- Comment on On Lemmee, actual shower thoughts can be posted because theres less filters. 11 months ago:
I care. 💜
- Comment on Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection used modder's work without credit 11 months ago:
They’d have to change the content or pay the man prolly.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s been my whole experience surrounding people being upset that batteries aren’t able to be replaced in phones anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s a good habit, but I’ve never had a phone long enough for the battery’s life to degrade to the point where that degradation was more than mildy noticeable.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Comment on Milk 1 year ago:
Because from the perspective of the picture, we’re a kitten abandoned in a box, and she prolly feels sorry for you.
- Comment on Damn freeloaders takin' all the jobs! 1 year ago:
Der terk er jeeerbs!!!
- Comment on Half of recent US inflation due to high corporate profits, report finds 1 year ago:
Doesn’t have to be. Post something else.
- Comment on Leaving the bidet on "feminine" mode is the female equivalent of leaving the toilet seat up. 1 year ago:
^ This guy’s bathroom smells clean.
- Comment on Dude, get out of here 1 year ago:
*pat pat* Off you go. Out the airlock you silly goose. *pat pat*
- Comment on Any good Black Friday sales? 1 year ago:
You can get an overcoat at Men’s Wearhouse for like $120 rn.
- Comment on Senior Citizen Sex 1 year ago:
And MAN do they be fuckin’.
- Comment on No More Will to Play 1 year ago:
This is my question. It sounds like they definitely had their fun while playing it if they managed to complete the whole damn near 100 hour set of main quest lines. Lol
Im not saying the game is without issues, but it’s funny to me how people can spend a ridiculous amount of time playing something they think is trash.
- Comment on A shitpost for artists 1 year ago:
So you can finish your commission of some animals shooting phat wacky ropes.
- Comment on it really do be that way 1 year ago:
Hadn’t taken this into consideration, but it gives me much to think about.
- Comment on it really do be that way 1 year ago:
And they have every right to be upset.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 9 comments
- Comment on this is the fediverse, and we are the federation 1 year ago:
Historically speaking Tolkien’s elves aren’t exactly known for being chill. Ha
- Comment on What are the best skills to invest in early in the game? 1 year ago:
The jetpack it a whole new world. Being able to pick locks is kina a must too. Persuasion is definitely one you’ll want to invest in of you want to just talk people into doing whatever you want shy of shooting themselves in the face.
- Comment on Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam 1 year ago:
Same. I’m loving this shit. It has problems like every game, but they seem pretty insignificant to me with how much I’m enjoying myself.
- Comment on Legacy's End Space Battle: how to you beet this? 1 year ago:
What did it for me was basically parking my shit in the middle of the key and just shooting out at them. They seem to struggle to target you when you’re right next to the station. Reducing the total number of damage sources in this fight took priority for me over shooting down the high level guys first.
- Comment on is it likely that impeded videos will ever be a part of the lemmy experience? 1 year ago:
Just curious, is it not feasible because if the storage space the videos would take up or something to that effect?