- Comment on 1 year ago:
Software can only be good, when enough people WANT to work on it and with it along the complete life-cycle. There’s a critical amount of developers/contributors/testers and (feedback providing) users.
Hence a lot of critical consumer stuff is based on popular opensource.
Also, we’re entering an aera where the difference between hardware/firmware/software gets increasingly blurred. So all of this applies to more and more hardware, too.
- Comment on Prompt - terminal that marries the best of GNOME Builder’s seamless container support, the beauty of GNOME Text Editor, and the robustness of VTE 1 year ago:
- do one thing and do it well
byebye unix principles
- Comment on Rebalancing the price to represent the value... 1 year ago:
otoh you have stuff like FreeCAD or OpenSCAD completely free and usable AND you could modify it as you please.
Back then FOSS CAD was barely usable.
- Comment on Scientists Find 'Kill Switch' That Activates Cancer Cell Death in The Lab 1 year ago:
We should
- Comment on Kirk always knows how to find his perfect lighting. 1 year ago:
Didn’t he prefer theatrical acting & live audience and thus played his TV role like a theater actor would?
Those tend to traditionally exaggerate gesture, mimic and tone so the last row still gets everything even when they’re further away.
- Comment on How to properly document code? 1 year ago:
I find too verbose comments less annoying than no comments.
Try to describe the bigger picture. Good comments allow understanding the current portion of the code without reading other code.
Also add comments later if you find yourself having to read other code to understand the code you’re currently looking at.
Comments are also a good place to write out abrevations/acronyms.
Never optimize for sourcecode size.
- Comment on Memory Soup 1 year ago:
What’s surprising? You can basically poke a hole in any living thing and goo will drip out if the hole is large enough.
OP pointed out the fascinating specialty of complete transformation with an intermediate gooey state.
- Comment on Why does a control path not execute in this function? 1 year ago:
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defensive_programming might be an interesting read.
- Comment on I wrote a program for my boss. How legal is to to write the program again and make it FOSS? 1 year ago:
check carefully what you signed. If you didn’t sign anything saying otherwise, there’s nothing to prevent you from doing it.
If there’s something, you could still work around it (e.g. remove company secrets).
If the resulting product is provable better, then it’s objectively not the same thing you did for your boss.
After checking all of this, your local FSF might give you free legal advice to get going (keep all notes/correspondence secure for later if anything comes up. It proves you tried to act responsibly).
- Comment on One line of code caused AT&T to lose $60 million 1 year ago:
Sure it’s cancellation fees? This doesn’t seem legal.
- Comment on Good dog 1 year ago:
non-native speakers hate those :-)
- Comment on Mystery Star Trek 3000 1 year ago:
“Captain, the front shields fell off.”
- Comment on The German government is working on an OSS "Sovereign Workplace" 1 year ago:
DE-mail was doomed to fail from the start. Here, they did some things right. Let’s see how it turns out.
- Comment on Entry Level Microprocessors: Linux, 600MHz and 128MB of RAM 1 year ago:
yep. IF sleep/idle/s2r/wakeup would work decently, it would already be a step in the right direction.
- Comment on Entry Level Microprocessors: Linux, 600MHz and 128MB of RAM 1 year ago:
I want a PI zero that can run off small batteries for a long time. Form factor, prize, ecosystem is all perfect. But power consumption (even with WIFI etc. turned off)… is-too-damn-high.jpg
- Comment on Mathematician warns NSA may be weakening next-gen encryption 1 year ago:
They did it before and they’ll do it again.
- Comment on Thousands of Android TV devices come with unkillable backdoor preinstalled 1 year ago:
on Android, the OS is the firmware. If you talk about peripheral firmware, I’d not call it “software based” anymore.
- Comment on Thousands of Android TV devices come with unkillable backdoor preinstalled 1 year ago:
installing your own OS and/or bootloader is a pain and most of the time unfeasable. And that’s the only way to safely kill malware.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
wouldn’t make that consent even harder? or imply wars?
e.g. Brazil. Imagine they got the last lumber on earth, they’d have to choose between preserving their last trees and incredibly wealth by selling it. I can’t imagine a poor country to choose the former.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I don’t believe a CEO or King is necessary for short sighted action. Humans are just very bad at sustainable long-term decisions.
I know a guy who owns a small forrest and when wood prices were skyrocketing due to supply chain disruption, he was tempted to sell more wood than planned. So he couldn’t sell as much in the following years. He has no boss, is not rich and makes his own decisions.
It’s a simple mechanism of supply and demand. I can’t see a reason why people wouldn’t cut down more trees that can grow back when demand is ultra high, other than force/legislation. And then people get angry because they won’t realize that they’d destroy their own business in the long run. A worldwide life-threatening situation won’t change that.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
That’s exactly one of the premises in this paper.
Some say, the easter island model doesn’t scale worldwide but I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t.
- Comment on Traumatized but Talented 1 year ago:
lower decks.
I dislike basically everything after Enterprise but this is… not too bad. I’d say it’s maybe a bit like “Simpsons meets Star Trek”. Definetly worth to check out a few episodes to see if you like it. If you like the jokes, you’re in for a cool ride.
- Comment on They tried 1 year ago:
not sure why you’re downvoted. of course member states enforce it.
- Comment on How legacies are born 1 year ago:
Beverly Crusher
- Comment on How legacies are born 1 year ago:
Gates McFadden is clearly the unsung Hero of the series for me.
Both as character and as actor.
- Comment on What do you do with your idle servers? 1 year ago:
the hoster will take care usually as low energy costs is a primary goal for them.
- Comment on What do you do with your idle servers? 1 year ago:
make them enter powersaving states
- Comment on Intentionally corrupting LLM training data? 1 year ago:
show the 20 pages of random words to your users, right?
any dev worth it’s salt is going to check the agent string for GPTBot.
That said, it’s a perfect receipe for getting companies to spoof browsers.
- Comment on Relevant again with Federated Software: The Cathedral and the Bazaar 1 year ago:
i’m out of the loop. what about him?
- Comment on Why is the Node ecosystem so demanding? 1 year ago:
That’s why people came up with defensive programming and functional correctnes.
Just seems to be difficult for the webdev industry. Seems easier to push fixes from time to time.