- Comment on Why doesn't phones numbers have a "DNS" servet so we can just type in words like we do with the internet? 2 weeks ago:
In the first place? We kinda did to begin with, you would phone the operator and say the name of who you wanted to phone.
Introducing phone numbers simplified this, given the operator would have to know or lookup their name, and allowed for the future introduction of automated systems. Such systems were analogue and DNS was far more advanced than them. I guess the telephone becomes so widely used and integrated under that system that it still uses a similar interface today, albeit with a cluster of different modernised interconnected backends
- Comment on The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss 5 months ago:
In British supermarkets, they often don’t even put the beans on shelves. Instead they have stacked palettes of them, because they need to restock so often it’d be inefficient to have to unpack and shelve them.
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 6 months ago:
Are you American though? Here in the UK, nobody really owns a plunger and they don’t need to, the plumbing is different, it doesn’t clog. Do need to own a toilet brush though, to wipe off the skidmarks, which is more rare in the US.
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
Not a car, but I’ve got a bicycle light that does this. Turns on when it’s dark and also when you brake. So definitely possible
- Comment on It's that time of the year again! 1 year ago:
Guess that settles the debate, we got to pronounce it “sequel” then to optimally match syllables
- Comment on English is weird 1 year ago:
In the sentence “you have a problem”, “have” is the main verb. When reduced to the clitic “'ve”, it becomes a weak form and is only expected to be used as an auxiliary verb. These types of verbs must be followed by the main verb. “a” is not a verb. Thus, we insert “got”.
If we do not insert “got”, the stress in the sentence moves and it sounds overly affected.
Why this is the case here and not for other verbs, like in “You’re a man”, I’m not too sure though.
- Comment on this AI thing 1 year ago:
I’ve found it’s best use to me as a glorified auto-complete. It knows pretty well what I want to type before I get a chance to type it. Yes, I don’t trust stuff it comes up with on its own though, then I need to Google it
- Comment on Chrome pushes forward with plans to limit ad blockers in the future 1 year ago:
But they don’t plan to drop MV2 though
- Comment on Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android 1 year ago:
It’s unlikely you would be making a Linux app. It’s likely that while it is technically Linux under the hood, the OS will be entirely abstracted away, interfaced by an SDK through a layer running on top that controls and sandboxes these web apps.
So if you don’t already have a web app, then you’ve got a lot of work to do.
- Comment on Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android 1 year ago:
I’m doubtful that Amazon would. They tend to keep features minimal. And while web apps often can be as good, I think many developers who do not already have a web app version will not have the resources to develop one just for the Fire TV. Right now it has the benefit of supporting apps that were written for Android native and simply put on this app store too, perhaps with some effort to tweak the UI for TVs, or sideloaded. Major apps, sure, but not all the minor ones
- Comment on Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android 1 year ago:
I have very low hopes that Amazon will add features to the SDK that expose the necessary parts of the OS. It’s that interface that matters and I’m almost certain it will be very locked down and minimal. Android has had plenty time to mature; the SDK is massively featureful
- Comment on Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android 1 year ago:
Despite not having the Google Play Store, the slew of apps I can find right now on my Fire TV is really appealing. This article says the new OS will be web focused. In fact, specifically React JS. Android can already do that, plus a lot more native development choices. So I guess this will lead to less app choices. Shame.
I have an app that alters the colours of my TV at night. I can’t imagine that’ll be possible in a web based OS.
- Comment on Is there a community where I can post anything in case I don't find the appropriate community for it? 1 year ago:
/c/random ?
Also, can I see the screenshot?
- Comment on Retcon 1 year ago:
It’s a silly nitpick anyway. The monster, Adam, calls the doctor, Victor Frankenstein, his father. Surnames are inherited, thus Adam is a Frankenstein too.
- Comment on Which programming language is hard to understand? 1 year ago:
I have to write powershell scripts and bash scripts at work. I hear people saying bash is great, powershell is bad, all the time in public, but honestly I feel like these people have barely actually written powershell. It’s a bit wordy, but it feels much more intuitive to me, much more akin to regular programming languages.
- Comment on Besides breakfast and books, is there any other use for a nook? 1 year ago:
If it’s a windowsill nook, I guess an alcove, then about the most common thing I see people use them for is smoking