- Comment on Prioritizing de-clouding efforts 3 weeks ago:
This looks exciting. I hope the transition goes well.
I would say to get automated backups running on the first few before you do them all. Thats a luxury we get “for free” with cloud services.
Note on firefly iii. I use it because I’ve been using it, but after using it for 4ish years, I dont really recommend it. The way I use it anyway, I think inserting data could be easier (I do it manually on purpose) and the graphs/visualizations I also wish were better. My experience with search functionality is also sub par. I would look at other alternatives as well, but I think its still better than not tracking finances at all. But I wonder if using a database client to insert data and python scripts or grafana to analyze the data would be better for me…YMMV
Good luck!
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Looking for a Bookmark Manager 4 weeks ago:
Floccus just syncs, so whatever hasnt been synced would just wait in your bookmarks until the server was available.
- Comment on What do you host on your backup servers? 1 month ago:
I’ve got a subset of my files encrypted and backed up using borg. It gets backed up to another computer in my home and then cloud storage via
- Comment on Static site generator for an idiot who doesn't want to learn a new templating language just to have a blog? 3 months ago:
I used Zola for a while, but at the end of the day there wasnt enough themes available that fit what I was looking for. I ended up messing with the templating engine to get what I needed.
I suggest OP choose Hugo over Zola, in the hopes that they find a theme that suits them best and for the most part prevents them from having to touch templating to begin with.
- Comment on static website generator 5 months ago:
I recently built a site with hugo. Its very easy. You pick a theme, then write some markdown files. And when you need flexibility, you have it for later. I also think it’s the most popular right now, which lends to a lot of themes to pick from and a lot of cpmmunity support.
- Comment on please help me with some arguments for my wife 5 months ago:
The problem isnt gmail, the problem is using an email for this purpose. Switching to protonmail wont make a difference. If you want privacy, use a different communications protocol. For example, use signal, and if anyone wants baby updates, they better install it too, cause thats the only way you’ll send them.
- Comment on Best way to host Nextcloud with Collabora Office? 7 months ago:
I think containers get seen as overhead unfairly sometimes. Yes, its not running on bare metal, so theres a layer of abstraction, but I think in practice the performance is nearly identical. Plus, since AIO does things out of the box for you (like a redis cache for instance) it ends up being more performant than a standalone nextcloud instance that isnt configured properly.
That is to say, I use AIO without issues.
- Comment on What's the ideal self hosted RSS setup? 7 months ago:
Im using nextcloud news and the associated app. I like it because it lets me play podcasts in a player built into the android app. I havent found an up to date rss reader for freshrss that does the same (read you is beautiful, but doesnt have this feature.) And I have nextcloud already up so its easy to start with.
Theres also many plugins for freshrss, including one for rss-bridge that turns urls into rss feeds. I use this for youtube subscriptions. You could also use rss bridge independently, which is what I use for nextcloud news.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I really think the learning curve will be less than you think. Please consider at least reading the installation instructions. Here’s the page for’s maintained plex docker container. I’ve linked to the usage section, where you can copy the compose file to deploy it.…
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
If you use docker, it doesnt matter the distro. And to use docker, you dont really need to understand how/why it works. As long as you can take an example compose file and spin it up (docker compose up) it’ll be less complicated in the long run than managing plex on the host machine (or most software for that matter, which is why containerization is so popular.)
- Comment on Pros and cons of Proxmox in a home lab? 8 months ago:
It seemed nice at first, but one major issue: GPU passthrough was a nightmare. It cant be done in the UI and I didnt understand fully how it worked. There are many different tutorials not by promox that are outdated or may not work. It was frustrating enough I jumped to NixOS. Other hiccups included having to go to the terminal to passthrough drives for openmediavault, but that one was kind of straightforward atleast, and it worked first time.
In hindsight, I didnt actually need to virtualize everything at that level, so I never really had a good use case for it anyway. I use containers over entire VMs.
- Comment on Bitwarden has launched a new authenticator app 9 months ago:
I think a bigger concern is if someone managed to access bitwarden on a logged in instance. If theres two apps for logging then both apps need to be accessible/compromised.
- Comment on Which of these VPS providers would you recommend? 10 months ago:
I use Vutlr. They have a nice UI.
- Comment on Stacks for Simple Static Sites 1 year ago:
I use zola for my sites. It’s got not as many templates as hugo but my sites don’t use templates and I found it very straightforward to use.
- Comment on How do you approach learning a new programming language or framework? 1 year ago:
I’ve done project rewrites. This minimizes the problem solving to mostly just syntax, sometimes a new paradigm if the framework is different enough. But in my experience a rewrites goes so much faster than I expect it, since theres a very clear goal to achieve while rewriting. If someone has an existing project to rewrite, I recommend it. If not, you could implement some project in a framework your comfortable with, and then do a rewrite in the new thing.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 16 comments
- Comment on Everything about TOML format - Orchard Dweller 1 year ago:
Just gonna throw out HJSON as another alternative:
I thinks a great idea but I have never seen it used in the wild, unforunately.
- Comment on After 1.5 years of learning selfhosting, this is where I'm at 1 year ago:
What software did you use to make this image? Its very well done
- Comment on Kiteworks acquires ownCloud & Dracoon - Nextcloud 1 year ago:
I like it for all the apps. I got a cookbook app, forms app, rss feeder app, and more. It also lers me share a link to a file easily too. I also use syncthing, mostly since I sync more data than my VPS serving nextcloud can store.
- Comment on Useful apps to self-host 1 year ago:
Theres so many. Check out the awesome list:
I think your stategy should be one service at a time. Do everything in docker, and start by tackling a simpler service. For example, you should try paperless-ngx. Absolute game changer. I didnt realize how much managing ny own directory structure sucked until I used this. Then, grow your service list more and more!
- Comment on Useful apps to self-host 1 year ago:
Tailscale is a mesh VPN. Its a level of abstraction passed a regular VPN, lime wireguard or OpenVPN. Tailscale uses wireguard under the hood.
- Comment on This Week in Privacy (#1) 1 year ago:
I don’t know how much content there is to share, so you might be overflowing with things to talk about every week. I fear that doing so much effort weekly could be unsustainable. I would suggest, or hope you consider, a less freqent blog/podcast, like every other week. I think this would be more modest, and easier to maintain. You wouldn’t need to change to title of the blog, either.
Anyway, this is an exciting project and I’m thankful for your work.
- Comment on [question] Which ML library should I learn in Python? 1 year ago:
For more “traditional” or “statistical” modeling (not NN) 100% start with sklearn. It has a plethora of algorithms, and their docs read like a book. You can learn a whole bunch of new methods and techniques from there too. In tandum, you should familiarize yourself with matplotlib, which is the plotting library it uses under the hood (and is by far the most popular plotting library.)
For deep learning, I’d say PyTorch? Tensorflow used to be standard but its fallen out of favor compared to PyTorch. I don’t use either so I’m nit sure.
- Comment on Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption? 1 year ago:
Futhark: a functional language that can be compiled to run in parallel on cpu or gpu.
- Comment on Which language you wish would really grow and reach mainstream adoption? 1 year ago:
The guy behind the youtube channel Context Free (about programming languages) made this site that tracks language popularity based on github/stack overflow:
- Comment on Practical file manager on Linux Ubuntu 1 year ago:
I have the same complaint and I dont know either. You can add at least 5 favorite/bookmarked folders that show underneath, but thats all I know of.
- Comment on Planet fitness app with GrapheneOS 1 year ago:
If you need just the id you can always screenshot that barcode or store it in an app like Catima. I dont have any advice for if you need other functionality, sorry.
- Comment on What is your favorite programming language? 1 year ago:
Python, for when I don’t feel like writing in Rust.