Open devmgmt.msc, locate your keyboard and right click -> properties -> details tab -> property drop down -> upper filters and lower filters.
These should be empty normally. If there are entries present then you have some program that is hooking into your keyboard driver and accessing your keystrokes.
Similarly, there should be a filter on your mouse.
If you are especially paranoid, you can jot down the GUID of the keyboard and mouse driver (it looks like a long hex number with dashes surrounded by {}s), then shut down the computer and boot to a rescue disk, open up regedit, mount the registry hive for SYSTEM it’s located in \windows\system32\config\system, (let’s say you mount it to SYSTEM.remote), then navigate to SYSTEM.remote\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\
Then you scroll through this key’s values and look for UpperFilters and LowerFilters.
The reason why you do it this way is to avoid a rootkit situation, where a driver also hooks into requests to the OS for certain information, and uses that to hide its presence.
- Comment on Do eSIMs have any downsides from a privacy standpoint? 1 year ago:
If a phone can track you with a deactivated eSIM then it can also track you without a SIM, by just also giving you a secret eSIM for use when your regular SIM is missing, and then simply lying to you about it.