- Comment on Steam :: Introducing Steam Families 11 months ago:
In many ways it’s more restrictive than before, albeit better for the intended use case.
I had to scroll way too far down for someone to point that out.
There will be a lot of people facing problems like yours with actual family members living abroad, and others will face issues with sharing with friends abroad or friends that used to change often or paid sharing that changed often.
I am a cynic so I think it is mostly done to hinder paid sharing and sharing with friends and family abroad is collateral damage.
A second use is probably that child protection is now pushed away from Steam and more towards the parents. I think that was necessary because European countries and maybe others were putting Valve under pressure and they do not want to implement a real age verification (they should imho). Now they can just say: “Kids should not have free access to a PC to be able to make an account, parents need to do that for them and restrict access age appropriate, it is not our concern anymore!” I have my doubt that will enough for the EU though, but might buy them time.
I think many people haven’t realized the downsides of this yet and only see where it benefits them. We will have complaints about the one year cooldown soon.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
If you buy Backpack Battles you can get a copy of Slay the Spire for free … just sayin’. I mean I am totally not hoping for a lot of people to hop on Backpack Battles, so I will have a lot of people to play against forever. 😏 It has a demo, so no blind buying necessary. It is Early Access but worth every Cent in my eyes.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Me: “I would like to uninstall Edge and use Firefox for everything!”
Netflix: “With Firefox I won’t give you best quality even if you pay for it! Use Edge!”
So Edge stays my video streaming browser for now, but only that. - Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
In the past I had to upgrade my PC every 4 years (my first PC run on Windows 3.1), but my last one just works and even the GPU only fell out of minimum requirements of the newest and graphical shiny games end of last year (it even managed to run Starfield although it looked bad and lagged in cities terribly), but my backlog is huge, so I don’t care and if I care I can use Geforce Now or Game Pass for PC and stream that one game I can not play on my rig directly anymore.
Our planet is on fire and consuming less is the only actual solution to that. Everything got more expensive. I literally don’t want to spent a lot of money on a PC that I do not need, because the one I have plays the games I want to play just fine (currently Dave the Diver) and on top throw a perfectly fine machine away, add to CO2 production and need to cut back on other needs I have because everything is so expensive.
My machine is an i7-6700K with a GTX 970 and 16 GB DDR 4. And the only reason this is not working with Windows 11 is the CPU and upgrading that would need a new board and at that point I need a new PC. Oh and I tested it at the beginning when Windows 11 came out, I can circumvent the restriction and install Windows 11 anyway, it’s just not guaranteed it will stay working and getting upgrades can be a hassle, but at least for the time I tried it I did get automated updates.
I do not hate Windows, I tried to get Windows 11, I just don’t want to accept that a security feature for businesses makes my consumer PC invalid for it. I am a gamer and I would like to stay with Windows, but I am not buying a new PC unless a vital part of my old one breaks. I rather stay with an unpatched system and do anything that needs security on my phone/tablet on android.
- Comment on Can someone explain why authors do this? 1 year ago:
Thank you for your explanation. Google gave me a lot of insight into a lot of things and none had to do with this problem. :D
- Comment on Xbox Next-Gen Console Confirmed, Will be 'Largest Technical Leap in a Hardware Generation' 1 year ago:
Microsoft has clarified that it wants its games to be experienced across various devices
Microsoft, please give me streaming with keyboard and mouse. It is not rocket surgery ™ to do that and it is promised now for so long.
- Comment on No pets 1 year ago:
I edited my comment and added the original article. Again, thanks for pointing out the problem, really appreachiate it!
- Comment on No pets 1 year ago:
The video credits an article in its description and its author: mentalfloss.com/…/1925-cave-rescue-that-captivate… Is it this one?
- Comment on No pets 1 year ago:
The story about a man stuck in a cave that gave me nightmares forever, after watching the video, this new story can’t hurt me anymore: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnI_oZKxzl0
- Comment on Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 - Official Gameplay Trailer 1 year ago:
Yes do play Malkavian, but maybe not as a first character if you do not know the universe and what a Malkvian is, because it might fry your brain.
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
Same here, my partner used earbuds and I earplugs. :D
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
People that need sound to fall asleep scare me, so imagine me in the opposite corner.
- Comment on How is Russia not Financially Crippled? 1 year ago:
Also the less noticeable stuff like prices of common goods increasing
I mean Putin had to apologize for high prices of eggs, that was very noticeable (of course a show to make him seem to care for the common people, which he doesn’t give a f*ck about). reuters.com/…/putin-rare-apology-over-price-eggs-…
- Comment on It's almost impossible to deny being an alcoholic without sounding like an alcoholic 1 year ago:
Not so funny when it actually happens to you:
Because of really bad experiences with alcoholics as a child, I am afraid of people who drink. My psychologist and my doctor wrote that down.
When I became seriously ill and could no longer work in my old job, I had to retrain. To do this, you have to go to the German employment office and get an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, including what your doctor and therapist have to say.
They read the paper from my doctor and my psychologist, but just skimmed over the words and decided that because the word “alcoholic” was there, I must be the alcoholic. They told me that I could get paid retraining and benefits, but only if I attended a therapy group for alcoholics once a week - me, who is afraid of alcoholics because of the abuse I suffered as a child. … I immediately started crying and swore that I had no problem with alcohol, only with alcoholics!
It took 6 months to get someone at the job centre to actually read the papers word for word to find out that me saying “I’m not an alcoholic” was not me being an alcoholic in denial. I got a half-assed apology and my retraining 6 months after I could have started it because of this. Not to mention that every time I refused to go to AA meetings they threatened to take away my benefits and I was in such a bad mental state that I probably would have killed myself without the help of my family. Oh, and my family who tried to intervene were labelled as co-alcoholics.
- Comment on New Year's Santa figurines 1 year ago:
You made me understand what this was about, thank you!
- Comment on Does anyone know where I could get a phone inserted into my body? (Example below) 1 year ago:
I only know about this person, probably not who you think of: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Harbisson
- Comment on Amazon's drone delivery program is the joke it always sounded like. 1 year ago:
… and they can get robbed or kicked, their sensors sprayed shut… and repair costs a fortune. I don’t think delivery without a human makes much sense, maybe except for a drone that delivers to the Australian outback or a small island at the German coast.
They want desperately to cut delivery cost by taking out the human they have to pay for it to do the work. To do so they spent billions they could have used to pay these people a decent wage and hire more of them. It is dumb.
- Comment on The UK’s controversial Online Safety Bill finally becomes law 1 year ago:
From the article: “The act has been welcomed by child safety advocates.”
Same beeing tried for the EU.
The proposed regulation is excessively “influenced by companies pretending to be NGOs but acting more like tech companies”, said Arda Gerkens, former director of Europe’s oldest hotline for reporting online CSAM.
“Groups like Thorn use everything they can to put this legislation forward, not just because they feel that this is the way forward to combat child sexual abuse, but also because they have a commercial interest in doing so.”
If the regulation undermines encryption, it risks introducing new vulnerabilities, critics argue. “Who will benefit from the legislation?” Gerkens asked. “Not the children.”
“So it’s very clear that whatever their incorporation status is, that they are self-interested in promoting child exploitation as a problem that happens “online,” and then proposing quick (and profitable) technical solutions as a remedy to what is in reality a deep social and cultural problem. (…) I don’t think governments understand just how expensive and fallible these systems are, that we’re not looking at a one-time cost. We’re looking at hundreds of millions of dollars indefinitely due to the scale that this is being proposed at.”
The whole article is worth reading despite its length. This is a mess and the UK is only the start, they are aiming for this being implemented world wide.
- Comment on If you could play one game for the first time all over again, what would it be? 1 year ago:
My first open world game, unmatched freedom to do what you want and to go where you want, exploration rewarding with handplaced loot everywhere. I lived in that game for a whole year.
- Comment on Streaming Has Reached Its Sad, Predictable Fate | What should I watch? is now a much easier question than How do I watch it? 1 year ago:
The amount of media we have instant access too has reached a size I find rather intimidating than inviting. Consuming media turns more and more into a chore than fun. Them dividing the available media into more services is a plus for me if I am honest.
I have access to one streaming service and if they do not have anything I am interested in, I just walk away and read a book, play a game, turn on music or go outside or do my household chores.
The times I thought that there were things I “should” watch/read/play/listen to are long over. Not being driven by what is “the thing at the moment” makes life so much better.
Also not having much choice also makes life easier. There were times when I spent more time clicking around in the flood of what I could consume instead of chooseing and enjoying something. Now if i can’t decide in less than 5 Minutes I see it as a sign that I should od something else.
- Comment on What's Your Favorite, Not at All Epic, Star Trek Quote 1 year ago:
“On Cardassia, the verdict is always known before the trial begins.”
- Comment on Good question, Bones 1 year ago:
His first love broke his heart, married someone else and then later on she wanted too much salt?
- Comment on Brands suspend advertising on X after ads appear alongside Nazi content 1 year ago:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvgZtdmyKlI (English subtitles available, 2 funny minutes worth your time)
- Comment on Would it make sense for a person in a "privileged class" to move from a red state? 1 year ago:
Heat waves, droughts and extreme water events. If this is already a problem where you live, I would move. I need my garden. I need the world around me to be green and not burn me to a crisp or my quality of life is gone. I need my state to do what is possible to keep it green and cool and Texas does not have the best record in doing that.
For a ‘hermit’ person, finding a closer community could also be a very good thing. Do it when you are young. It’s much harder if you’re like me, approaching your 60s. The older we get, the harder it is to make big changes. I just made one because I know I’m going to stay single, but I don’t want to be a lonely old person. I like solitude, but only if it is a choice, and where I live now I have a close-knit community when I need company and space to myself. I am happy with the change, but getting used to a new place takes a lot of time now and it is a bit scary how hard it is on me compared to even bigger changes I made when I was 30.
Blue states also need people to defend democracy. You can be a pillar of democracy anywhere in the US, and keeping democracy up will keep the red states from going completely crazy.
Whatever your decision will be, I wish you the best!