- Comment on Inside the Climate Protests Hell-Bent on Stopping Tesla 9 months ago:
Also the country that still predominantly runs on coal for its power grid… one would think they have bigger fish to fry. EVs are a net positive after about 40’000km compared to ICE Cars. (Even faster depending on the source of charging)
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
Yeah male virginity. Male is an adjective in this case.
Male or especially Female as a noun, has a very weird ring to it. Sounds kinda disrespectful, as said above, like your talk about cattle…
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
It’s interesting, but that stat doesn’t really tell us everything. It only looks at guys who haven’t been with any women since they turned eighteen. A lot has changed since 2008, especially with more same-sex couples being open and accepted. That detail alone could throw off those numbers. Plus, with all the tech and social changes, who’s to say people’s sex lives haven’t shifted in other ways too?
- Comment on How do passkeys work across devices? 10 months ago:
Passkeys should display a QR Code for you to scan with a trusted device if you try to use them on a device that doesn’t have your passkey stored.
- Comment on Why is this allowed in Germany? 11 months ago:
Yes, actual imagery and gestures that is. Not something that an over sensitive person could maybe misinterpret that way if they squinted really hard.
- Comment on Why is this allowed in Germany? 11 months ago:
True, but this hardly even comes close to it…
- Comment on Why does the film press talk so much about box office income? 11 months ago:
I think it’s even worse: If I’m curios and buy a ticket yet absolutely hate the film after seeing it, i still paid a ticket. So Ticket sales are absolutely unrelated to the quality of the movie.
I also just started to realize how out of touch most critics are with regular viewers (or me at least). Some films on IMDB have horrible critics reviews yet the user reviews are almost always higher or even quite decent.
- Comment on the one time peter got death note 💀 11 months ago:
What’s the name of that Cock again?
- Comment on Why is this allowed in Germany? 11 months ago:
Because people over here aren’t losing their minds over something that could maybe be misunderstood as a Nazi gesture.
Germany owns up to the history of the state it superseded and does many things to prevent those events from happening again, first and foremost: not silencing it to death and acting like nothing happened.
Something the US could use a lot more of, to be honest.
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
Hypothesis not Theory
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Dumb question: Aren’t mechanical keyboards inherently loud after? Always what kept me From buying one :-/
- Comment on Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus 1 year ago:
Ooooohhhh…. That‘s a bit harsh. What could she have done to deserve this
- Comment on Task failed successfully? 1 year ago:
Why the hell would you send a SWAT team to someone suicidal? O.o
- Comment on Why do new sites embed tweets? 1 year ago:
I mean to be fair you could just show the Screenshot and then link the image to the tweet (or whatever it is called now…). Best of both worlds (but more work)
- Comment on Why do I enjoy the combination of two flavours if they arrive separately, but hate them when they arrive pre-combined? 1 year ago:
I mean eating onnions and then sipping on a coke isn’t exactly the same as an onnion INFUSED coke :-/
- Comment on Risks of CPR 1 year ago:
Wow… That’s incredible. What does it matter in that instance if you touch someone „inappropriately“ whatever that even means in this circumstance… I kinda get that in the ridiculous US juristictions where someone could sue you for trying to help you (change that already ffs…)
Imagine having to talk to the family/friends of someone you found on the street:
„Hey I‘m so sorry your friend/wife/girlfirend/mom/daughter died. But at least I didn’t touched her breasts and no one hndressed her for the defibrillator!“
WTF! I‘m incredibly conscious of my body (trying to lose weight currently) but if helping me survive means getting me but naked on Times Square, fucking go for it -.-”
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
It’s statements like these that make me wish those morons actually tried to run into Area 51, just so we have a case of a) Military definitely shooting at their own citizens (your cops are quite good at this anyway I heard) and b) a demonstration of the sheer efficiency of a trained military squad against mostly untrained civilians who think they are the greatest of them all….
- Comment on We have had guns for 200 years but mass shootings only became common in the last 30. So what changed? 1 year ago:
A weird fetish for guns and a completely unregulated gun lobby.
In Switzerland every male between 18 and 40 that hasn’t actively decided against it, has an assault riffle under their bed (for some that’s meant literally…). Althoughwe don’t let them have ammunition as well.
Anyway, you can buy guns here and people do. It’s just not that we think we need them to defend ourselves against the government (which judging by the power of the us military is totally ridiculous anyway). We also don’t allow you to carry it around, let alone loaded ones.
America is a ridiculous cesspool of stupidity, missed educational opportunities and weird, culty patriotism that guns are somehow a part of. The internet made it easier tk spread this and so conservatives have been more successful in spreading their crap around.
- Comment on Why isn't there a "Spotify premium" for news? 1 year ago:
Also it’s not available in Switzerland so I can’t use it unfortunately…
The same btw goes gor movies in my oppinion. Why do I have to have 3 Streaming services for a couple hundred movies when I have 70 Million songs on evey streaming services? I hope this will eventually change…