Yo, big on plants hmu if you need anything!
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Impulse buy: Philodendron melanochrysum 6 months ago:
I would call it like a mid/low rareness, i feel like alot of the ones considered rarer like 1-2 years ago got tissue cultured/ grown out enough to sell now which bumped down their trophy status
Albos, vurracossum, as well as some Anthuriums which would have been a lot harder to find back then ive seen in some Nurserys/garden centers unexpectedly
I check in with plant youtubers/insta for trends tho now my tastes are a bit more specific
- Comment on Gardening 7 months ago:
True tho we always get quite alot of volunteers anyhoo
- Comment on No matter what I do before I die, I will not have a gravestone this cool. 8 months ago:
Agreed, tho i feel like vw bus iconography leans more towards a hippy symbol than the actual Volkswagen brand
- Comment on Somewhere at the bottom is a Mandalorian having a very bad day 8 months ago:
i NEED this pit
- Comment on How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds" 8 months ago:
Or heres a good youtube channel/ vid on it that goes into detial
Or if your interested in paleontology discoverys/theorys they also do monthy reviews about new papers that have came out! And i feel like raptor chatter explains it simple enough to me to understand even with no background in the field 😅
- Comment on I Don’t Want To Spend My One Wild And Precious Life Dealing With Google’s AI Search - Aftermath 9 months ago:
I love ddg’s bangs for me who mainly uses it for media its so nice being able to !yt whatever i want to search for, vs going to the site and doing it
- Comment on People are realizing celebrities are unnecessary 9 months ago:
Im glad i never got into influencers; its weird hearing about people who care about them
- Comment on What hath Culver’s wrought? 1 year ago:
Undeniably the best fast food chain
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Looks awesome!
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Thats what i do with all the chicken i find everywhere, decided to just cook with some butter for the lobster taste since its a bit rarer for me!
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Ii tried not to think of it as i was cutting it up 😭
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
With how big the log was I’m expecting to get quite a bit next year!
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Im a migrant from reddit an idk what ur a finger nipple means
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Yes very glad i saw it from the trail!
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Kinda? Reminds me of like a wet moss feeling?
- Comment on Finally found a lions mane! 1 year ago:
Yea thats what i did, was great lol!
- Comment on Mushroom City. Can someone identify? 1 year ago:
Looks alot like dead mans finger aka Xylaria polymorpha just guessing tho! 😅
- Comment on The Mycelium Has Started Oozing? 1 year ago:
“Dad just leaf me alone!”
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 26 comments
- Comment on Caring for new houseplants 1 year ago:
It can cause the roots to rot/bacteria/mold to grow if it stays wet too long and its unable to dry out. The philo in nature would grow in chunky well draining soil, so that when it rains the water drains quickly so that its not just sitting in wet soil but stays wet for bit before drying before the next rain (The orchid is less likely to rot but id be more worried about the compost burning the plant)
The idea is that you do want it to dry out some between waterings, generally when the first 2 inches are dry… if the soil is very thick and doesnt drain well it can also compact the soil taking longer to dry,
- Comment on More than $35 million has been stolen from over 150 victims since December — ‘nearly every victim’ was a LastPass user 1 year ago:
Same! Thinking i coulda been a victim in this attack is scary!
- Comment on All of Japan's Toyota Assembly Plants Shut Down for a Day Because Their Server Ran Out of Disk Space 1 year ago:
spunking my logs is one of my favorite pass times
- Comment on Do younger people go home earlier now? Or go out less? Is it since COVID? 1 year ago:
Which i get, finding and keeping workers to work those odd hours can be hard and it is nice to get out of work at decent times if you do work at one of those places… besides bars if ur over 21or movies, i cant think of annother place to go when it gets late
- Comment on Illinois just made it possible to sue people for doxxing attacks | States crack down on doxxing, but there's still no federal law. 1 year ago:
Give it 70 years and they might pass a federal law about it
- Comment on Headless stinkhorn! 1 year ago:
Legit thought it was a ‘toy’ when i first walked by it and was disgusted lol
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 5 comments