Roman Dmitrievič Protasevič è stato arrestato dalla dittatura bielorussa dopo che il suo volo civile Europeo è stato dirottato e costretto ad atterrare da caccia militari bielorussi. Per non dimenticare il suo nome e quanto accaduto.
- Comment on Ecosia and Qwant, two European search engines, join forces on an index to shrink reliance on Big Tech 3 months ago:
Yeah, qwant, the same search engine with complete reliance on huawei and bing, who asked to deactivate adblocker to use their page. Qwant isn’t privacy focused, it’s just marketing
- Comment on Do any of you have that one service that just breaks constantly? I'd love to love Nextcloud, but it sure makes that difficult at times 1 year ago:
I really don’t understand all those posts: I use nginx, apparmor, partially even modsecurity, I use collabora office official debian package, face recognition, email, update regularly (waiting for major upgrades for every app I use to be updated), etc. and literally never had a problem in the last 5 years except for my own experiment. True, only 5 people use my instance, but Nextcloud is rock solid for me
- Comment on Twitter accused of helping Saudi Arabia commit human rights abuses 1 year ago:
I don’t understand the downvotes. I do not concur with the end for a lot of reasons, but this is a legitimate answer to the comment before