- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
It is just adapting to the changes.
Increasing fitness in one’s environment is an upgrade. Being smaller or bigger, by itself, is not an upgrade nor a downgrade, it depends on context.
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
The issue is precisely in your mix up of “linear progression” and implying “smaller” is somehow a counter argument to that. While it’s true evolution isn’t linear, being smaller is not a downgrade at all.
- Comment on Evolution isn't linear. 10 months ago:
This title is also misleading, though. By claiming “evolution isn’t linear” and then showing a massive dinosaur leading to a chicken, you’re suggesting the chicken is a downgrade (otherwise, what “linear” would even mean in this context?).
The chicken is, however, a massive upgrade - for the specific environment it lived in. Well, “proto-chickens”, let’s say. The actual domesticated chicken is the result of artificial selection.
- Comment on A new NES emulator was briefly available on the Apple App Store 10 months ago:
The NES is the most basic possible architecture you could imagine. There’s no source code to be leaked here, there’s nothing you would even call a BIOS.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
I have no social contract with YouTube. The whole “if you access this site, you agree with this ToS” isn’t even legally valid here.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
My guy, that’s why there is DRM. Your screen are loading pixels, because they let you.
When I ping YouTube’s server it provides me with a stream that contains an ad and a video. What I do with that stream is my problem, and if I want to chop it up it’s something I can freely decide.
Your server can send any data it wants, but it can’t decide what I do with it, are you nuts?
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
I don’t see how that’s relevant. If you want to engage in the paid YouTube subscription, go for it, it’s an entirely different thing though.
My computer requests from YouTube servers a video, the server gives me a stream of data - I didn’t steal it, I didn’t hack it, the server provided me this because it wanted to - and this stream contains an ad and a video. What I do with this stream is only my concern, you can’t force me to watch the ad. That would be like walking in the street and somebody says you’re unethical because you didn’t look at an outdoor advertisement banner, and that you will be forced to either pay a fee or look at the ad.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
YouTube’s argument is the same as Linus’ from LTT: if you watch a video without ads, you’re failing to comply with your side of the transaction, thus essentially pirating that content and stealing the revenue source.
Regardless if we agree or not with that statement, I’ll absolutely side with adblockers always for a deeper issue: it’s my screen, so I get the ultimate say on what content gets rendered. Quite literally. It’s my network, my cable, my screen, my graphics card, my web browser running JavaScript on my CPU - you do not, ever, get to overreach and decide what pixels show up or not. If I don’t want your obnoxious ad for an AI girlfriend to show up, there’s no moral argument to be had here.
- Comment on MineClone2, inspired by Minecraft, gets renamed to VoxeLibre 10 months ago:
The download .zip is still called “mineclone2_22662.zip”
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
Thanks for the very kind comment. Happy to hear you’re enjoying Yuzu :)
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
You correct in the statement Ryujinx aims for accuracy and does not implement certain performance workarounds Yuzu did. However, your comment is exaggerated. Even Ryujinx isn’t a cycle accurate emulator, nowhere close.
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
That’s absolutely correct, and something to keep in mind in case you’re already stressed out with work or lacking free time.
Nowadays, after the initial setup, tools like Sonarr rarely give me trouble - but once I a while I’ll have to sit down and resolve a conflict with file naming, for instance. Or when series have weird releases like animes breaking naming conventions for seasons.
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
I didn’t follow a guide, but there are many good ones online.
For games, really just install Steam on your main computer and the TV client, make sure Remote Play is configured to use the most out of your connection and set to the desired resolution. This is about it.
For torrents, you want a downloading client (I use qBittorrent), software that will automatically download movies and TV shows based on what you want (Sonarr, Radarr, all the *Arr stuff) and some server that will store the media and organize it in a “Netflix-like” easy to use interface, for that I use Jellyfin on my main PC.
So in short, for games, I open Steam Big Picture, select the game, I’m playing. For media, my PC downloads everything I want at night and during the day it’s all there with subtitles, episodes, descriptions, etc, ready to play by opening up Jellyfin and using my profile (my wife is got her own).
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
Here’s what I use but for the love of God do not pay 21 USD for this thing. Not sure why prices are bizarre in the US, but here in Brazil I paid what would convert to around 8 USD for it.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I disagree - Linux actually tanks GPU performance if you’re VRAM limited. It’s extremely unfortunate, as many games now have atrocious VRAM usage for no particular reason.
If you’re not limited though, you’re absolutely right, the difference is minimal and generally within margin of error. Some CPU bound games are better on Linux though, in a measurable way, specially if you’re running bleeding edge distros.
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
I have a little cheapo Chinese Bluetooth keyboard thingy. It’s very small, with a keyboard and trackpad. I also use my Xbox controller, which works great with Steam’s UI.
- Comment on Roku suffered another data breach, this time affecting 576,000 accounts 10 months ago:
Life is so much better after I gave up on these atrocious media boxes and TV operating systems and just use a small computer connected to the TV.
I control the interface, I control the connection, it works perfectly. Steam Link for games, Jellyfin for media - always working, never showing ads, never bothering me with accounts or updates.
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
As a biologist, I’m always extremely frustrated at how parts of the general public believe they can just ignore our entire field of study and pretend their common sense and Google is equivalent to our work. “race is a biological fact!”, “RNA vaccines will change your cells!”, “gender is a biological fact!” and I was about to comment how other natural sciences have it good… But thinking about it, everyone suddenly thinks they’re a gravity and quantum physics expert, and I’m sure chemists must also see some crazy shit online, so at the end of the day, everyone must be very frustrated.
- Comment on Discord Shuts Down Servers for Switch Emulators Suyu & Sudachi; Disables Lead Developers Account As Well 10 months ago:
I’ll reinforce my comment from months ago: I have the latest version of Yuzu, the keys, the firmware, the Linux and Windows versions, and links to ROM sites, and I’ll distribute them forever to whoever asks in my DMs. I packaged them in a simple .zip with easy to follow instructions.
That said, why simply not use Ryujinx? Even on the Steam Deck performance is very good nowadays. Super Mario Wonder plays at 60 FPS on the Deck (though you need to enable a very simple mod that disables some weird function the game runs, otherwise it drops to 30 FPS all the time). In fact, for AMD GPUs, you’re doing yourself a huge favor by going Ryujinx over Yuzu and derivatives.
Ryujinx is solid, accurate and well known, it’s a trusted emulator. The Yuzu forks are unknown, managed by non experienced people (one was quite literally created by a teenager with zero coding knowledge) and extremely ephemeral.
- Comment on Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months 10 months ago:
I mean, that’s what all Steam Deck competitors really are. They’re windows with atrocious launchers on top, some of which acceptable and some very buggy, plus a literal standard AMD APU that AMD is selling by the bucket, and half of them share board designs sold by Chinese suppliers pretty much ready made.
- Comment on Putin Orders Russian Tech Companies To Somehow Make Competitive Game Console In 3 Months 10 months ago:
It’s totally possible if they subsidize hardware costs and sell a PC with a fancy frontend and small form factor.
It’s completely impossible if they’re looking for custom hardware.
- Comment on Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets 10 months ago:
Yep, same excuses as Apple.
Analogue connector too old, too big, hard to make modular. All proven false by a multitude of other devices.
- Comment on Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets 10 months ago:
So? Their over ear Bluetooth headphones came out on Q1 2023. Two years developing a new category for your company sounds about right.
Plus, their phones are expected to be used for long, so if they wanted to push people towards Bluetooth they’d have to start early.
Plus, this is still irrelevant - how does the fact they screwed customers over in 2021 somehow make it better?
- Comment on Fallout 4 is getting a fresh update and will be Steam Deck Verified 10 months ago:
They’re 100% adding more paid mod stuff, aren’t they?
- Comment on Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets 10 months ago:
There are indeed good aspects to this product.
But I won’t join the “Fair phone” circle jerk and give them the free publicity, because just like Apple and Samsung, they removed the headphone jack from their phones soon before the launch of these headphones, in other words, artificially creating the problem and need to sell you their expensive solution.
You don’t get to ride the “we are pro customer!” free publicity train while also wanting to be the next Apple.
- Comment on Humane AI Pin review: not even close 10 months ago:
I like that “AI Pin” sounds like “Aipim” in Portuguese which means cassava.
That’s all I like about this product. Everything else I profoundly dislike.
- Comment on FOSS scanner app surpasses Microsoft for usability 10 months ago:
You can also use Obtainium to automatically check for new builds on GitHub and install them, so you can get it directly from there without worrying about the Play Store
- Comment on Using StartAllBack? No Windows updates for you, says Microsoft 10 months ago:
There’s a literal native toggle to disable Copilot so that’d be really weird.
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 10 months ago:
Not if you’re using the preview build, where the entirely functionality is removed. The warning is just a preemptive preparation for beta users. The bottom of the article indirectly mentions this.
But sure, downvote me.