- Comment on Recommendations for Pacific Northwest Themed Games? 9 months ago:
I slept on it for a real real long time, had it in my library for like a year before I got around to it. Ended up getting platinum on it my first playthrough I liked it so much.
- Comment on Recommendations for Pacific Northwest Themed Games? 9 months ago:
Days gone
- Comment on Fallout 4 is Getting Free Updates on April 25 10 months ago:
Totally what’s going to happen. Or just people who haven’t played it in a while and need an excuse to buy it on a new system
- Comment on The reason why we never meet time travelers is because our civilization ends before the technology can come to fruition. 10 months ago:
The only theory I’ve seen that really holds any water is time travel going forward by using a ftl loop.
- Comment on Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit 11 months ago:
You don’t give a fuck about but you’re here foaming at the mouth about it.
- Comment on Pornhub shuts down in Texas... and predictably, VPNs benefit 11 months ago:
Your first grade reading comprehension is showing.
- Comment on Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI. 1 year ago:
This isn’t Reddit though.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I dunno, the only place I’ve seen people claiming that everyone’s just shitting on musk for points is the Internet. So Im not gonna trust it and assume musk is a human garbage pile.
- Comment on We always imagine that if humans had tails they'd be furry tails but they'd actually probably be hairless like our bodies 1 year ago:
Speak for yourself, the guys at work call me sasquatch or chewie.
- Comment on It's never been a better time to switch to Firefox 1 year ago:
How is it for mobile though? All of my web interaction is through my android
- Comment on The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria™ - Launch Trailer 1 year ago:
Yeah definitely didn’t do a good job of really making me wanna play it, though it does look significantly better then gollum did, but that’s not a very high bar to cross.
- Comment on What do you call the next major American holiday which will occur on Monday, October 9th? - 1 year ago:
October 9th. Seemingly nothing really closes for that day, I know it’s technically a banking holiday but that doesn’t ever seem to matter to me.
- Comment on Lithium discovery in US volcano could be biggest deposit ever found 1 year ago:
That’s not how things work here.
- Comment on ISPs complain that listing every fee is too hard, urge FCC to scrap new rule 1 year ago:
Because then they don’t have to come up with technobabble to disguise what the fees are, can you imagine if they actually listed “yatcht fee” the peasents would revolt.
- Comment on Help identifying an old game? 1 year ago:
That’s more or less what it sounds like to me too, might be a different but might still be close enough to scratch that sme itch.