- Comment on Beans 5 months ago:
Bartholomew Kuma’s incredible powers from eating the paw paw fruit and his ability to sneak into a lot of situations in One Piece is adding up!
- Comment on Oxenfree is being completely removed from itch.io in October 5 months ago:
No announcement or confirmation from Night School Studio regarding GOG, Steam, the Playstation Store, or the Nintendo eShop as of yet. My guess is they would give a decent warning announcement if it were to leave those outlets as well, but regardless I did download my copy from GOG to my backup drive just in case.
- Comment on Day 45 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
I’ve got family members that have loyally progressed through this game over the course of years and they absolutely love it still. Great music throughout.
- Comment on Day 40 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Jedi Fallen Order) 6 months ago:
Cal: “You’re indeed brave Scout Trooper, but the fight is mine.”
Scout Trooper: “Ohh, had enough eh?!”
Cal: “What? Look, you stupid buckethead, you’re stuck in a wall!”
Scout Trooper: “Just a flesh wound!”
- Comment on I'm seein' double. Eight Links! 6 months ago:
Extra points for The Simpsons reference in your title, 11/10 post.
- Comment on Day 25 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 6 months ago:
Definitely one of those games with incredible background designs that are worth just stopping and looking at sometimes. It’s one of the few games I’ve gotten 100% achievements on and a large part of that is I can treasure hunt a long time when the scenery gives me something stunning to look at.
- Comment on It do be like that 7 months ago:
You’ve got red on you.
- Comment on Day 10 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 7 months ago:
“Captain, we now have the materials necessary to upgrade the ship!” -Adéwalé after every naval battle even when it’s not true
- Comment on After 20+ year I've finally finished Oracle of Ages 8 months ago:
That’s awesome, well done! Any idea if it’s worth it to take the passwords you’ve earned over to Oracle of Seasons in order to unlock the alternate plot points, expanded story and extended ending? I always liked the idea of the two games interacting to create a third unique experience, but never knew anyone who actually used the interactive features.
- Comment on The Game is Afoot 10 months ago:
The more I think about this the more curious I am as to what’s on it. Nice work reaching out to the Smithsonian, sometimes you gotta take action to satiate curiosity.
- Comment on Games like Mother 10 months ago:
Great suggestions here already, I’ll throw a few more on top:
- Omori (similar and often compared to Earthbound but the silly fun stuff gets darker and more serious as the story goes on)
- Super Mario RPG (another Squaresoft JRPG from the era of Chrono Trigger and FFVI, very fun and satisfying turn-based combat mechanics, quirky to the max, Squaresoft really had a blast creating a Mario style world. The remaster just released for the Switch, but if you don’t have one then you can easily get a digital port of the original SNES version)
- Comment on US Air Force successfully tests AI-controlled fighter jet in first dogfight against human pilots 10 months ago:
I’m pretty sure this was the plot of the movie Stealth (2005) starring Josh Lucas, Jamie Foxx and Jessica Biel.
- Comment on Where is the sauce? 10 months ago:
Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite’s pocket tots.
- Comment on lil tyrant 11 months ago:
Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is my new DnD bard name.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Disco Elysium is a fantastic one. There are an insane amount of choices that shape how you go about the investigation of the hanged man and ultimately what happens beyond that investigation. Choices of who to side with, how to side (openly or playing multiple sides, etc.), choices that ultimately define what kind of detective you are (by-the-book boring, superstar douchebag, violent tough guy, Sherlock Holmes-esque genius, etc., including my favorite: Twin Peaks Lynchian detective that bases their decisions off of dreams, intuition and imaginary conversations with the dead body), and even how failing or succeeding at something can lead to progress in very different ways. If you fail to hit that person you tried to punch, or miss that shot with your gun, or utterly fail to convince someone to help you, you progress through in very different ways so that failing your way to the truth is just as satisfying and entertaining as succeeding your checks to get there.
And of course Fallout: New Vegas. Whether you choose to support the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Mr. House, or a truly independent New Vegas, none of them are perfect. Each succeeds in an ideal society in some ways but completely fails at others, leaving you to decide which imperfect system you feel is the right one for the world instead of shoving an obvious answer in your face.
- Comment on local hunger games construction almost complete 1 year ago:
May the odds be ever in your favor.
- Comment on Setting the bar absurdly high for the next date 1 year ago:
spice up your sex life
With 11 herbs and spices!
- Comment on Why is she making KD at 1:30 am? 1 year ago:
She’s eating that Kraft Macaroni and Deez nuts.
- Comment on Gilbert's gripe 1 year ago:
- Comment on art 1 year ago:
This looks like a skill from Disco Elysium if it was a dating sim instead of a lynchian RPG.
- Comment on Braid, Anniversary Edition Release Date Trailer 1 year ago:
When it sunk it that reversing time was more than just a clever puzzle mechanic, I did a lot of self reflecting.
If you haven’t checked it out, I highly suggest the game Disco Elysium. It’s similar in that the more beautifully-written context you learn about, the more it transcends the plot and explores the themes. You can check out a playthrough of the first parts of gameplay to get a taste of its writing style but it continues to evolve as you level up the voices of your own conscience to the point of genuine wisdom or sheer madness (or leave them oblivious which is also fun).
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
Parents taking an interest in their kid’s interests and One Piece are two things that make this world a better place!
- Comment on This is America 1 year ago:
“Jhjhjh” could be a One Piece laugh.
- Comment on Marines Test Rocket-Carrying 'Robotic Goat' at Twentynine Palms 1 year ago:
- Comment on An unofficial PC port of Nintendo 64's Perfect Dark is available for download, featuring mouselook, widescreen, FOV & 60fps support 1 year ago:
Holy freakin moley I never knew this, that means I might be able to give it a shot on my mac sometime even without this new port. For anyone else as unfortunate as me that’s gaming on an old mac, I found the tutorial for how to set this up by Eggyhead.
- Comment on An unofficial PC port of Nintendo 64's Perfect Dark is available for download, featuring mouselook, widescreen, FOV & 60fps support 1 year ago:
Perfect Dark with dual analog controls is something I’ve wanted to exist and now it does! No Mac support though, gonna have to maybe take another look at clearing things out to make room for boot camp.
- Comment on Treat yourself. 1 year ago:
This brought up the distinct memory of Captain Janeway having Pecan Pie with Gathorel Labin, but I didn’t realize how many Pecan Pie references were in Enterprise as well.
Now I’m wondering if Pecan desserts were a favorite of Star Trek writers rooms or something?
- Comment on ‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google 1 year ago:
- Comment on Gargoyles Live-Action Reboot Officially in Works at Disney+ 1 year ago:
A lot of big names attached to working on this which is great, but I still hope some of the original writers can get on this. If no one else, I’d at least like to see Greg Weisman involved.
I know Greg’s working on the comics but ultimately I’d love to see him able to finish the original animated series too.
- Comment on What did you thought about Castlevania Nocturne? 1 year ago:
Oh I thought he was long gone since Nocturne takes place about 300 years after the original series ended. I think he stayed human until the very end and returned to his home to lead and create a life for himself, but did he end up doing some eternal life enchantment stuff that I don’t remember? He was definitely a top tier character for me so I’d love to at least hear about him even if he’s gone and we don’t get to see him.